My 10th sample from my The Persimmon Tree order and final one (for now, muhhahhahahaha). This one was a last minute dump into the cart as I’m not a rooibos fan, but I subconsciously keep trying to like rooibos.

DRY: One of those Andes chocolate mints, straight up. Lots of big and interesting chunks in this tea which after checking ingredients is apple. 2t used for this steeping.

STEEPED: Deep chocolate with mint. I opened the lid of my DavidTeas steeper and got blasted with a mint facial! Steeps up a slightly cloudy light brown.

TASTE: Minty chocolate, like an Andes chocolate mint candy. Slightly sweet. Rooibos isn’t very pronounced. A smooth and slightly creamy after taste. Good balance of refreshing mint. I found the tea a little watery, I think maybe more dry leaves would help, however I added some rock sugar into my cup and a splash of soymilk to help it out some.

WHO’D LIKE THIS TEA: Rooibos haters (like me) and lovers, someone who wants a chocolately tea for a late dessert.

I wish I got DavidsTea Mint Chocolate Rooibos, it be great to compare to! However, I have “Read my Lips” which is harder to compare to “Mint Chocolate Chip” because it’s black tea, peppercorns and doesn’t have vanilla/etc.

This surprised me in not tasting horrible rooibos, however lost points for tasting a little watery weak. This tea would probably do well steeped stronger into a latte. Overall, the tea is well done, great for someone who isn’t into rooibos but wants no caffeine.

So, after tasting 10 of The Persimmon Tree teas, I gotta say all were really good. The ones that I didn’t dig were just not for me personally.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Emilie 13 years ago

The apple pieces seem weird to me. Did they seem like they affected the taste any?

Oolong Owl 13 years ago

I didn’t notice them, didn’t add any tart or anything. Unless they were masking rooibos or making it watery somehow.

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Emilie 13 years ago

The apple pieces seem weird to me. Did they seem like they affected the taste any?

Oolong Owl 13 years ago

I didn’t notice them, didn’t add any tart or anything. Unless they were masking rooibos or making it watery somehow.

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I’m a tea blogger – The Oolong Owl
www.OolongOwl.com – I do tea reviews, obsessively photograph teas with mischievous crocheted Owls and get tea drunk. I am also a crochet and knitting designer at Awkward Soul Designs.

To contact me for reviews, check out details at OolongOwl.com/about or email me at char@oolongowl.com

I was raised on floral oolongs and green teas, mostly “beauty” teas. Early on as a kid, I can guzzle an entire pot of tea (or two) at a Chinese or Japanese restaurant.
These days I like adventurous and interesting tea blends. I’m fearless in trying new teas! I’m into oolong, pu’erh, white, green, black, guayusa, mate and herbals. I’m not into red rooibos but I keep buying it anyway.

The tea brand that got me started into loose leaf teas was DAVIDsTea. I used to live in Vancouver Canada and had access to their shop, however that is now limited since I moved to southern California.

However, the perks of living in the US is ultra cheap, fast shipping! Since then, my tea stash insanely expanded.

Other stuff I’m into that sneaks into my tea notes: Brazilian jiu-jitsu, metal music, drawing, painting, cooking, photography and nail polish.

BTW, my Steepster cupboard is not even close to accurate and I track my teas on a spreadsheet. Last update 573 Teas – August 2015.


Seattle, WA USA



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