Gold Kili

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drank red date tea by Gold Kili
8 tasting notes

Easy to make but not a so pleasant smell. The taste however is very sweet.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 8 OZ / 250 ML

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drank Ginger Drink by Gold Kili
21 tasting notes

I don’t really know what to say about this tea except that I love ginger anything so having this drink satiates my ginger lusts. Ginger tea is also good, this is for the ladies, with blood flow and cramps should you not have a heating pack around when in need. I find that this one is much more potent than other ginger packets and teas. It comes in little granules and because of how intense the ginger is, half a packet will do nicely.

Flavors: Ginger, Spicy

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drank Ginger Drink by Gold Kili
21 tasting notes

I made this 2 days ago because I caught a bug and I was feeling terribly nauseous. I actually suffered the whole day before it came to me while laying in bed that ginger was an excellent remedy for nausea. I knew I had run out of ginger tea but I made myself go check the cupboard anyway. Low and behold, there was one pack waiting for me. It was a perfect remedy that allowed my nausea to settle down enough for me to fall asleep. The next morning, at least in the stomach department, I was whole once more

Flavors: Ginger

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drank Ginger Drink by Gold Kili
21 tasting notes

This is my favorite tea! I grew up drink and eating a lot of ginger so I’m inclined towards ginger tea. The ginger flavor is so strong and I absolutely love it. It is great for stomach cramps and clearing my sinuses. I could drink this everyday!

Flavors: Ginger

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drank Ginger Drink by Gold Kili
5 tasting notes

This ginger tea is the best instant ginger tea that I have ever had. It is perfect for those days that you have a sore throat as it burns on the way down and leaves your throat feeling minty. It has a strong ginger taste to it that just warms you up and makes you feel better on your sick days. I highly recommend this tea for those that like strong ginger teas and those that have a sore throat.

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drank Ginger Drink by Gold Kili
2 tasting notes

I find the flavor of this “tea” to not be very enjoyable, which came as a surprise because I am very fond of spicy things. And this drink is definitely spicy to the point where I am sure most people I know couldn’t even handle it. Seems like it’d be good to rid a stuffy nose though, but then again so is our pharmacy’s basic nose spray and that doesn’t make me struggle through a cup of liquid lava.

Right now, I am drinking a big mug of only one full sachet that I’ve dissolved in hot boiled water, to try and calm the burning stomach acid. It feels a little counterproductive to drink something so spicy, however main reason I got this drink is for it’s ailing properties, not per say for it’s taste, though it would’ve been nice had I been able to appreciate the flavor more as well.

I think this will be better enjoyed for it’s flavor when I’d use about a teaspoon from a sachet and put that in a cup of chai latte or something of the sort. To drink this purely though, is too much for me to enjoy. Anyway. It’s now been a while since I’ve finished this drink to try and get my stomach to calm down. It didn’t help at all. So I personally do not recommend this tea, neither for it’s flavor or the medicinal approach. It’s personal though.

Flavors: Ginger, Honey

Boiling 8 min or more 18 g 7 OZ / 200 ML

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drank Ginger Drink by Gold Kili
2 tasting notes

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A friend bought a package of these, and gifted them to me. It came with a mug that indicates how “work ready” I am based on how much of the mug is gone. Cute!
I tried the tea while in the office the other day. It was surprisingly good, but very sweet. Almost as sweet as a regular full strength latte at starbucks. Too much for me!
Looking at the ingredients (all the things that shouldn’t go in a “healthy” drink including hydrogenated oils), I expected a mug of fake matcha flavouring. Except it was actually pretty accurate; a melted hot version of matcha ice-cream. Not the super creamy ice-cream where the flavour is more of a background note, but the kind where your mouth kinda puckers from the dryness in the matcha powder.
I don’t think I will ever be able to consume all of what my friend gave me. While uberly yummy, it is just too sugary for my tastes. Maybe I can find a way to use it up in cooking? baking? I’ve used regular matcha powder in baking, but with all the extra ingredients here I’m not sure how it would work

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Nicole 8 years ago

Maybe to flavor whipped cream or frosting?

Indigobloom 8 years ago

That’s a good idea. It’s been years since I made frosting. Never done whipped cream myself. Hmmm. Ideas!

