Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Calendula Petals, Natural Flavours
Pumpkin, Smooth, Caramel, Cream, Molasses, Cloves, Cheesecake, Malt, Spices
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 12 oz / 364 ml

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From 52teas

Yes, it’s that time of year again, time for a pumpkin blend, but not just any pumpkin blend. Here’s our premium black teas blended with marigold petals and natural and organic flavors. It’s a guilt-free (vegan even) caramelly, cheesecakey, pumpkiny feast for your sweet-tooth all wrapped up in the hug of a great cuppa premium black tea.

Our Tea of the Week for the week of September 24, 2012


The original blend was a black tea base with marigold petals and organic flavors. We can do that!

Our black tea base IS different from the original. We spent months developing a black tea base that is well rounded and flavorful. To learn more about it, click here.

So we took our all-new, go-to black tea base and blended it with organic marigold petals and all-natural, organic flavors. As the original description states; “It’s a guilt-free (vegan even) caramelly, cheesecakey, pumpkiny feast for your sweet-tooth all wrapped up in the hug of a great cuppa premium black tea.” And it is!

The Large Size is 2 ounces.

Ingredients: Organic black teas, organic marigold petals and organic, all-natural flavors.

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

159 Tasting Notes

15620 tasting notes

Oh yeah BABY! Frank reblended this so now I can drink the stash I have in my cuboard instead of hoarding it. I bought 2 bags (first time ever for me) of this so that I’ll have lots to have around for a while. There’s just something about this blend that I love more than ANYof the other cheesecale blends that he’s had. It’s MUCH better than the caramel Cheesecake he did. oh happy day!!


I just noticed several re-blends on the site. I am holding out until he puts up the new blend before buying. However fearing I may miss out entirly on those I want!

Autistic Goblin

hehe I ordered two bags as soon as I was told :D facebook is useful for that :D


I missed the blueberry struesal but caught the last marshmallow genmaicha.


I don’t know what you’re talking about Helena lol and yeah. I’d rather pay an extra buck and make sure i get the few that i wanted, than wait for the reblend to package it all up. heh


I’m bummed that I missed the marshmallow genmaicha!


Amy – I think at this rate it’ll have to come back heh

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6119 tasting notes

My order finally arrived!!! Made this one and threw it in the Timolino for work. It’s suffering a touch from thermos syndrome, but heck yes this is amazing! Pumpkin tea-wise I don’t think it beats out Della Terra or DavidsTea, but it’s caramel and cheesecake, not just pumpkin spice. Admittedly can’t taste cheesecake, but I have to assume it’s creating a bit of creaminess. The tea base here is also lighter than I expected, but it’s working really well! A definite winner. Better notes when not on my phone and in a rush to get things done.

Frank, I suggest you remove Pumpkin Pie Black from the permanent collection, and replace it with this one!!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

if you know.. you like those other teas better… i’m happy to take this one off your hands :)


UGH! I need to get my hands on some of this!!!


Hahaha, I feel like Frank would be silly not to reblend this one ASAP at least once more. There seems to be a fair bit of demand.

Sil – if we manage to meet up before my pouch is gone, you can totally have a sample! But I like it too much to give up :D Graveyard Mist and Spiced Brandy Shou Mei, on the other hand…


Kittena – I have a pouch haha I just enjoy it so much i don’t want to get to the bottom of the pouch

Autistic Goblin

it’s great and I would definitely drink it over the regular pumpkin pie! Here’s hoping he adds it the permanent collection!


Sil – I realized that afterwards when I was browsing through my Dashboard :D


I second (or third?) the vote for the permanent collection!!

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806 tasting notes

Nooooo! this is the last of this one until my order comes (sobs in a corner) I think I need another round of tea :D


Helena, since this one will be off the shelves for awhile (unless they keep it available online), I bet you probably have a couple of POUNDS on their way!


Oh, forget the comment, I thought you were reviewing DT’s pumpkin chai!

