MMMMMMMMMMMMM delicious! This tea is great. The peppermint flavor is strong and there is definitely a creamy sweetness coming from the white chocolate. (This tea doesn’t need sugar!)
I first tried this blended with Teavana’s CocoCaramel Sea Salt, and it was quite good… But tonight I had two cups of this alone, and I prefer this tea alone. The peppermint flavor is staying in my mouth even though it’s been a while since I’ve had a few sips… yum! I’m glad this is caffeine-free because it’s a perfect evening tea.
After I finished pouring the tea from my teamaker into my cup, I opened the top of my teamaker and breathed in the steam that was coming from the wet leaves. My sinuses instantly opened and I could feel the peppermint in them, as refreshing as Vick’s Vapor Rub (but much better smelling). I will be buying more of this tea.