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pure sugar! its basically sugar water with a hint of the tea

Flavors: Sugar, Sweet

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Flavors: Bitter, Sour

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
19 tasting notes

angrily smashes plastic cup

This is not tea! This is not tea! THIS IS NOT TEA!

five minutes of hyperventilating later

Glad I got that out of my system. Now, reviewing this in a more mature manner. This is not a tea I enjoy, nor is it a tea I think many experienced tea drinkers will enjoy. It’s more sugar than tea. And if you have to have more sugar then tea to enjoy tea you might as well have a Coke.

Flavors: Artificial, Sugar, Sweet

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
19 tasting notes

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I’m not going to pretend that the real star of the show was the tea this morning. It was really all about the sausage biscuit, but I decided at that last minute I wanted iced tea instead of hot tea, and I don’t have a set-up for making iced tea at school. I got the unsweetened tea and added my own sugar when I got to school.

Just standard, ho-hum tea, regular fast food-issue. Nothing special. Drinkable, but that’s about it.

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
24 tasting notes

I was surprised to see this on here. It’s really just brown sugar water, but I’m fond of it anyway. If I’m not feeling like hot tea (or actual tea) at work I pick up the big Styrofoam 32 oz on my way.

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
188 tasting notes

Ok… so I debated with myself as to whether or not to leave a tasting note for this one. I decided, “why not?”. So here goes.

My family often goes out to lunch after church on Sunday afternoons. This being Mother’s Day, Happy Mother’s Day to all you Steepsters by the way, we were going to let my mom choose where we would go. She passed the decision on to my son because a) today is his official 9th birthday and b) all of the restaurants she would have chosen would be crazy full today anyway. What an awesome mom I have!

My son chose McDonald’s because I instructed him “No Chuck E. Cheese!” He chose McDonald’s for the Play Place and the fact that he still gets a toy with his meal. One of these days maybe he’ll outgrow them. He and my 3 year old niece had a blast together.

Since the McDonald’s we went to had a serve yourself fountain, I decided to brave the iced tea… something I rarely do at a restaurant. I despise instant teas to the point I would rather go thirsty than drink one! This is fresh brewed, relatively, so I attempted it. I put some ice in my cup and just a bit of sweet tea… Blech, How does anyone drink this stuff?!? Soooo sweeetttt! I ended up mixing the sweet and unsweet to try and find a drinkable mix. The container ran out of unsweet, so I did with what I got, a little more sweet than I would have liked, but ok.

I found it more drinkable than I expected but with a bit of a weird aftertaste. I also find it a little thick feeling, maybe due to how long it sits in the container or something they add to it… ? I might get this once and awhile, blended w/un-sweet, if I was really feeling the need for tea but it certainly wouldn’t make the top of my ice tea list.

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Courtney 11 years ago

So weird! At McDonald’s here, the only iced tea they have is actual Nestea.

Stephanie 11 years ago

I do that at restaurants too, mix the unsweet and the sweet

Suziqzer 11 years ago

You know I didn’t even look to see what brand it was…

Sweet is too sweet and sugar doesn’t melt well in cold tea … Perfect compromise :)

Indigobloom 11 years ago

I hate that thickness in iced teas!! :/

Suziqzer 11 years ago

I know, kind of weird to me.

Indigobloom 11 years ago

Blech. I’ve tried to find out why, as I’ve noticed this in my home brews as well. Must research more!

Suziqzer 11 years ago

I don’t have that problem so much with home brewed iced tea, but I’m light on the tea bags and heavy on the spearmint. I do find I notice it some if it sits in the fridge a couple of days later in the season. Right now we are drinking it about as fast as I make it :)

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
311 tasting notes

I’m a Southerner so I’m used to ultra sweet tea. Most of the time this stuff is even too sweet for me though! Can be sickly so. Good prices for so much tea but has to be made just right and it’s yucky when its warm. A bit too much on the sugar.

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
11 tasting notes

the only thing that makes me drink this awfully sweet" tea" is when my stashes of tea run dry! A cheap last resort, a slap to the face, a distant memory of good tea….the taste of loneliness.

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
11 tasting notes

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
335 tasting notes

My mom LOVES this tea. I used to like it, but it’s so bleh to me now. I have had the sweet tea at Popeye’s and it’s better. Though none are as good as Folks in Atlanta, GA. They make the BEST sweet tea.

If I am in a pinch, and I NEED tea, I will order it. But that’s rare. With my new travel mug, where I can brew tea anywhere there’s hot water, I won’t need to go to McD’s…YAY!

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
7 tasting notes

OK, so today is a sad day for good tea practices.

Just a disclaimer, I’m a true Southerner and Iced Tea means supersaturated with sugar with a viscosity akin to motor oil.

