Liber Teas

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drank Potpourri by Liber Teas
1015 tasting notes

I received this tea from a blog contest run by our very own LiberTEAS and TeaEqualsBliss. This is one tea that I was a bit apprehensive about since I’ve not always enjoyed floral teas in the past. However, I should not have been afraid of this one! This tea is absolutely great! Very feminine and nicely balanced. This is what every jasmine or rose tea aspires to be. The tea does not taste like perfume or soap, just nicely light and floral. I think the lemon myrtle really sets it over the top though! Great job, LiberTEAS!

Oh, and according to the nice personalized letter from LiberTEAS that I received with my package, the second infusion is better than the first….stay tuned!

3 min, 0 sec

I am so glad to hear that you like this one. I’m down to my last 2 ounce tin of it! But, I do want to get all this inventory out as soon as I can so that I can focus on something else – I have been working on something pretty cool! :)

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drank Potpourri by Liber Teas
196 tasting notes

A lovely tea hot, with lemon and floral and just as lovely cold brewed. Altogether a very nice blend. It’s also quite pretty and smells good.

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drank Potpourri by Liber Teas
788 tasting notes

Steep Information:
Amount: 3 tsp
Water: 500 ml filtered water at 165°F
Tool: Breville One-Touch Tea Maker BTM800XL
Steep Time: 2 minutes
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: potpourri, like a floral one you’d find in a bag at the store, looks like it too!
Steeped Tea Smell: rose, lemon, floral
Flavor: lemon, rose, floral
Body: Medium
Aftertaste: lemon, floral
Liquor: translucent orange-green

I won this in a SororiTEA Sisters contest (a tea review blog, you should go give it a look).

It’s a very frou frou floral tea, not vegetal at all. I wish there were a bit less lemon flavor though.


165 °F / 73 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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Finished up my stash this morning. Did a ‘double shot’ of it…doubly bold! Just as good! The Vanilla was ‘just right’ and it was bold yet smooth esp into the aftertaste! YUM!

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Thanks AGAIN LiberTEAS!!! You ROCK!

This is one of her own blends folks!!!

This is GOOD STUFF!!!!

Bold for Breakfast time with a little bit of natural sweetness! Smooth too! I can taste the vanilla but it’s not interrupting the other awesome flavors.


I really like this!

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Sipdown no. 1 of May 2019 (no. 63 of 2019 total, no. 551 grand total).

This held up well, and I enjoyed drinking the last of it. I never tried it as a cold tea because I haven’t really found chocolate teas to work well cold. LiberTeas did a very nice job with this one, and I remember being happy to buy some of the last of it many years ago. Which is one of the reasons I hoarded it until I just couldn’t justify not sipping it down.

I feel comfortable with the rating, though seeing as I actually like it a bit better than the Upton caramel I’ve been drinking which I rated an 81, I’m bumping this to 81 and the Upton down to 80.

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Having now had a number of chocolate teas, I’m returning to the first one I tried with the express purpose of seeing where it fits among the others I’ve tried over the past few months. Ok, that and the fact that my compulsiveness is kicking in and it’s starting to bug me that I have some notes without ratings. I’ll be fixing that for all of them sooner rather than later.

This one is fitting quite nicely into my afternoon. It’s got a rather mild chocolate flavor, not the baking chocolate I’ve tasted in a number of teas, nor a sweet milk chocolate, but somewhere in between. I’m thinking dark chocolate, sort of semi-sweet. It does chocolate well. That is definitely the flavor that is front and center.

Sometimes I think I’m getting a rose note, other times it seems like one of those things where you think you saw something then decide you didn’t really, it was a brain blip of some kind. I get that feeling mostly mid sip, when the tea is right up against my soft palate, and I’m guessing some of the rose heads straight up into my nasal cavity. Then again, not sure it needs a lot more rose. The petals are pretty and add romance, but I’m not sure the tea is trying to be a rose flavored tea. (Maybe LiberTEAs can answer that?) I understand the reference to vanilla, it’s that chocolate/vanilla continnum I’m finding to hold true with a lot of flavors. Seems like there’s a place where they merge and become virtually indistinguishable.

The tea base is smooth and I get some sweetness from it. After tasting a number of chocolate teas, I feel I can say this is a very nice one.


