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I made this as an iced milky chai and it’s really good. The blend I have does contain sugar, and I don’t love it hot (too sweet), but cold it’s delicious!
I steeped 4 tsp for 3 min in 1 cup boiling water, and I used a tea bag – there are a lot of bits in this tea that are super finely ground, and I wanted to be sure that they wouldn’t end up in my final drink. Then I added 1 cup cold water and chilled it.
My drink was ice, 2/3 milk, 1/3 chai concentrate. It’s so good! I will be using up the rest of this bag making iced chai this summer. Yum.
This is one of those instant, mix it with hot milk and/or water things. But! It’s made locally of local and fair trade products, so my Vancouver hipster cred (ha!) is intact.
It’s sweetened. Too much tbh, but I don’t usually put sugar in my tea anymore. I used some coffee cream, because I had it, and some boiling water. It’s decent. Lots of vanilla, which is nice, although I still don’t get the “London Fog” thing of bergamot and vanilla. The first time I ever had one way back in the day, it was just earl grey tea steeped in steamed milk. Which you can’t get anymore because they always add water to it.
Had another big mug of this yesterday, so this is a backlog. I really wish I could get the same flavor out of this without having a ton of dregs at the bottom that refuse to mix. Otherwise, it’s perfect (other than being too sweet) and kicks any bug to the curb.
Backlogged from last night’s marathon of sleeplessness and potentially fighting off a cold.
Tried it again, realizing that I’d grossly underleafed it last time (1/2 tbsp instead of a full one). This time I really got the cayenne and ginger, and it was delicious. Still had a large amount of dregs at the bottom that refused to mix into the hot liquid though. If this were unsweetened, it would be my tea of choice on many days.
EDIT: Upping the rating, as I really do enjoy this, it’s just still way too sweet for my needs.
Backlogged from yesterday (I think).
Ordered this from SPUD, a local organic delivery company that offers some really great food and products, many of which originate in the Vancouver, Canada area. This is one of those products.
“Stone ground tea” is prominently posted on the packaging, and it looks like dried, ground honey (and smells like it, too). I wasn’t a huge fan of sweeteners being added to the mix already, however I love ginger teas, and this is something I could see myself drinking when feeling icky. So, I grabbed some.
It requires a tablespoon per cup, and I found it difficult to dissolve so many solids into the allotted hot liquid. I’ll try 1 tsp next time, as I used the dregs from the first cup to make another two cups, and it tasted the same each time.
This is very similar to a ginger tea I used to buy at a local Asian grocery store years ago: powdered ginger, powdered honey, add hot water, serve. I stopped drinking that one because, although inexpensive and really yummy, it was just too much sugar. I have the same issue with this tea. It’s yummy, it’s also got ground rooibos in it, however it’s just way too sweet for me.
Interesting, I had never seen/heard of this until I was in London Drugs Saturday. I bought the Caramel Chai.
Will keep it in mind to use a lot less than recommended.
Whoa this is a jolt to the system. It mostly tastes like ginger with a healthy shot of spicy cayenne pepper and a citrus tang that reminds me a bit of Neo Citron. It has the tendency to settle no matter how well the powder is stirred in, which means it gets stronger as you get towards the bottom and the last few sips nearly had my eyes watering.
I’m going to save the rest of this for the depths of winter as I’m prone to colds and this seems like something that would actually help a bit. I don’t know if I’d drink this for enjoyment – it’s a bit much for me.
I’m not sure if I’m sick or if I’m reacting to the fire yesterday
So I’m at home drinking ALL THE GINGER TEAS. All of them.
This one now. I pulled it out of my hiking stash (which isn’t included in my tea list, shhhhhh) and I still love it. I just wish it wasn’t so expensive, or I’d definitely stock it more regularly.
Also, I burned my tongue on this tea. Whoops.
I glutened myself yesterday, so today has been a lot of sleeping, and now a lot of comforting teas. The ginger, lemon and honey in this one is a perfect, easy tummy soother. Not so great if you don’t like rooibos, though. :)
I was feeling awful this morning, so I had this in a travel mug. Oh, it was divine. The ginger, the sweetness, the lemon, and the bite from the cayenne. The only thing I could do without is eating the grounds when I get to the bottom of the cup!
In fact, I just made another travel mug full, and am taking it with me to sip on while I curl up and read a book.
I love this when I’m feeling under the weather. In fact, I just made up a mug and am waiting for it to cool to drinkable temperatures!
It’s spicy, sweet and gingery. The citrus in it isn’t enough to hurt my sore throat, and the honey and ginger are immensely soothing. So much easier than making my own hot honey-and-lemon drink. I have repurchased this tea mix again and again.
One thing I really like is that the rooibos isn’t like a normal “instant” tea – rather, it’s leaves that have been ground down to a powder, even though this means that if you stir up your mug the texture can be a little gritty.