Autistic Goblin

hehe the pumpkin chai from DT is good but I find it’s not as yummy as this one. Probably because I don’t get much chai out of the DT one just pumpkin pie goodness :D


I’m personally not a fan of DTs pumpkin chai, but I have read your many raving reviews of it, that explains my comment :-) but as we often try other teas of the same type, one’s favorite can be easily replaced, happens to me on a regular basis!

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357 tasting notes

Whew, what a busy week. Last Sunday, my hubby and I did a second viewing of a house, and have now put in an accepted offer on the home. We’re in the process of completing the slew of conditions of the sale. Yesterday we did the home inspection. We followed the inspector for the full 3.5 hours. He did a thorough job, and the house came up with positive feedback especially for its age. Immediately after this, we had a contractor come in to look at the home to ensure that we can do the extension that we are hoping for within our budget. We’re hoping to get the feedback for this tomorrow. My fingers are crossed in hopes that everything will go well.

I put this tea in my travel mug to accompany me that day. It was the only thing I had to eat/drink until dinnertime, and it somehow held me over without getting that lightheaded feeling. Hopefully it proves to be my good luck tea.


Good luck on the house!


Congrats on your house purchase!!

Miss Starfish

Congratulations on your new home!


Yay for the new home!


Thank you- it’s not quite ours yet, as we need to be sure we are allowed to do the extension on the homee before we commit to the purchase. We are making good progress on the subjects so far, with a good inspection report etc. but the construction part seems like more of a hurdle than anything else.

Miss Starfish

Fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly!

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863 tasting notes

Sipdown! I so rarely seem to say those words. Maybe I will try for another later tonight, since I have more tea coming.

Today this tasted like the caramel and pumpkin part of its name. No crust, no cheesecake, but what was there was good. This one was a solid tea, but it didn’t ever reach “must have FOREVER” status with me. That’s more than okay though – I’ve got too many must haves as it is!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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1271 tasting notes

I’ve been buying so much 52 Teas these days, so I’ve been trying to finish off some of the older teas. This last cup came out meh with not much noticable flavor unlike previous cups from this fun, tasty tea blend.

However, it could be maybe I have a cold and its messing my taste again. It was to be expected I’d pick up some kind of plague while on the ship. I freaked out days before the cruise on getting a flu shot.
Ahh, I really miss the ship and I’m harassing the tea hating husband to book another cruise. I’m missing those fantastic desserts. Hmm, maybe I should make cookies? No, totally on diet after all that cruise food! More dessert tea!

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1445 tasting notes

Backlog from yesterday morning. Inspired by a combo breaker matcha-sugar high.

This makes the most amazing latte ever. Unicorns, mermaids, and, umm… nargles sing of its awesomeness in hidden realms. True fact. You’ll understand if you can taste the tangy cheesecake at the end.

I’m hoarding my two packets like a dragon hoards treasure, but I decided to make a cup before heading out yesterday. I had two sips before it was quickly seized by my mother and unceremoniously dumped into her coffee stained travel mug. That’s gross. I bet it tasted lousy in there.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

Ha! You make this sound damn good. I held back thinking the base would be too strong or something.


I love this review. Now I want some.


I’m over in Victoria between the 11th-20th before moving out, if anyone would like samples and has free time! :)


HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAAAAA!!!!!! This review really made me laugh. I love it!


MEEEEEEE!!! I would love samples, but shhhh, don’t tell my husband! :P I’m off Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

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639 tasting notes

I’m starting the morning off right with a cup of the new 52teas creation! The dry leaf aroma is immediately creamy cheesecake and sugary caramel, followed by a pure pumpkin and spice undertone. Mmmmm!! This is going to be decadent! The aroma alone is to die for!

The brewed tea aroma is all I could hope for and more! It smells like pumpkin spice tea at its best. Now this, my friends, may cure me of my Starbucks’ pumpkin spice latte addiction. First sip is spice with an aftertaste of sweet caramel. I’m going to add skim milk and Truvia to try and coax out more flavors.