Morgana: no, this is not trying to be a rose tea, the roses are added for appearance sake only. You might taste just a hint of rose occasionally, which is to be expected with the addition of rose petals to any blend because they do have a distinct flavor that translates. But, a true rose tea is one that is scented at the source (usually where it’s been harvested and oxidized) because it is only at that young stage of the tea leaf that it can fully absorb the rose essence. The same is true with Jasmine. The young tea leaves are layered with the flower petals and they absorb the essence.

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I think I may have nabbed the last of this, and I’m glad I got a chance to try it. :-)

I am about to start a chocolate tea frenzy. I have a number of different varieties that have arrived in the last couple of days, and I am sorely tempted to lock myself in a room and drink them seriatim until I achieve a state of enlightenment or pop, whichever comes first. But given the realities of reality, and the fact that I’ve become more caffeine sensitive over the years, that’s not happening.

Since I don’t yet have anything to compare this to I am not going to give a numerical rating at this time, but I will say that this is an adorable little tea — the rose petals give it a very sweet and cuddly look and are soothing to watch as they drift placidly in the water while they steep. They seem to contribute a slight sweetness and softness to this blend, though they aren’t something I can distinguish by taste individually. But that’s ok, because the main attraction here is the chocolate, and that is present in spades. Nice job, LIBER Teas.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Thank you… so glad you’re enjoying it.

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Finishing up a cup before sending my last little bit to Meghann. The aroma of the cinnamon really comes thru today but the flavor is gentle due to the lovely vanilla and rose. It’s somewhat sweeter than I remember and for some reason I think this would make an awesome Ice Cream Flavor! I know that’s random…but it’s one of the first things that entered my mind when sniffing this today! :)

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I’m in a flavored black tea sort of mood today and I probably won’t shy away from it. I thought I would revisit this one and today it certainly fits my f antsy! The Vanilla, Cinnamon, and Rose are in perfect harmony! Upping the rating on this one!


Yay for upping the rating on it! :)


Oh, this sounds so delightful!!


I love the name of this one!

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Thanks LiberTEAs!!!

My first cup of the day!
I can smell the black tea and vanilla and rose and a sweetness
I can taste the black tea, the rose, and the cinnamon.

The Cinnamon is what makes this blend different.

This is not something I would normally be drawn to but thought it looked interesting when LiberTEAs reviewed it. I’m so glad I got the chance to try it.

As an afterthought…I can taste the vanilla in the aftertaste moreso…
not bad at all.

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Boy do I LOVE this stuff. It’s even better with an ice cream sandwich. Yummy!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

You know that when you enjoy a treat such as an ice cream sandwich with tea, all the calories/fat grams from the ice cream sandwich/treat melt away?? ;)

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Sweet, I think I know what I’ll be doing from now on. :-)

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I just love this one it hits the sweet spot. I am so happy I decided to purchase this one. :-)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I am happy you made that decision, too! :)

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Just got my Box O’ Goodies from LiberTeas – Thanks so much!

So I started on this tea right away…mostly because I love caramel tea and well Gun’s and Roses. LOL. Boy, was this an awesome tea. I will have to get my very own tin and it shall be my “precious.” This tea has a deep, rich, velvety caramel flavor. I must admit I feel naughty drinking this, it tastes sinful. Nevertheless, it is wonderful and a must try. Thank you for sending me this tea.

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

You’re very welcome! :)


It has become one of my faves!


How exactly would one procure a tin of this if one was so inclined? (not that I can afford it atm and I know that you stopped blending, but I can dream, can’t I?) ;)


@Rabs well, I don’t have tins at the moment (although I have contemplated getting another case to package up the rest of my supply) You can visit my artfire shop here:


Thanks so much! :)


you’re welcome!

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

LiberTeas Just bought your last one of these teas. So glad I knew about this one before it was to late.


Rachel: Thank you for the order, I do have some left, I just haven’t posted it all to my shop yet. Did you want a tin for this? If so, I am ordering the tins this Monday, but they won’t arrive until the following week, which would prolong the wait for the order. But if you don’t mind waiting, I will include the tin at no extra charge. If you’d rather just have the refill packaging, I will go ahead and mail that out on Monday.