Got a sample of this from LiberTEAS thank you girl!
This is good but its no Red Leaf Tea matcha.
I am a bit confused by it – I mean the flavor is good – lightly vanilla but good, and very fluffy when frothing but its so white!
I was thinking someone stole the matcha out of it lol.
The flavor of the matcha is also a little too light for my taste.
I would never turn it down if offered but on the other hand this is in my opinion is much more like something you would serve the kids, or husband, or wife who are not into matcha to get them something healthy and sweet.
I like it – but Im too in love with Red Leaf to order more.
Thank you LiberTEAS for sending me a nice sized sample!
I will enjoy this quite a bit until it is gone.
This morning when I woke up, I needed MATCHA … and I wanted a latte, so, I grabbed this. I have enough of this for one more latte, I think.
Delicious as always, sweet, and still has that weird yet yummy ovaltine taste … I’m not sure why I like that so much, but I do.
So… this will exceed my Matcha limit for the day, but I had a couple of bananas that either had to be used today or I needed to freeze them, and so I decided to whip up a smoothie. Greek Yogurt, bananas, frozen strawberries, half & half (still haven’t gotten any more coconut milk or kefir for my smoothies), and this Matcha… it is a creamy, delicious, heavenly treat. And even though it is incredibly creamy and rich, I can still taste all the flavors. I taste the honey from the yogurt as well as that tangy taste from it, I taste the bananas and strawberries as well as the creamy vanilla tones and the hint of vegetative taste from the matcha. This matcha tends to be less vegetative than others though, as it really is strongly vanilla. Yum yum Yum!!!
teehee – no worries – I do like it but I’m doing some major wheelin’ & dealin’ lately! I think I have logged it 6 times or so :)
I made a smoothie using some of this, a little bit of half & half (I usually use coconut milk but I’m out of it today), some frozen strawberries, 1 1/2 bananas, an apricot and some Greek yogurt. Basically, I just throw whatever fruit in that I have on hand, add some yogurt and something to “wet it down” (aka coconut milk or half and half) and a generous scoop of matcha.
The result is yummy deliciousness. The vanilla in the matcha gives this more of a milkshake kind of taste rather than a smoothie (I’m sure that the bit of half and half play a part in that too). But it’s yummy, sweet, and while it probably isn’t as good for me as I’d like it to be, I somehow manage to convince myself that it’s a healthy meal option since it’s just too hot to go in the kitchen and cook. This is cool and delicious. Win Win!
I used 2 tablespoons this time instead of one and noticed a definite improvement in the flavour. The colour is still a weird-looking shade of greyish green, but I supposed I can get over that. ;) I like that despite being a powdered mix it isn’t super-sweet unlike, say David Rio’s chais.
I managed to get a canister of this tea on sale at my local organic foods store which was lucky because it’s usually quite expensive and I likely wouldn’t have tried it otherwise.
I followed the steeping directions on the container that recommended 3/4 cup steamed (well heated in the microwave in my case) milk with 1 tbsp of the matcha powder, and I then filled the mug up the rest of the way with hot water. I didn’t wisk the matcha, I just made sure to stir it thoroughly with a spoon which seems to have gotten more or less the same result. The latte doesn’t look very matcha-ish being sort of an off-white colour, though there’s lots of nice froth on top – I love frothy lattes.
It’s a little bit short in the flavour department as the most prominent thing I can taste is the milk. Still I can tell that the matcha and chocolate are there – they’re just hiding. ;) The chocolate is the sort of flavour you’d find in a basic Cadbury hot chocolate mix, going for that sweet, milk chocolate flavour rather than the richer, bitter-sweet cocoa flavour. The grassy matcha is an interesting counterpoint to the chocolate – almost a yin to its yang or something silly like that.
This wasn’t bad at all for an experimental first cup, though next time I’ll add more of the powder and see if I can’t get more flavour out of it.
It’s been a while. I picked up a new bag of this from the grocery store on-campus (it’s surprisingly well-stocked).
Sinc ethen they’ve changed the name, and the design on the front. And I realized recently that they no longer carry their chocolate matcha nor their ginger matcha at all (I hadn’t seen them in a while, but I just assumed the vanilla was a better seller); sucks because I wanted to try those.
Still delicious. Never needed to be sifted, it was always clump-free on its own, somehow. And only three ingredients.
Kind of wish I’d picked up the tin back when I had the chance. Would have been great to re-use for this once they switched to bagged. I think this is my third or fourth time picking this up.
Finished this off today. I might get more. I really liked it. The vanilla isn’t overpowering, and it matches very well with the vegetal matcha. Matcha doesn’t taste incredibly fresh, but I wouldn’t expect it to.
I got a milk frother a few months ago and enjoy adding the foam to this. Mm.