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Rooibos Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec 12 oz / 355 ml

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From The Persimmon Tree Tea Company


Organic Rooibos, Vanilla, Mint, Chocolate Pieces * Characteristics Energizing, Organic, Caffeine-Free * Flavors Sweet, Minty * Caffeine Content None * Steep Temperature 200˚ * Steep Time 3-5 mins


INGREDIENTS (below copied & pasted from Persimmon Tree website: www.persimmontreetea.com/rooibos-tea/mint-chocolate-chip-tea.html ):

“Organic Rooibos, Mint, Vanilla, Cocoa Beans, Chocolate Pieces, Apple Pieces, Yogurt, Natural Flavors”

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28 Tasting Notes

15618 tasting notes

Took some of this with me tonight when we went out to celebrate a friends birthday at Wvurst. Basically think cafeteria style seating with a bar and a place to order sausages! Gluten free option for one of our friends who can’t have gluten. Best part of the evening besides the tasty sausages? couple of friends we haven’t been able to hang out with on their own are going to drop by tomorrow for evening games, dinner and…tea! They’re curious about all this tea business and are willing to have me nerd out on them a bit. It’ll be nice to have another couple over. Now to find the gluten free teas :)

Anyway this was a nice contrast to the tasty tasty sausages and helped with that whole grease effect from the fries and such. Overall a pretty nice soft, sweet cup for a great day of tea drinking!

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Kittenna 12 years ago

Most teas are gf :)

Sil 12 years ago

Shhhhhh dessert ones aren’t always!

Indigobloom 12 years ago

How do you know if a tea is/isn’t gf?

TeaLover58 12 years ago

I’ve been meaning to try this tea….I love mint chocolates, mint chocolate chip ice cream, mint teas, and chocolate teas. This is definitely on my shopping list!

Kittenna 12 years ago

Usually through the vendors. All straight teas would be, of course, but yes, some dessert ones in particular are not (e.g. containing “crumble” or other different ingredients. My gf roommate doesn’t have too many issues with tea, although every now and then she gets suspicious of one or another.

Indigobloom 12 years ago

that makes sense. sounds like your roomie is sensitive but not overly, which is good. I hope you can have bread in the house for yourself!

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6768 tasting notes

I LOVE YOU. No…I mean it…I LOVE YOU.
You. And Me. Let’s Do Lunch.
I’ll even buy you a slice of chocolate cheesecake.
You KNOW I mean business, now, don’t you?
Actually…this would be an AWESOME pairing with Chocolate Cheesecake now that I think of it.

Nichole/CuppaGeek 14 years ago

After that review, I think I need to order some and then find myself some cheesecake!

TeaEqualsBliss 14 years ago

If you like flavored Rooibos this is a good one!

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1764 tasting notes

Sample sipdown!! thanks again Sil :)
made it with milk and a touch of agave. I think it was better without. Still good, but… less complex!

Sil 13 years ago

You crazy milk adding fool!

Indigobloom 13 years ago

heh, I can’t help it! I HAD to know

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1379 tasting notes

Thank you Sil for this sample.

Mint tea has gone down nicely today in the heat and this is probably going to be my last pot before bed. It’s only 9pm but I must be up early in the morning for work and I need as much sleep as I can get because Lord knows it’s going to be humid and sweaty tonight.

This raw blend has a sweet mint scent with a subtle hint of vanilla. The sweetness comes partially from the Rooibos base and also partially from the apple pieces.

Once steeped this tea is very sweetly vanilla scented with a hint of mint. Also smells rather heavily Rooibos.

Flavour is sweet and rich with vanilla, very creamy and smooth too but with a gentle refreshing kick of mint that lingers in the after taste. I can’t really taste any chocolate or cocoa and I’m having trouble finding the apple though I believe I can taste it…sort of.

Despite it lacking the chocolate characteristics I am loving this tea. Almost as good as Butiki – Killer Vanilla. I said earlier that the 52 Teas – Mint Vanilla Mate was my new second favourite but it’s moved into third place after this tea.

Also just a quick note to say that the Rooibos keeps the tea light and sweet but does not taste as strong as the blend looks or smells. :)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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807 tasting notes

I am particular when it comes to chocolate flavored teas – chocolate anything for that matter, even just chocolate.
This is done well. It does not try to BE chocolate by over flavoring with some nasty chocolate crud that tastes nothing like chocolate.
Same with the mint – its minty but not trying to be too strong.
This is a nice balance!
It is very creamy! Let it cool down a bit and there is a malted milkshake flavor here!
I bet this would be awesome iced!
This is a sample from another order I made with Persimmon Tree but I highly recommend this to any chocolate mint lover!