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

I would be happy to wait…thank you!


Sure… OK. I will send yours in a tin. :)

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There is NOTHING WRONG with doing a 2nd infusion with this one!!! WOW! YUM!

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Upping again! YUM!!!! YUM!!!!
SIPDOWN tho…boo hiss…it will be missed!

I had a HUGE CHUNK of Caramel in mine this time…YUM! I may try a 2nd infusion just for kicks.

This is wonderful!

NOTE TO SELF…this goes awesomely with my MIL’s CAKE!

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It just seemed right!!!

I had to listen to this song while consuming…it should be part of the experience!

This smells sweet and dark and caramel-E. It sort of tastes like a Caramel Flavored Coffee or Toffee or would make a great NO…scratch that…and AWESOME Coffee Alternative!

This is a loud but good flavored tea! It certainly has the Axl “Scream” down pat. And at the end of the sip…the Axl “Dance”. It’s a smooth aftertaste which is wonderful!

I figure the PERFECT Infusion consists of you pulling the loose leaf from the water right at the beginning of Slash’s JAM OUT Session beginning around 2:53.


Thank you SO MUCH LiberTEAs for sending me some!!!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

mmm… Axl.


LOL – Yeah…he looked a lot better back then! :P


Yes he did. But then, so did I. LOL


Ah…Didn’t we all!? LOL – True, True!!! HAHA!

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drank Meadow Nocturne by Liber Teas
328 tasting notes

A subtle blend of flavors w/lavender predominating and chamomile providing its buttery note. As this blend has lots of ingredients from honeybush, hibiscus, chamomile, hops, and lemon myrtle, it is like a relaxing, night-time “chai”. Luckily, for me, the hibiscus is not noticeable and really, this is not too lemony either. Just a smooth tisane.

I have been drinkning this for the last several nights and have been enjoying this as my last drink of the evening….And liking it more each time….

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drank Masterpiece Chai by Liber Teas
328 tasting notes

Thank you, thank you Liberteas for this generous sample! This is a near perfect chai, no one spice or flavor predominates, no fancy milk steeping/boiling required. Although flavorful, it is a perfect chai for any novices who may be hesitant to sample the exotic blend of spices. I have had this three times since the sample arrived two days ago!

For comparisons- this one blows Golden Moon’s Kashmiri Chai out of the water. Liberteas’ is similar to Golden Moon is that it is mild but Liberteas’ version has more well-rounded flavors typical of a chai. To compare w/Samovar’s chai, this one is not as strong but certainly not any less good. Especially for the summer, Samovar’s almost seems to “heavy” right now….


Thank you Lori, I am so pleased to read that you’ve enjoyed this tea. This one is one of which I am extremely proud, because I set out to do exactly what I wanted with it. I am glad to know you like it!

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drank Sweet Caramel O Mine by Liber Teas
328 tasting notes

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drank Sweet Caramel O Mine by Liber Teas
328 tasting notes

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drank Sweet Caramel O Mine by Liber Teas
328 tasting notes

Still love this blend and it is one of my fave dessert teas- the assam and caramel- perfect!!!


I am really glad you like it!


Sounds delicious!


It is!

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drank Sweet Caramel O Mine by Liber Teas
328 tasting notes

I have gone smoothie crazy! I got a new blender yesterday and if I can blend it, I will.

Soo, why not a frozen tea smoothie? As this one has a strong caramel flavor, I figured it could hold up to the addition of ice and milk. Now this is a true desert tea…


YUM! That sounds good!

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drank Sweet Caramel O Mine by Liber Teas
328 tasting notes

First, I better not get too attached …Liberteas sent me a sample and I am thinking this is a limited edition since she is closing up the business.

This tea has a strong, natural caramel flavor. And I am going to miss this tea. It tasted like an old-fashioned Brach’s caramel square in the plastic wrapper….

I haven’t had too many caramel teas- just a sample from Upton’s (which I remember enjoying but can’t recall the taste) and a tin of Adagio’s caramel creme (which tasted artificial to me)…Oh well, the search continues…I have high hopes for Kusmi’s caramel tea…


Lori: I do have a plentiful supply of this particular tea, since I just reblended it. :)

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