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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

This is by far the most time intensive matccha flavoring I’ve done so far. 3g ginger root steeped in 8oz water for 3 min, decanted, and then steeped 1 bag of ROT’s Get Relaxed! in the ginger water for 7 min. Then I added the infusion to one scoop matcha. The ginger was surprisingly strong, almost over powering. The rose, although I wish it had been stronger, was a lovely addition, and the mandarin oange provided a nice sweetness. A word of warning though- this is not a pretty color… almost sewer-ish.

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Wow, I didn’t have this yet today! I didn’t get around to drinking tea before lunch (chicken breast w/ Dr. Tea’s BBQ tea rub and a salad), so I had a half bowl for dessert. And it works. It’s slightly sweet, rich, and creamy. As I tipped back the bowl to get the last drops, my mom (who thinks matcha looks gross so she won’t try it) looks at me and says “What? No crust?” It’s a joke in our family. I tend to leave something on my plate after a meal. Like w/ hamburgers (how the phrase got started), I almost always leave about half of the very outter edge of the burger (typically the back or end farthest from my mouth) because the edges can dry out. I do this w/ chicken and pizza as well. If I don’t leave any crust, you know I love it! So, NO CRUST!=D

180 °F / 82 °C

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Made mandarin matcha drinking chocolate for breakfast:) 1/3 c milk, 3TB drinking chocolate mix, 1 scoop matcha.

The matcha is light, but evident, and you can tell there’s something else in it- but I’m not sure you can tell it’s orange.

185 °F / 85 °C

I have looked at the mandarin matcha but was really, really hesitant about the thought of orange and matcha. I love matcha but I also love the natural bitter flavour. I was worried the orange undertone would be too strong. Do you reckon it is still all right as plain, proper matcha, or is it more for mixing and desserty fun? I see you give it a high rating, so I am curious what you think.


I LOVE IT! I drink it plain often. I also flavor it in more non dessert ways like adding herbals like rose, peppermint, and ginger. Check out my other tasting notes:) There aren’t many left, get yours quick. I promise you will not regret it.

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Yes, I’m having this again:) I had musk melon for lunch so I thought I’d try adding some matcha. 1 scoop over 1/2 cup melon (in my matcha bowl of course) and stir. Unfortunately I didn’t think and most of the matcha runs off because of the high water content of the melon (this was a REALLY juicy melon). Oh well. The flavor of the matcha isn’t terribly strong, just enough to make you say “Hmmm… something’s different…”. Also the orange is all but lost. Then why did I use this? 2 reasons- the incredibly fine texture and the fact that I have much more of this than my unflavored matcha. The part I REALLY love is the melon juice in the bottom. A lot of the matcha collected there and that’s where you can really taste the melon marry w/ the matcha. Yum! Hey Fred, can we have a musk melon matcha please?:)


Musk melon matcha does sound good. I would be tempted to try that as well.


I don’t like practically anything labeled midori or melon flavored because it’s always honeydew. I hate honeydew. Musk and watermelons are the only ones I like.


…I don’t think I even know what a musk melon is. :O


It’s a very sweet melon w/ a peachy flesh and light beige rind.

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

1/2 bowl… coats my tongue like a blanket… I just wish it actually kept me warm:)

180 °F / 82 °C

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Have I mentioned this is perfect before? It is. My 1/2 bowl was especially good today, but I’m not sure why. When I 1st got this, I thought it was rather sweet but I’m starting to rethink that. Maybe my tastebuds are changing. It’s a perfect balance.

180 °F / 82 °C

I just ordered some…I hope it gets here soon!


YAY! Let me know how you like it. I’m gonna cry, there are only 4 left. I know they said they didn’t have plans to, but I REALLY hope they reblend it.

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

A new matcha experiment: cold matcha

In such a rush that even heating water is out of the question or so warm that just the thought of holding a hot bowl, much less drinking something hot makes you feel faint? Try this!

3oz cold water and 1 scoop matcha.

The matcha doesn’t automatically disperse in the water like it does when hot, but does so completely w/ a little whisking. The color is not at all creamy like it is when hot.

Experimentation success… the flavors even seem to pop a little more. Just make sure you use VERY good quality purified water… I could see where that could screw this up in a hurry. I will say that the comfort factor is a little less than when prepared hot even though I drank this out of my bowl as usual. I’ll try it w/ unflavored and then again in the summer to compare.