Indigobloom 8 years ago

I just made a cuppa for a friend. She didn’t like the umami flavour so added some after eight hot chocolate mix, and it’s really good!
We got to talking and came up with the idea of making tea pops in the summer, and possibly coating it in dark chocolate. I just need to remember the idea when summer gets here :)

Bear With Me 8 years ago

I was going to say, do tea pops! or pudding. pudding is good. or just mix it with greek yogurt to make a tasty dip for fruit.

Actually, on the topic of the yogurt. If you have an ice cube mold with itty bitty wells, you could mix the powder with yogurt, freeze it in the ice cube tray, pop the pieces out, dip in dark chocolate, and freeze, then throw them in a baggie and keep them in the freezer for any time you want a little something. You could even toss a couple into a smoothie if you wanted to.

Indigobloom 8 years ago

Noms. It sounds tasty. Hopefully those ideas work out! I look forwarwd to experimenting :P
Loooooove the yogurt idea

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WHOA. I was expecting a hit of ginger with this tea, but this is UBER GINGER INCARNATE.

Not that that’s a bad thing. I’m just glad that I didn’t follow the instructions on the package – they recommended using 1 cup of hot water per packet, but I used 2 cups instead. Even with double the amount of liquid, it is still a giant ginger tsunami.

Whenever I go to Spring Rolls, I almost always get their ginger tea, and have tried for years to figure out what they put in it. This tastes pretty much exactly the same, so that’s one less thing to worry about!

Seriously. This is ginger-iffic.

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Indigobloom 9 years ago

Ooooh ginger tea! yessssssssss

Christina / BooksandTea 9 years ago

I don’t know if “tea” is the right word for this. It wasn’t a teabag with leaf inside it. Instead it was this crystallized powder that you just add hot water to.

I’m surprised by how much I like this, and it did help my stomach last night, so I’m considering finding some more.

Indigobloom 9 years ago

Ah I think I’ve had it somewhere as well. Where did you find it?

Christina / BooksandTea 9 years ago

I picked it up from the Great Canadian Travelling Tea Box. I think Lala was the one who put it in there…

OMGsrsly 9 years ago

There are lots of brands of these types of drinks. I love them, especially for walks on cold days. :) I don’t think I’ve had a bad one yet.

Indigobloom 9 years ago

Sounds uberly hydrating as well :)

Christina / BooksandTea 9 years ago

I don’t know about the hydrating part – it was so sweet that I made a cup of herbal tea afterwards to balance it out.

Indigobloom 9 years ago

Wow that’s a lotta honey to be that sweet. Love me some honey :P

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I’ve had this at least four times in the past week, as evidenced that I only have one package left. Boo. Still junky/fake food tea, but oh-so-yum.

Boiling 8 min or more 12 OZ / 354 ML
DeliriumsFrogs 10 years ago

Sometimes junky/fake is the best thing in the world. lol

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Uh, so…. this packs a whallop of caffeine. Like, more than any matcha I’ve had (and I used to drink it constantly, it helped me to focus). It’s like the junk food of matcha – comes pre-packaged, has a ton of ingredients that shouldn’t be in there including glucose (twice) and hydrogenated oils, you name it. Yet the ginger zing really, really came out in this – almost like a ginger latte more than a ginger matcha latte. Guilty pleasure, just maybe not so late (2pm) in the day, because it’s 9pm now, and I feel very weird. Not good. Definitely the matcha.

Flavors: Ginger, Sugar, Sweet

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Anlina 10 years ago

I love Gold Kili’s Ginger Latte and Ginger Drink but I’ve never seen any of their products with matcha in them for sale near me. It sounds really tasty.

I could probably just make my own, with a packet of ginger drink (which has very few ingredients) a spoon of matcha and some cream.

MissB 10 years ago

I would say that would be a healthier option? Lol. Found this in an Asian grocery store in ixelles, Belgium.

DeliriumsFrogs 10 years ago

It sounds like the ‘instant ramen’ version of ramen! (Which means, I’d be totally down with it, in an ’I’m just going to inhale this food and not pay attention to the ingredient label, because, gosh darn it, I want this right now!’, sort of way. lol )

Indigobloom 10 years ago

Oh man I bet this would be divine with a splash of honey! Unless it’s already almost too sweet

MissB 10 years ago

That’s exactly it DeleriumsFrogs! Indigobloom, would you believe it has honey in it already? It’s very, very sweet. Still tasty!

