drank Bravissimo by DAVIDsTEA
141 tasting notes

So I went to David’s Tea quickly yesterday as I was in the mall and returning stuff. I decided a quick stop in DT before heading home would make my day. I got a tea to go and saw the samples. I already know what Chocolate Chili Chai tastes like, so I went for the Bravissimo, excited to try a new flavour. I think it’s safe to say that it is not my cup of tea. It tasted like licorice, which I usually like, but there was another flavour in there that just made me say ewww gross. So I ended up not finishing the sample.

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Tea enthusiast, I love all things tea. Hot, iced or in a food of mine… if it’s tea, I love it. I have a fascination with tea and the many wonderful flavors I just haven’t gotten around to yet.





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