How’s that for uncomplicated and unputzy Ricky? LOL=D


=] I thought you could add more water to a scoop of matcha if you were cold brewing it.


You could. I chose to have mine thick though. If you want it thin, add 8oz.


It’s not really cold brewing. It’s dump, dump, whisk, and drink.

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Just when I think I’ve hit rock bottom, I fall even further… Only God and matcha can get me out. If I’m gonna fall, I’m gonna fall deeper in love w/ Him and right into my matcha bowl. A half bowl warmed my body and my spirit. Keep the flavored matchas coming 52teas, my stomach and my soul are in desperate need of them.

180 °F / 82 °C

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Irish Orange Creme Matcha:
3oz hot water, 1tsp instant Irish Creme cappuccino mix, 1 scoop matcha.

The Irish Cream flavor is quite strong, but is sweetened by the orange. Not dreamsicle-esk though.

180 °F / 82 °C

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

1/2 a bowl w/ breakfast- a clementine (a very small orange w/ less pith and is much easier to peel) and 1/2 of a cranberry rhubarb muffin from Atlanta Bread Company.

180 °F / 82 °C

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Was up late reconnecting w/ a friend I haven’t talked to in 10 years so I definitely needed this before church to stay attentive! Prepared it thick today.

180 °F / 82 °C

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

1 scoop made thick, 3oz water. Matcha is strong, orange is strong… yummmy!!!

180 °F / 82 °C

For some reason, this review made me think of the Incredible Hulk. Don’t know why. Maybe the word “strong”? The Hulk is sort of a matcha green, maybe that was it.

If anyone finds a matcha called “Hulk Matcha” let me know. I’ll buy it!!


HAHA! I love it.

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Woke up REALLY FREAKIN COLD! The wind chill was -20 last nite (not sure about this morning) and mom forgot to pay the propane bill so we had no heat this morning. Thank God the guy could be here by 8:30. So I needed an extra warm feeling in my mouth besides just hot matcha. So I added some ginger. 1.5g steeped in 8oz water for 3min then added that w/ a scoop of matcha to my bowl. The ginger didn’t really affect the tast too much, just bit my tongue a bit and took away some of the sweetness of the matcha. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love this matcha, but I do think it’s just a tad too sweet and this balances it out perfectly.

180 °F / 82 °C

For 20+ years, my Father-in-law was the guy that the State Police/County Sheriff/Red Cross called to come fill a tank when someone ran out of propane at 3am in the middle of a blizzard…I hope you offered the propane guy something warm to drink.

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Back logging from this morning before church, half a bowl.

180 °F / 82 °C

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Made a half bowl for my friend Helen. I think she liked it. I know she loved the smell. I think I may send her a pouch to celebrate National Hot Tea Month.

180 °F / 82 °C

That would be a nice gift!


Already sent my best friend a pouch.

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Full bowl combined w/ Den’s Matcha Kaze. Although it wasn’t really equal parts. Mandarin matcha is so fine I end up w/ a lot more on the scoop than w/ my other 2 matchas. Actually kinda made my stomach funky. :( I guess there is such a thing as too much matcha… :,( A friend I haven’t seen since I graduated HS 5 yrs ago is coming over so I’ll back logging what we both drink after she leaves.

180 °F / 82 °C

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Double orange mint matcha. 1.5g orangemint steeped in 8oz water for 3 min then added to 1 scoop matcha and whisked in my matcha bowl. Quite minty, the orange comes thru as more of a sweetness, and the typical savory vegetal matcha flavor is also there.

180 °F / 82 °C

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Was just blessed by a great 45 min conversation w/ the person I thought I was least likely to ever speak to again so I decided to have a half bowl of this to celebrate. Smooth and creamy on my tongue. Slightly sweet, slightly grassy w/ a bit of orange.

180 °F / 82 °C

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes

Woke up to mom making gingerbread coffee this morning so I had that 1st instead of my matcha. Turned out to be the most flat, flavorless coffee I’ve ever had, but it wasn’t weak or diluted. Unflavored coffees have more flavor than this one! Sadly my dad and step mom got me a bag of random coffees for Christmas so now I have just as much coffee as I do tea in the house. Don’t get me wrong, I love coffee- but I don’t drink it nearly as much as I do tea. Oh well. I cold brewed one of the bags so I can make dirty chai lattes. Terry drinks coffee so I think she might be pulling the “I get you what I like” card that my dad does and they both accuse me of…

I said I would be having a full bowl of matcha every day for the month of Jan. (Does anyone know if there’s a National Matcha Month?), but today I think I’ll divide that into 1 portion of thick matcha and then half a bowl of thin matcha because I really want to try this prepared thick.