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drank Ginger Drink by Gold Kili
871 tasting notes

I know this is not really tea per se, but it is already in the data base so I thought I would give my review.

I have become addicted to bento. For most of my life I have been addicted to Asian cuisine, very specifically Japanese. And every once in a while I fancy myself an amazing chef and try my hand at making some delicious food. Just a note, Japanese chefs are amazingly skilled, that stuff is hard to pull off and make taste good. But even harder to pull it off and make it look good too. Throughout my bento quest I have been doing a lot of experimenting. So long story, I decided this weekend I was going to go all out and make sushi. I haven’t made sushi in such a long time. I ended up doing maki-sushi, a whole bunch of different onigiri, tamygoyaki, and some lettuce rolls. I wasn’t even hungry by the time I had everything prepared.

So anyway the point of this story is that I had to go shopping for ingredients, and I couldn’t find everything I wanted and I was scouring the shelves and came across this. And of course, I had to buy it.

I was not expecting too much, but if you were sitting in the room with me, this was my review: coughs out loud and then “WOW!”.

Holy spice, Ginger Drink! I actually used more water then recommended too. This comes packaged in individual servings. The granules are actually a fare size, they reminded me of yeasty coloured pellet fish food (gross, I know). The smell was kind of ginger but you could also strongly smell honey. After the tea is dissolved it smells strongly ginger, but it is almost not like real ginger. Is there such a thing as fake ginger? The taste of this is definitely kick you in the face ginger. There is quite a bit of spice too it. There is a very strong honey sweetness. There is more honey then I would have liked but this will work.

Someone in one of the threads was asking about teas for your nose? Well this one would definitely get your nose running and your sinuses clear.

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Anlina 10 years ago

My partner drinks this several times a day. It’s super tasty but a little too in your face for me to drink on a regular basis.

Mikumofu 10 years ago

That sounds like quite a sushi-making adventure!

Fjellrev 10 years ago

I’m sure your sushi is delicious! I used to make a couple vegetarian kinds at a previous job and it was so hard to truly perfect.

This sounds like an ultra strong ginger beer without the carbonation.

OMGsrsly 10 years ago

I love these ginger teas! And yes, Fjellrev, that’s basically what they taste like. But, ULTRA strong. :)

Lala, making sushi is so much fun! I hope you got to enjoy at least some of the finished product. :)

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My guy got me this at World Market not too long ago. When I need something sweet, I tend to go for this powdered drink mix. It’s like drinking candy. I know what I am paying for here, and this is no Koicha. (or usucha for that matter.) As for the ginger aspect, it is quite strong. I love ginger in all of it’s forms, and I am not afraid of the intensity of this. The flavor tries it’s best to drown out all trace of ‘tea,’ but to no avail.
For more than 6 oz. of water though, I usually double up the packets. It gets watery too easily.

Flavors: Ginger, Sugar

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drank Ginger Drink by Gold Kili
894 tasting notes

Ugh, PMS of doom, complete with nausea. I figured ginger might help, so my sweetie made me a cup of this. It’s sweet and spicy and incredibly potent – it tastes like pure ginger with sugar, which I think it basically is. Usually the back of the throat heat from it is nice, but last night it was a little too much.

Flavors: Ginger, Spicy, Sweet

sweetea 10 years ago

Saw this just yesterday, and debated getting a bag. Now I’m wishing I did. Have you tried the Ginger Matcha Latte (same company)?

Anlina 10 years ago

I haven’t seen any of their blends with actual tea in them, unfortunately. The stores around me only carry this and the Honey Ginger Latte, which is delicious.

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drank Ginger Drink by Gold Kili
894 tasting notes

This is sweet and extremely spicy. Super comforting if you’re not feeling well, or just need to warm up.

I had some last night, to help with nausea, which it really did, but this is also just a daily staple in our house.

