807 Tasting Notes
This is a very good Earl Grey Cream. Smooth and calming. I added a little sugar in the raw and a tad bit of milk to mine and it really brought out the cream in this tea although I could taste it before hand as well. The bergamot is perfectly balanced. No astringency or aftertaste. I do believe the smell of bergamot in the bag when leaf is dry is stronger than the outcome when brewed so if you have smelled this and fear it may be too much for you don’t worry – brew it up – its very pleasing!
Not AS complex as some Earl Grey’s I have had but you know I really like to have this in my stash because its always dependable and always consistent.
I also do like English Tea Store as well as a vendor.
I wish I had enough for another brew! Its not that I am in LOVE with this one but in comparison to the Sugar Carmel Oolong that I did not like at all this one is far better!
While not that strong in flavor I can in fact taste the flavors peeking through. It was nice, subtle but nice. Actually reminded me a slight bit of a wine. I may have to add this to my shopping list and give it another go. Something about it just still is making me want to pull the trigger and make an order soon. Will update if I do!
Got this when I purchased a cold brewing tea container – sorry its late I can’t remember the name of it now. Anyway I have been looking forward to trying Golden Moon Teas and I am pretty disappointed in this one. I see how high of ratings this has received but I just don’t understand. Its quite bland and while I appreciate a flavored tea that is not in my face with flavors and of course prefer one flavored naturally over artificially, this one just leaves me underwhelmed. I barely taste the tea itself and really I am not getting the sugar or carmel flavors. Now the tea when dry smells okay – I mean I can smell the flavor but even then is a bit on the weak side.
Wish I enjoyed it more but to be perfectly honest was not even worth a re-steep.
I am out of this tea now :(
Will be placing an order as soon as “tea funds” become available!
We have been drinking this iced all day today and it is simply a wonderful iced or hot tea!
Its just the right balance of sweet and tart with natural strawberry flavors and a nice mellow black tea base. Its nothing “fancy” or complex but for the summer what I want is cool, crisp, brisk, and relaxing. Life is complex enough sometimes. :)
Received a generous sized free sample from Not Just Tea. Smells so beautiful THROUGH the bag even! This is the best vanilla flavor to date, and while I believe I recently said that about another vanilla tea from another company I have to say this tops that. Now I am not very experienced with honeybush tea so I am not really sure how to judge this as I really don’t know what I am looking for in honeybush itself however, I do love this tea.
Its very sweet.
Creamy full mouthfeel.
No astringency whatsoever and no aftertaste that I commonly get with vanilla flavoring.
Beautiful bright crimson red color.
You know how on some flavored teas you have to let it cool a little for the flavors to come out? Not with this one. I like to drink my tea steaming hot unless its an iced tea obviously. This one tastes amazing right out of the kettle!
Flavor lingers in the mouth which I like because it is SO yummy!
This is for sure a “dessert” tea but so guilt free!
I imagine this would also be delicious with a little milk added but its really not necessary at all.
Now I am not saying this is the most complex tea I have ever had by any means. It is what it is but what you smell is what you get and I like that!
This isn’t one of those teas that I feel you will sit there studying its unraveling layers but when you are in the mood for a sweet, creamy, vanilla, luscious, dessert tea – this is the one!
First let me just say I am partial to mint teas! Mint anything really. This is perfect!
I am having one cup cold while the rest is cooling for iced tea.
I am going to add a touch of sweetner just because I feel it may bring out the vanilla a bit more but trust me this one is perfect all on its own! I just like to experiment some.
The balance of mint which is not in your face overwhelming but still enough mint so you get the kick it should have – balanced perfectly with a natural flavored vanilla – and I am picky about vanilla flavors!
Steeped at 180 for 4 minutes its wonderful.
The mouthfeel is creamier if you let it cool slightly and the vanilla comes out more then as well.
No aftertaste, no astringency.
Tastes like Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum.
My favorite mint tea to date.
Why are black teas tasting fishy to me lately?
Okay look I do not have high expectations for any bagged tea anymore now that I have learned how wonderful loose leaf is.
This tea smells good.
I actually still enjoy one cup of quality coffee each morning.
This tea does taste a bit like a latte and I am okay with that – a really weak latte though. Its colored like watered down coffee too. But then again I drink turkish coffee often so watered down looking to me is normal to most folk.
Still what is with this slightly fishy flavor? This is not the only black tea recently I have tasted this way.
I wish I could find a couple of good decafs for my stash because I really don’t need the caffeine late at night but I don’t feel this is one of them.
I mean its “okay” … but weak – I really am not getting a lot of the flavors coming through – I am sure this is another one of those “its better after it has cooled down some” teas.
So I shall wait.
(time lapse)
Well I waited …still not better.
Sorry this does not get the thumbs up from me.
Edit note: After much time – and another go at the Harney and Son’s Vanilla Comoro – I have noticed that both the black teas I accused of tasting “fishy” are both vanilla flavors and both decaf … hummm – so tomorrow going to try some NON decaf vanilla and then if I can fit it in will have some decaf (if I can find any) of a non vanilla flavor. I am thinking it may be either the flavor or the decaf.
Side note for my brother – ITS VEGAN! :)
Smell from bag – DROOL OMG Divine!
Slightly Tart Citrusy – Buttery – Creamy – Dreamy.
Water is about to boil and I am about to steep I am literally feeling my mouth water up with anticipation!
This had better be good lol.
This is my second flavor from 52Teas and the first one did NOT disappoint!
Oh and I am using my “big” teapot for the first time ever, because I have super high hopes. :)
I only wish honeybush did not have such a long steep time!
YAY its done!
Smell in cup: YUMMY makes me want to burn my mouth!
Its actually REFRESHING! how can that be? Its SO not good for you with all this cream, butter, candy like flavor…hummm….I get the orange or is it cranberry on the sides of my cheeks, MOUTH cheeks that is. Also on the mid part of the tongue, creamy on sides of tongue, this is a treat for the taste buds with different flavors and textures bouncing off one part to the other. I have not had honeybush before so I am not sure what to expect from it – not getting a typical “tea” flavor of any kind.
No astringency, no after taste, excellent flavorings!
I find the buttery flavor coming through now on the aftertaste but it does not linger and that is good. Makes me want another sip but does not “turn” into something terrible.
Its odd – every sip brings something a little different – now I am getting the butter in the full mouth.
I am anxious for the next cup which I will let cool down some to see how it tastes that way then will add some sweetener to the next cup to try that as well. This is one I want to play around with BUT is perfection just as is!
You know if you are worried about flavored teas or “sweet” teas this is not going to disappoint you at all! Its not sappy or sticky sweet and there is no lingering negative flavor additive effect OR sugar effect.
Very pleasant all the way around.