1 scoop matcha/3oz water. Definitely thicker in constistancy, but still mixes well as it did when I prepared it thin although I do give it a little help w/ my chasen. When I remove my chasen from the matcha I see a single orange cell (or is it called a membrane?) stuck to one of the threads. Yes! Proof that real oranges were indeed used.

The flavor is definitely stronger, more concentrated. But it is not bitter, chunky, or gritty. This is no doubt due to the very fine texture of the matcha. This would be a wonderful starter matcha specifically for someone looking to prepare it thick. Whatever way you decide to prepare it, this matcha won’t disappoint you.

180 °F / 82 °C

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
865 tasting notes


1st some 52teas business:
~Price point: Amazing -$12.99 for 2oz matcha and NO SHIPPING!

~Shipping: Again FREE, but there’s no tracking code which is a – for me (you can have it shipped not USPS for a charge, but a tracking code isn’t worth $ to me)

~Delivery time: Again, it was free (not many companies don’t charge you shipping for a 2oz package costing $12.99) and yes it was winter (which includes Christmas), but I ordered this way back on 12/18 so 15 days (double the estimate I was given) is a little less than reasonable for me especially considering I thought the estimate I was given was already on the long side, but it may have just been a fluke and will give a more fair, unbaised, and accurate shipping rating when I make my next purchase.

~Free stuff (other than shipping): I loved getting their Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Tea pamphlet and even learned something new- Pu Erh is not a sub type of black tea like I thought it was, it is its own category. I also loved their How to Make a Fat Free Chai or Tea Latte! card (and bonus points for going health concious and putting "fat free).

~Steeping/Preparating directions: Anyone who knows anything about matcha knows that you do not steep matcha (which implies decanting). Both the website and the packaging state to steep matcha for 2-3min. Now I know, and you know, that the people at 52teas and Zoomdweebie’s actually do know their tea (I mean come on, you gotta be a genius to come up w/ a way to flavor matcha like this!), but steeping/preparation directions like this really shoot their credibility in the tea cup. It would also be nice, since it is matcha, to have the suggested amount in scoops and not teaspoons.

Now on to the review… which I have to admit that I’m selfishly going to regret posting this because I just know as soon as you read this everyone will make a mad dash to their website and order the rest. But… since they have reblended some teas (like their Maple Bacon Flavored Black tea which there is only 1 left in their 2nd batch), I’m praying that when it does run out (which I can promise you will be very shortly) they will not only come out w/ many other flavored matchas, but reblend their original. Ok, ok… I’ve stalled enough. On to the review.

Holy amazing matcha!!! The color is not a bright and vibrant green, but more olive and the texture is by far the finest of the 3 “raw” matchas I’ve seen… Although due to the choice of packaging it does get a little clumpy, but sifting it fixes this problem completely. The aroma is slightly sweet w/ a very mild orange sent.

I made this thin because I wanted a whole bowl (not only am I freakishly excited about this and it’s National Hot Tea Month, the wind chill is -30). 2 scoops in the bottom of my matcha bowl and 16oz of hot water poured over it.

Oh. My. Matcha! I can hardly contain myself! THIS FOAMS! I can’t even say that I got it to foam, because it foamed as soon as the water hit it. It’s certainly not latte or cappuccino foam, but there is definitely a thin seafoam green layer on top! I don’t think it needs it, but I give it a quick wisk anyway. And now for the taste… I just have to quote Michelle Tanner again… Yummy in my tummy! Smooth (almost creamy in texture actually), slightly sweet, slightly orangy. The matcha flavor itself isn’t as strong as other brands I’ve tried, but it is there. Maybe mix it 1/2 and 1/2 w/ an unflavored brand? But then will the orange be too light? Perfect.

Who should try this: Everyone! But specifically: Those that like to flavor their own matchas (this makes flavored matcha so much quicker), those that like sweet matchas (I do believe this is both sugar and artificial sweetener free except for the fructose in the oranges, but I could be wrong), those that want to make matcha ice cream or frozen yogurt, and those that are looking to try matcha on a budget (this is ~23 cents/gram- remember, no shipping to factor into the price per serving).

