T&C Box 7/18
This one smells so good! I definitely smell both cherries and figs; mom says it smells like fruit wine and I have to agree. I hope the taste of this lives up to the name, because I love both cherries and figs and good fruit teas are one of my favorite kinds.
On to the taste: this is so, so good. I’m going to have to get it. The cherry note is sweet and strong, and then the fig comes in later. The fig is subtle but definitely still there, and both fruits taste natural. This is a full-bodied cup, probably more so than any of my other favorites, but I love it. It’s great for a cold day like today, but I think it would stand up to ice too! Thank you, Nicole!
It probably would be good iced. It made a great infusion for a cream based mousse. :)
Oh wow, now that’s something I want to try! So far I haven’t cooked much with tea but maybe I should start soon.