Flavors: Ginger, Honey, Sweet

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an instant matcha powder, with mixed in sweetener, ginger and milk powder. Can be either served hot or cold. Ginger taste is quite overpowering, besides the fact that the resultant mixture is very green, matcha flavor is not easily discovered. Is rather sweet, reminds me somewhat of condensed milk. I consider this more a sort of warm softdrink rather then tea. I imagine this would be great for a sore throat.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec

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The taste of this instant tea reminds me of the base for bubble tea. it’s creamy and very sweet (i did not add any milk or sugar), but leaves an oily taste on the tongue. the ‘tea’ doesn’t really come through for me, it’s more of a bitter aftertaste. there are a lot of artificial ingredients in here also, which I’m not a fan of. But I do love bubble tea, and this is a quick and easy substitue if you can’t get out to a bubble tea shop.

AmazonV 14 years ago

i miss bubble tea!

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This tea is not that good for you since it’s a mix, but it’s also not that bad, and it tastes great! Not too sweet, a little bit of body from the milk (especially if you mix it with less water than it says to, like I do), and a good strong almost-real tea taste— not like the Lipton instant teas that all sort of taste harsh or sour at all.

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This is the only tea that I will add milk to. In fact, I add one spoon of sugar and a splash of milk into this one. This tea is so insanely wonderful, I drink it almost daily!

It’s probably all that random weird stuff that I don’t care much about in this tea, but it adds up to 70 calories if you don’t add extra milk and sugar like me. 10g out of the total 18g of this is sugar! Gosh that sounds horrible, but it does taste nice. So half of this tea is sugar; didn’t expect that. There is probably caffeine in this too. It still feels quite relaxing to drink this though.

Love this tea even with it’s unhealthy factors. Trust me, this stuff tastes good.

It’s in powder form, so one cup/ packet. So steep time? There isn’t really. Just pour in the tea and mix it.

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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drank Ginger Drink by Gold Kili
58 tasting notes

It sound ominous, doesn’t it? “Ginger Drink.” Reminds me of drinking Malk, now with Vitamin R! ;)

Let me assure you that this isn’t ominous at all. It’s dehydrated ginger and honey, and that’s it. It is also the second most brilliant thing ever when you are sick.

Feeling nauseous? Drink some of this. Sniffly, throat hurting, feeling achy and generally terrible? Drink some of this. It’ll perk you right up, seriously. Boiling water, maybe a little milk, and you’re good.

I may love it because of family associations, though. Y’see, my aunt had this family remedy for illness. Peel + slice up fresh ginger, then boil in a pot of water until the water gets really, really gingery. Pour it into your mug over crushed red chilli pepper flakes. Add a little honey or sugar if you like to sweeten it up. Milk also acceptable.

She was right, too. I felt better every time. The combination of ginger and chilli peppers can lick just about any feeling of sickness.

This is a lot like that, only with less effort involved. When you’re sick, chances are good you probably don’t feel like peeling ginger. (The slicing’s easy, but peeling ginger sucks out loud.) I’ve got a stockpile of this on hand for anytime I’m feeling at all under the weather. :)

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Shanti 15 years ago

I love the name of this tea, too…I actually thought of how they label stuff that looks like orange juice but is really HFCS and orange coloring “Orange Drink”. It’s just so…descriptive. Lol.
(Why are my bones so brittle? I always drink lots of…malk?)

Janefan 15 years ago

that’s great! I’ve had ginger green tea + lemon + honey + chili pepper flakes a few times this winter. If I wake up with a stuffy head it is the surefire way to clear it quick! I also keep ginger candies (Gin Gins brand) on hand at home and in my purse for nausea/carsickness etc.

takgoti 15 years ago

Slashed an artery? Drink some of this. [Sorry, had to do it.]

Anyhow, this sounds pretty good. Especially since I’ve really not been digging straight chamomile lately.

Sabina 15 years ago

In trad Chinese medicine ginger + chili are yang – good for any yin unbalance, like winter colds, chills, or menstrual pains. :)

GingerAddict 14 years ago

Is it spicy by itself? I love spicy ginger tea!

Chailady 10 years ago

This is my favorite of the Instant ginger teas so far. Yes , it’s very spicy. I’ve actually never used it alone. I added it to my chai and it makes it wonderfully peppery and have that great ginger heat! I use about a teaspoon per cup of chai. Asian food stores carry several brands of this same type of thing. The others are a little sweeter and not as hot, so if you like heat and spiciness, this is your brand. Ginger tea is always my go-to drink for nausea or feeling bad in general.

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