Note: The matcha flavor itself probably only earns a 98/100 in my book (I was hoping for a more savory matcha w/ an orange flavor, not sherbet-esk), but the other 2 are easily earned for: price, easy of preparation (little or no whisking needed when made thin as well as having it preflavored), ease of foam forming on top, and pure novelty.

P.S. Because I had a LOT to say and I just had a full bowl of matcha, this review took me 37 min to write!=D

180 °F / 82 °C

2oz for $13 is really cheap matcha. Actually, probably the cheapest I’ve ever seen. Is it citrus peel orange or is it orange juice orange?


It’s kind of hard to tell because the flavor is so light. I’m going to prepare it thick (3oz of water/1 scoop matcha) so I should be able to tell you more then, but I’m kinda thinking peel at this point- or maybe fresh squeezed pure juice, no sweetener of any kind. That little bit of liquid in my big, beautiful matcha bowl… seems like a waste…


I was thinking and rereading this (because I’m still so excited!) and I think it’s like a matcha orange sherbet.


That sounds amazing! Orange sherbet tea would be a winner in my book.


Now orange sherbet would taste good, I’m not a fan of orange citrus peel. Sadly, I wouldn’t be able to make this into a latte, maybe a smoothie.


@Ricky, orange sherbet wasn’t really accurate cuz there was absolutely no vanilla or cream flavor to it. I’m just trying (and failing miserably) to wrap my head around the flavor and define it verbally. But yeah, I don’t think it would be a good latte for me. I love MarketSpice chai, but since it has orange in it, when I add any amount of cream, creamer, or milk, it tastes like a hot, melted, dreamsicle.

Andrea in New Mexico

I just wanna say that this review totally made me smile.

Madison Bartholemew

Michelle Tanner reference for the win!


Andrea- isn’t it wonderful when reading about someone’s tea experience can make you smile w/o even having any yourself?

Madison- lol I hope I didn’t sound too childish or immature, but I was so excited that was the only thing I could think to justify how good it tasted!:)

Madison Bartholemew

oh don’t worry that was one of those smile moments where you just go… Oh yea! I forgot about that!
Totally awesome


I’m home alone most of the time and silence freaks me out so I have the tv on while I’m on steepster- and sometimes that’s the best thing on. It’s kinda fun to watch shows as an adult that you used to watch as a kid and to see what you missed. The Golden Girls is another good one for that lol.


mmmm this sounds yummy. I am almost out of my current matcha and have been searching for a new one. Thanks for sharing =]


There is no such thing as free shipping… if it’s “free” it is already included in the price you pay for tea. Actually the more tea you are purchasing the more you are paying for your shipping.


The “free” shipping helps with impulse buys. Two ounce via USPS takes about $2 to deliver (I think $1.69 is the exact value, I could very likely be wrong), assuming it’s in a small package form and not a regular envelope. That being said I think we’re still getting a pretty good deal from their tea.


I saw on TV yesterday that those little orange membranes I find on my chasen are called vessicles.

Madison Bartholemew

hehehe vessicles… that just sounds dirty


Oh wow what a price for such a flavorful matcha! Do you think they ground up orange peel as well in the mix or something else?


Their website states “freeze dried orange sections and natural flavoring”. You should totally get some:)


This sounds neat, but the color description is a little off-putting….the fresher and higher quality the matcha, the brighter green it should be. Still, it sounds like it’s worth trying, at least.


Get it while you can Shanti, you will not regret it.


Shanti, I think the lighter green is because of the froth or foam on top (whatever you want to call it). This morning the lighter color did not cover the entire bowl, you could see the dark green underneath.


Oh, I meant the dry matcha…I read online that the higher quality the matcha powder is, the more bright, almost radioactive green it will look. But I still have not tried matcha yet, so I really don’t know much about it at all!! Which is why I’m so excited to try the Mandarin Matcha :)


I’m sure the additives had something to do w/ it.

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I think I just don’t like this one. The base seems fairly bitter to me and the weird artificial smell and taste just kind of bothers me. I brewed it for only three minutes this time just in case it was the brew time.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I really like the concept behind 52teas, but I’ve been disappointed with them. All of their teas scream artifical to me.


