1 Tasting Note
This is one of the best chais I’ve tasted , and I’m a real Chai lover!! I didn’t expect to like it so much, because I’ve tried the Starbucks Oprah chai & found it bland. This chia blend is so different than the Starbucks version. I do like to add ginger to all of my chai(for extra spicy heat) but other than the ridiculous price of 15$ for 2 oz , it’s wonderful. It actually inspired me to buy the spices and blend my own chai from scratch! I think it should be brewed longer/stronger than they recommend , & I use soy milk & agave syrup to sweeten.
Flavors: Anise, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cloves, Ginger
8 min or more
2 tsp
12 OZ / 354 ML
It’s on sale right now – through the 11th. $7.99. I stocked up.
Thank you so much for letting me know about the opera Chai being on sale! I would never have checked if you hadn’t sent the notice I just assumed – wrongly – that they would never put this particular one on sale. It’s still crazy expensive, but I will reserve it for special occasions. maybe I can make it last. By the way, I did buy the usual chai ingredients and try blending my own. Something is missing because I can’t get it spicy enough. Using cardamom, cloves, peppercorns ,cinnamon, star anise , dried ginger, & black tea(used orange pekoe ). I found the dried ginger to be flavorless- fresh is MUCH better.
Your welcome!