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2145 tasting notes

I wasn’t sure how I would feel about this tea, chocolate teas and I, for the most part, don’t get along. I’m sure you can imagine my surprise when I decided this was one of my favorite chocolate teas to date. It reminds me a lot of those chocolate mints you get after dinner at a lot of restaurants, I love those things! The combinations of vanilla and yogurt give the tea a smooth, almost melts in your mouth feeling, just like the chocolate mint have. The flavor of the rooibos gets hidden behind all of the flavorings (and there are a lot of flavors going on here other than just chocolate and mint.) The apple pieces in the blend were rather unexpected, but the do lend a tiny bit of flavor that hides out in the background. My only real complaint about this tea is that there is an oil slick at the top that is really unappealing looking, I know it is likely from the yogurt, but I still hate seeing it.

It took me a while to hit on a tea from the Persimmon Tree that I really loved, but I’m glad I finally did. I guess now I’ll have to do a sample sipdown on all of the samples I ordered on Black Friday and see which others I want to reorder.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Sil 11 years ago

this was one of my favs when i first started drinking in terms of chocolate mint teas :)

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1598 tasting notes

Woo! Cheap sample from the Persimmon Tree Company!

Now I have a theory that my old Perfect Mug from DavidsTea is effecting how teas taste. It just seems like I’m getting a “ceramic” taste or something that is taking away from my enjoyment. I really noticed it with H&S’s Vanilla Comoro as it was so incredibly amazing at work, and just odd when I had it at home.

This one also tastes like ceramics. So I made a new cup in my timolino and poured it into a bubble cup for comparison.

Perfect Mug: Mostly ceramic flavour, with chocolate and mint swirling about with hints of vanilla. Ok, but nothing I would ever crave.

Bubble Cup: Much better! It’s a strong rooibos flavoured blend, and I can taste the chocolate and mint much more.

So, I guess that’s settled. It’s my perfect mug that’s wonky. :| I’ve only had it since December, so I’m not sure what’s going on. Maybe I wore away the finish on the inside? Maybe I need to do some crazy thing to clean it and start over again? IDK.

Anyone notice anyting like this with their DavidsTea Perfect Mugs? This one has the darker coating inside, which is unusual as I think most of them are bright white. Maybe that’s part of it? IDK.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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892 tasting notes

Thanks Jeweledthumb! At first the apples confused me so I had to look at the ingredients list. This smells like chocolate chip ice cream :) the mint is slightly overpowering but there is still a nice creamy chocolate note in the background. Nothing exciting but still enjoyable.

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652 tasting notes

Thank you Sil for the sample of this!

I quite liked it. Made some tonight, was impressed with the color of it and that the flavours successfully camouflaged the rooibos taste. I didn’t feel like I was drinking rooibos!

Interestingly enough, I found the chocolate really jumped out at me with this one, and it was a nice chocolate taste. The mint was not overly powerful, just right.

Verdict: Yummy! Would consider buying a small amount to have around as a caffeine free option. Makes me want to try the Davidstea version to compare!

I’ve drank so much tea today. I was trying to have some smaller cups but didn’t really succeed. Also, only one was caffeine free and two were matchas. The other 4 were not caffeine free. heeeeeh.

Sil 12 years ago

Glad you found it tasty. Tis one and the vanilla berry thingy from the persimmon tree are pretty good caffeine free options I think

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1271 tasting notes

My 10th sample from my The Persimmon Tree order and final one (for now, muhhahhahahaha). This one was a last minute dump into the cart as I’m not a rooibos fan, but I subconsciously keep trying to like rooibos.

DRY: One of those Andes chocolate mints, straight up. Lots of big and interesting chunks in this tea which after checking ingredients is apple. 2t used for this steeping.

STEEPED: Deep chocolate with mint. I opened the lid of my DavidTeas steeper and got blasted with a mint facial! Steeps up a slightly cloudy light brown.

TASTE: Minty chocolate, like an Andes chocolate mint candy. Slightly sweet. Rooibos isn’t very pronounced. A smooth and slightly creamy after taste. Good balance of refreshing mint. I found the tea a little watery, I think maybe more dry leaves would help, however I added some rock sugar into my cup and a splash of soymilk to help it out some.

WHO’D LIKE THIS TEA: Rooibos haters (like me) and lovers, someone who wants a chocolately tea for a late dessert.

I wish I got DavidsTea Mint Chocolate Rooibos, it be great to compare to! However, I have “Read my Lips” which is harder to compare to “Mint Chocolate Chip” because it’s black tea, peppercorns and doesn’t have vanilla/etc.

This surprised me in not tasting horrible rooibos, however lost points for tasting a little watery weak. This tea would probably do well steeped stronger into a latte. Overall, the tea is well done, great for someone who isn’t into rooibos but wants no caffeine.

So, after tasting 10 of The Persimmon Tree teas, I gotta say all were really good. The ones that I didn’t dig were just not for me personally.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Emilie 13 years ago

The apple pieces seem weird to me. Did they seem like they affected the taste any?

Oolong Owl 13 years ago

I didn’t notice them, didn’t add any tart or anything. Unless they were masking rooibos or making it watery somehow.

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