I hate bananas! Bleh! Enjoyed your review regardless tho! :P


They depend heavily on “flavors” and I have a hard time with that. I also found that I don’t like Adagio’s flavored teas (though their herbals and chais are fine). I did order their Mandarin Matcha (it has orange sections as well as ‘flavors’) and we’ll see how it goes. My husband gave me a funny look, though.


Bethany, I’ve been worried that I’ll feel the same way about 52teas’ blends. I just ordered a few teas from them but I have a feeling they’re not going to be my kind of thing.


@Bethany Some of their teas are really quite good. The Malted Chocomate is superb and the Chocolate Mint is good as well. But I agree that many of them have an uncomfortable artificial flavor.

@denisend I agree with you about Adagios teas. I’m also having trouble with the flavorings in TeaFrog’s teas.


Carolyn – I’m just starting to get into my TeaFrog teas. I think most of what I have are herbals and greens that don’t have flavorings. I don’t put samples in my ‘cupboard’ so I can’t look it up right now.

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This is a tea that is better as it cools a bit. Initially I could taste no fruits at all but as it cooled I began to get a pleasant banana and slight cherry sweetness toward the end of each sip. The tea used as a base is very strong, slightly astringent and slightly bitter. I recommend steeping it for less than 4 minutes. It is an ok tea. I can see myself drinking it again. I prefer 52teas’ Coconut Cream Pie, which seems to have more flavor.

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec
Madison Bartholemew

did you add sugar? when I did I felt there was too much flavor… but without I think you’re right and there isn’t enough.


No. I try to avoid sugar in food since it seems to play merry hell with my appetite and energy levels through the day. (Which is not to say that I will never do it, but it is a very seldom sort of thing.)

Madison Bartholemew

wow… go you resisting the sugar gods… I am in awe


I should point out that I am not a sugar-free purist. My Silk Creamer has a bit of sugar in it, though I avoid the flavored creamers because they have a lot more than the plain creamer. What I mostly do is try to taken sugar in very mindfully knowing that it will drop my blood sugar to the level that puts me to sleep or makes me ravenously hungry. So other than special occasions (like New Years Day) I prefer take in sugar before bed rather than in the morning. Also I don’t fret about sugar that occurs naturally in fruit. I eat fruit through the day and enjoy it without much problem. So I assume that it is the concentrated sugars in white sugar, honey, maple syrup, etc. that is problematic for me rather than fruit. Perhaps because the fiber in fruit slows down the intake of sugar. Who knows? I think everyone eventually learns the foods they can eat with abandon and those that require caution and since everyone is an individual, it varies from person to person.

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drank Mayan Chocolate Chai by 52teas
236 tasting notes

OK, I thought I’d just top off my caffeination before heading out (while waiting for my beloved to slowly ready himself) and try this new tea at the same time. It’s not for me. I couldn’t finish it. The spices are too strong and hurt my throat and the ginger smell is too strong for me to enjoy the fragrance of the tea.

I’ve put it in my “Give to a Good Home” box.

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec
Andrea in New Mexico

This is on my shopping list, one I’ve wanted to try!

I’d love to send you some of my beloved white chai for a taste of this one!

Andrea in New Mexico

(Or anything else in my cupboard, if it looks more enticing to you…)


Carolyn, I’d like to try some too, please.

Andrea in New Mexico

(Cofftea, if you’d like some of this white chai—or anything else!—I’d be happy to send some your way as well. I’m drinking nothing else today and it’s divine!)


Thanks Andrea, but I don’t care for lemon or coconut in my chai- but P.S. I think you’d like Adagio’s Thai Chai. I think I have some I can send you, I’ll check and let you know for sure. The only thing in your cupboard that really interests me is Essencha’s matcha, but I think I’ll wait til I go there in June to try it. I’ve got 2 different kinds I’m kinda sorta almost done w/ and one more on the way anyway.

Madison Bartholemew

this is waiting for me to try… have you had the chai with chocolate? Now I’m wondering how it is in comparison to that.


I would be delighted to split the tea up amongst you and send it out. I will send an email to Cofftea requesting her address.

@Andrea If you would send me your email address via Twitter at http://twitter.com/CarolynDrinksTe I will make arrangements that way. Alternatively, if you are not shy about sharing your email address publically (as I am) you can post it here.