As far as the preeminent fast food chain’s version of sweet tea goes, it’s spot on. I actually find myself getting it whenever I’m there, whereas I don’t even consider getting tea at any other fast food chain. Maybe it’s marketing, maybe it’s in my head, but it’s pretty good.

It’s not complex, not breathtaking, but a pretty accurate take on the Southern Tradition. Unfortunately, I don’t really appreciate the use of High Fructose Corn Syrup in stead of good ol’ Sucrose, but you can’t really tell.

Now if only I can find a way to get back to drinking good tea…

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With faint notes of nothingness and a slight empty feeling inside it’s great paired with McNuggets and an upset stomach.

; )

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
51 tasting notes

I don’t understand how people drink this stuff. Their not kidding when they say sweet. This was toooo sweet… I mean like it had some moments that had it okay, but erghhh it was kinda gross.
I knew I wasn’t going to get a healthy tea at Mc Donalds, but I mean this left a wierd taste in my mouth ( maybe because I was eating a fish filet but still haha )
Judging by other opinions, maybe they just didn’t make it right I’ll try another mc donalds in the near future and let you know.

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Tea for Me Please - Nicole Wilson 15 years ago

It’s an aquired taste. I developed a major sweet tea addiction after vacationing in Savannah, GA for a week. I’ve definitely eaten at McDonald’s that did not make it correctly though. On a hot summer day it hits the spot for me.

JonTea 15 years ago

Yeah it seems to be a hit, that’s why I felt a little left out that I wasn’t crazy about it. It was a nice day out today, so it was the perfect day for iced tea, I’ll try it again sometime…

malomorgen 15 years ago

hehe never thought i’d see a mcdonald’s tea on steepster ;)

Meghann M 15 years ago

They do make an unsweetened tea that they serve iced, but it’s not any better than iced lipton’s. funny seeing their tea reviewed here, but interesting.

Cofftea 15 years ago

I like sugar in all ways except in tea and suguar that isn’t in flavored syrup form in coffee. It’s SO hard to find unsweetened iced tea when I go out. Subway and Crate and Barrel are the only 2 I’ve discovered. And Crate and Barrel is a weird one since they serve Southern food.

JonTea 15 years ago

Subway makes one? I didn’t know, is it anygood?
Also the sweet tea did come unsweetened but it just didn’t look as exciting so I went for the sweeter one expecting they’ll go easy on me… Apparently not!
Yeah I thought it would be interesting to post a mcdonalds tea on steepster haha

Cofftea 15 years ago

They have a honey flavored sweetened one too (it may have lemon in it?)

It’s MUCH better than sweetened tea, but I’m not a fan of RTD iced tea… but this case could just be because it’s a black tea. Probably.

“the sweet tea did come unsweetened”… LOL! That may get you conked on the head in some parts of the south!:) If it’s unsweetened it is NOT sweet tea.;)

JonTea 15 years ago

LOL! I just noticed that, pretty funny.
The subway one sounds pretty good, I am a fan of fuze’s protein drinks so I’m sure they could pull off tea. The problem with the mcdonalds sweet tea is that it wasnt lite sugar it was like heavy syrupy sugar, thats what made it unejoyable for me

-Jessica- 15 years ago

Lol in Texas everyone LOVES sweet tea … It’s more like “would you like some tea with your sugar?” haha but I am not big on anything that is very sugary so I too stay away from their sugar tea drink :-)

MH_Bonham 15 years ago

I used to drink tea with a lot of sugar and even I had/have problems with sweet tea. The reason it is so sweet is that they add corn syrup. I’ve been told that they heat up the tea and add the syrup to make it sweeter yet. Ugh.

Meghann M 15 years ago

I even think the Subway one is too sweet. I think their is HFCS in with it as well as the honey because it is crazy sweet. I wonder if they have a concentrate that they pour in with it because they do “brew” it. At least at my Subway it gives the impression that it is brewed. The only place I’ve found amazing iced tea is at Corner Bakery Cafe. They have a black currant iced tea that Mighty Leaf tea makes for them and it is amazing without any additives. Yum. I love black Currant though. I may have to go there tomorrow and get an extra large tea :)

JonTea 15 years ago

mmmm, Sounds good :D
Yeah I don’t know about the subway one, I will try that this week :D

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
53 tasting notes

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
53 tasting notes

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
7 tasting notes

Although I much prefer brewing my own sweet tea, I’m glad McDonald’s has this now! It’s not half bad compared to some place’s ideas of what “tea” should be.

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
75 tasting notes

I don’t know why I like a fast-food sweet tea so much. Sweet tea itself is a different type of animal than regular brewed tea; it has a syrupyness that’s awesome. And McDonald’s does it right. :)

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
2 tasting notes

The best sweet tea from any fast food place!

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drank Sweet Tea by McDonald's
106 tasting notes

I don’t know why I like this stuff but it is one of the only fresh tasting fast food teas. I won’t touch the food there but I do like the tea.

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