reviewed Timolino (12 oz) by Timolino
87 tasting notes

Pretty sure I’m the only person to actually destroy a timolino completely, and I accidentally ran over it with my work van, and it’s about the size of a HandiDart (short) bus! smooshed it right flat. I cried. three days later (payday) I bought a new one, and it goes everywhere with me. My tea-loving pony knows what it’s for nnow too, and will yank it out of my hand to get to the yummy treat inside. So it gets a LOT of horsey abuse, and there’s a few teeth marks in it, but it’s never leaked, keeps tea HOT or COLD (I usually plop an ice cube into my hot tea so it’s a more drinkable temperature, otherwise it’s burn-my-face-off hot for HOURS. I’ve had tea stay hot for 12 hours before, and have had ice cubes still clinking around after 8 hours)

this thing is indestructable, and I’d be lost without it!

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Part of the Heffalumps and Woozles brigade!
I’m a tea addict. Oolong, Pu’ehr, and Lapsang Souchong are my favourites. I share tea with my pony, Java (Competes under the name “Bear With Me”). I’m pretty sure I’m the only person ever to buy matcha JUST for their horse, haha!

I’m on the hunt for the PERFECT peach tea. Something juicy that screams “I am PEACH!” when you take a sip. Ideally a Green, White, Oolong, or Yellow base (I find peach black teas to be too much tannin not enough peachy goodness). Suggestions are appreciated!

Bear with me (haha) while I update my cupboard. I recently did a huge reorganization and my cupboard is no longer accurate.


Vancouver Island, BC

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