@Madison I am not sure which chocolate chai you are talking about. I’ve had the Adagio chocolate chai (which made me a bit sick as all the Adagio flavored teas do). Is that what you are referring to? I can tell you that this does not compare well for me with any chai tea, which I normally like.


@Andrea I would be delighted to try your white chai, which has received such stunning acclaims by you. But please send a very, very small amount since my husband is looking askance at the room my tea is taking up in the kitchen.


@Carolyn, I do believe she’s referring to 52teas chai w/ chocolate which is in stock.

Madison Bartholemew

hmmmm I was wondering about the 52teas chai with chocolate… let me link you http://steepster.com/teas/52teas/6471-chai-with-chocolate


Oh, I see. Thank you. No I haven’t tried it.

Andrea in New Mexico

Carolyn, I’ll message you on Twitter in a few. I’m AndreaNM there for anyone who cares…

Cofftea, I was going to offer you some of the Essencha matcha and I would really like to send you some. You don’t need to wait until June and anyway, I’d love to hear how you think it compares… my matcha experience is so limited.

This will be my first time sending tea out and I’d love to know how people prefer to receive it—my instinct is just to put some amount (an ounce? Some tablespoons? What’s typical?) in a Ziplock baggie. Is there a better way?

Andrea in New Mexico

Carolyn, I’m not able to send you a message via Twitter. My e-mail address is my first name dot royb@l at gmail dot com. And change the at sign in my second name to the letter it most resembles. :-)


Ok. I’ve emailed both Andrea and Cofftea.

@Andrea In my limited experience ziplock bags seem to be very common. One thing to keep in mind is that ziplocks do not adequately keep scents in or out of the bag. So if you are sending a lot of tea you may want to segregate the strong smelling bags of tea from the more delicate teas. takgoti used tissue paper which I thought was merely decorative until I put all the little ziplocks together in a big ziplock and had some trouble with fragrance leakage. Since that moment my admiration for takgoti’s knowledge of all things tea has merely increased.


Ok, Andrea- you win:) I’ll take some. Thank you so much! Email me and let me know what you’d like in return.

Andrea in New Mexico

Cofftea, did you get my e-mail? I still need your address!

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I had the pleasure of trying this tea first in the Zoomdweebies shop in KS and it is delicious when they make it into a tea latte!

They have the tea latte recipe available so I don’t think I’m giving away anything when I say I went home and tried it on my own with sweetened condensed milk and that is the crux of their tea latte recipe.

With the full tea latte recipe the latte feels lighter than a normal Sbux tea latte and the flavor of the tea seems more developed too. Wow can Frank brew… trust me I had two!

At home making the full amount of latte mix is nice but then you feel the need to drink the whole thing… which ends up being a party type amount…. not I want a bit of tea now amount… so I tried this tea just adding the sweetened condensed milk and boy is that yummy. Actually I’ve discovered that sweetened condensed milk is FANTASTIC with a lot of different dessert type tea and I really suggest playing around with it as a tea modifier. The only flavor I don’t think it works well with so far is chocolate…. but I’ll be experimenting more with that later…

Using normal tea condiments I find that I am using more sugar than I usually do to try to mimick the tea latte flavor. Unfortunately I think I’m walking into this tea biased having had my first taste of it with the tea latte instead of my normal experimenting. I’m finding that three teaspoons of sugar in a two teaspoon of tea pot is the right ratio to about even up the flavor with what I was expecting and then of course some milk.

The tea base is a little astringent tasting if you don’t add enough sugar which is something I have not noticed with the other 52 teas blends so I’m probably again biased because of the tea latte.

Coconut is present and lightly awesome. Not over bearing or a punch in the face and it is accented well with the vanilla creamy flavor. This is a tea that I’m not enjoying with out milk as it seems to lose a depth without it and I also can’t enjoy this one with just milk and no sugar. Again it seems to lose a level without using both. Actually without sugar it almost has a woody black tea quality. Not smokey woody but that potato starchy woody round flavor. Interesting but I’m spoiled with this tea now and only want it light and sweet.

I’m happy this is a permanently available tea. I know that seems to go against the 52teas mantra but this one is that banging good… especially as a tea latte.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

Glad you enjoy it! Reading all these 52teas tasting notes makes me wish my mandarin matcha would hurry up and get here.:(

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