Definitely getting the banana on this pot, which is appropriate, since there was a lot of banana in the dry mix that I spooned into the basket this morning. I did a four minute steep, and all is well. I’m finally tasting the banana and walnut like I should, though I still don’t get buttery from it. Ah well, two out of three isn’t bad, amiright?
It is a quiet morning, off from work today, and just trying to steel myself against the pain that will be grocery shopping today. You’d think there was a big food-based holiday tomorrow or something, from the craziness. Unfortunately I can’t put off the trip, since the grocery store will be closed tomorrow. C’mon, people, not everybody has family or friends to hang with or even be off from work tomorrow! I’m a bit bitter, can you tell? Just like the base of this tea (see? still tea related)!Preparation
4 min, 0 sec