The last of the last of my Wymm Tea. This is a lovely sheng with classic camphor aroma. It is disgusting hot and humid outside so I am sipping this slowly and letting it cool a bit. I do like to cool my puerh a little, especially shu though this is sheng, because I feel like I pick up more of the flavors.
A friend texted me a pie recipe and it happened to be a pie that I just made recently but I am a very suggestible creature sometimes and immediately wanted more, so fifteen minutes after receiving the text the pie was in the oven. There were also towels to hang on the line to dry and Ashman’s shirts to hang in readiness for work next week, Now it is break time!
I gave this a rinse as the remaining bits seemed pretty well compressed and then I let it sit for a few minutes to absorb the water and steam in the gong fu pot.
The liquor is a clear pale yellow. This is not at all harsh, but sweetly flavored like green bean juice. As I swish and swirl it, I pick up a little seaweed, or maybe just the green saltiness of seaweed.
It does not have thick body, but the cool tea has a light creamy texture taste/texture. I am having trouble distinguishing which it is.
A very well behaved sheng, and if I didn’t have a pie in the oven I would lie down for a quick nap. It has been a lovely break-time tea. I am feeling peaceful rather than stimulated. Nice.
Glad you experienced a peaceful moment <3