Hmm, the tea base actually tastes a little weak here. The predominant flavor is caramel followed by pumpkin spice and then maybe a hint of something cheesecake-like. Overall, I really like it! It’s super sugary sweet, so if that’s not your thing, you may want to steer clear. But I have a big sugar tooth, so this is hitting the spot nicely. It’s definitely a dessert tea. I probably should have chosen something a little stronger to wake me up this morning. But waking up is overrated.

The more I sip on it, the more I notice how perfectly balanced the spices are. I don’t think the proportions could be any better. Bravo, Frank! It’s also a mood lifter. I have a feeling today is going to be a great day! I’m loving this tea!! I’m going to take the second cup to go so I’m not late for work. Enjoy this beautiful Wednesday everyone! And if you haven’t bought a pouch of this yet, I suggest you do soon before it’s gone!

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

I LOVE this stuff!


It is super yummy! I want the work day to end so I can go home and make another cup, LOL! :)

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807 tasting notes

Another WIN from 52 Teas – tastes just like it should! I again added some rock sugar to this tea just to really make those flavors pop but I don’t feel it NEEDED it.
I get the caramel, the pumpkin and then just enough of the cheesecake flavor to make me want to chew on it.
A VERY aromatic cup! Smells DELICIOUS made my whole house smell good!
Daughter gives it a thumbs up as well :)


Gah you get your stuff so fast I’m so jealous! I cant wait for mine to come! This will be my first 52 teas tea to try I’m glad it a good one!


Yeah Im sorry – I felt like I waited forever for it lol


Lol I’m glad you like it. i’m so excited!


Thanks :) Hope you like it too!


ugh I want my order! My first order this month only shipped nearly 2 weeks after it was placed. It will be a while for me Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake :(


OMG, THAT SOUNDS SO GOOD! This is why I love fall; all of the Pumpkin shtuff!!!


Ok, now I’m really wishing I had ordered this.

Rebecca Lynn

How are you getting your orders so fast? I placed mine like 10 days ago and it hasn’t arrived.


Well it wan’t exactly fast – I ordered two flavor of the weeks two weeks in a row and just got both of them together in one package. So that means I waited over a week for one HOWEVER keep in mind – 52 Teas is in Wichita Kansas I am in Topeka, Kansas – a stones throw.


What was your steeping temp and time?


195 until it smells ready to drink pretty much. I have gotten lax on timing with an actual timer. Also the 195 worked perfectly even though it is a black tea – Im lazy and my zojirushi was set at 195 so I used it.


I tried 212 with 3 minutes, and it didn’t have much flavor until I reached the bottom of the cup (then it was delicious). I’ll try the lower temperature and see what happens.


Sure hope that helps – mine was WONDERFUL so maybe that is the ticket!

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160 tasting notes

I didn’t think I could love this tea any more than I already do but then I made it into a latte. I found the recipe for the latte on DAVIDsTEA Pinterest and you can find it at this link:

I used almond milk instead of soy milk and WHOA was it incredible. It had the perfect amount of creaminess and the delicious sweet flavor of the tea that I love so much, plus I topped it with a little nutmeg like the recipe calls for and it blew me away. An amazing bathtime treat in my opinion.

I sent the link to my stepmom because I bought her 100g of Birthday Cake Rooibos for her birthday and I thought that she would really enjoy a Birthday Cake tea latte to curb sweet cravings and could top it with colored sprinkles instead of nutmeg. I encourage everyone to experiment with this tea latte recipe and you favorite teas and decorative toppings. I also ended up needing about a cup and a half of milk because my mug was too large.

DO IT. do it.


Thanks for sharing!!!


sounds delicious!


nice, thanks for sharing. Maybe i’ll try this tonight.


i’m making a almond milk latte this weekend! sold!


Hmm, now I have to try this too. Thanks!

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