193 Tasting Notes


This smells so good! I was pretty excited to try this tea when I got back to the office, though I tried peaches and cream first. The girl at david’s told me to watch my steeping time because it took them a few tries to get it right. I totally forgot about it, but still only steeped for 6 mins or so at a warm temp. It was slightly bitter but had a strange chemically taste to it that I hope was because of the oversteep. It got better as it cooled but that could be because my taste buds were used to it. I’m gonna play around with steeping times because the flavour was quite nice, very concord grape.

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I am so pathetic. I was checking the website all evening last night hoping they would add their spring teas early but went to bed disappointed. I woke up at 2 and 5am and checked the website again but they still didn’t have it. Checked again when I woke up at 7:30 they were finally there! Love the theme! Bought samples of every tea except for pom tango because I didn’t really care for it last year.

This is the first one I tried, don’t know why, it smelled the worst out of the bunch. It smells like nail polish to me, and peach of course. Similar to the peach in long life oolong. Tastes pretty similar too, without the oolong of course. It was ok, but not awesome. It had a slight chemically taste, and the peach is kind of in between a creamy peach and a fresh peach. It was a little bit tangy. I was hoping it would taste like peaches and cream oatmeal because that is my favourite, but it wasn’t even close. I’m gonna try a shorter steeping time next time and with no added cream.

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I always really wanted to try this tea and Janelle was kind enough to send me a sample of it a few months ago. I just got around to trying this today as I find my little samples are easy to lose track of. I know that the water was too hot and i’m mad at myself for ruining the only chance I will ever have of trying this tea, but I drank half of it anyway trying to look past the bitterness. I can detect a good amount of blueberry flavour, and it’s a natural blueberry flavour, but the base is quite grassy, not as delicate as other white teas. It brewed up quite dark for a white tea as well. Either way, I don’t think I was missing out on much with this tea.

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I was skeptical about trying this tea because it smells so perfumey, but that also intrigues me. Floral teas smell perfumey to me but I love the taste so I was hoping that would be the case with this one. But this tasted awful. I could detect the jasmine which I liked, but it tasted just like incense of perfume. I love the idea of it, it’s not like any other tea I’ve tried, but I just can’t do it. Unless someone really wants this, I’ll probably throw it away. I’m only giving it a rating above 10 because I think it is a quality tea and I wish that I liked it.

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drank Bamboozled by DAVIDsTEA
193 tasting notes

It’s been a long time since I’ve had this one as I got out of herbals for a while there. But now that I’m on a diet that restricts my caffeine, my love hate relationship with herbals is back on.

I made this the other night with the purpose of having it iced, as I find it much better that way. The smell of it is weird to me, very peachy and fruity, but also like rotting fruit a bit. The taste was exactly how I remembered it, mostly peach and a little bit of pineapple. But there’s something extra in this tea that I can’t put my finger on. It must be the bamboo. I’ve never had bamboo tea on it’s own so I’m not sure how it tastes, but I like it, it’s very refreshing. Having this tea iced is just like having a glass of peach juice but without the calories and sugar.

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I took this out of the Great Canadian Travelling Tea Box in Jan and I’m just trying it now. I’ve been looking to try this one for a long time, I really want to find a good grapefruit tea but I’ve had no luck yet. This tea is not going to do it for me. It’s good, juicy lemon for sure, but I’m not getting any grapefruit. I’ve never had Formosa oolong before but I’m finding it tastes more like a black than an oolong. I’m not looking for a lemon tea so I would not order this one.


Oh I hope you’ll love Southern Sunrise then! It’s grapefruitorama.


Oooooh I can’t wait. That’s why I picked it, but I don’t know what I’ll do if I love it. I guess we’ll just have to do another swap!

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This was fairly unimpressive. I was hoping that the white chocolate would set this tea apart from other mint chocolate rooibos teas, but it fell short. I couldn’t see or taste any white chocolate, so it was basically just a mint rooibos. No thanks!

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Pulled this out of the back of my cupboard before I send it out for a swap. I think this has lost it’s flavour over time. I remember it being really quite fruity, but I didn’t like the aftertaste it left. Tonight it tastes like water, and actually quite like the forever nuts that was left in my steeper overnight the night before. I am getting a little bit of the fruitiness in the aftertaste, but very faint, and I’m really searching for it. If I send this off I might throw this one out and go buy some new stuff because I feel bad swapping this knowing that it doesn’t have any flavour left.

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I’m glad I only got a sample size of this as I didn’t like it. It smells great, like fuzzy peaches, but when I tasted it, it was quite bitter tasting. I added some skim milk and stevia and that made it worse, the candy-like peach flavour did not work well with the milk. I can see this being really goo diced though, so that is what I’m going to do with my remaining sample.

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Oops! I noticed that I wrote a review for H&S Midsommer’s Peach tea under this one. I don’t know how that happened because I specifically remember being on the peach tea’s page, weird. So if anyone read my review talking about a candy peach flavour, that was an accident! Well I guess I’ll review this one now that I am here.

I stole this out of the Great Canadian Travelling Tea Box – Round one. I love genmaicha and this smelled quite similar, , but without the green tea. It was really good, but a little boring to me. I don’t think it is something I would drink on it’s own anymore, so I added this to my decaf sencha and I really like it that way. Similar to genmaicha, but a stronger toasty flavour.


haha, I was wondering about the peach. ;-)

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I didn’t drink a lot of tea growing up, just the red rose my nana would make me with about 3 teaspoons of sugar added to it. I started getting into loose leaf tea about a decade ago when I visited our local tea house and tried Rooibos for the first time, though I only drank it on occasion. I didn’t get serious about it until David’s tea came to town. I was on a diet and wanted something I could drink without sugar that had a lot of flavours to choose from.

I prefer black teas, but oolong and green come in a close second. White and guayusa are in the middle, while mate, rooibos and herbals are at the bottom of my list.

Likes: banana, jasmine, pumpkin, lychee, blueberry, chocolate
Dislikes: orange, ginger, rose, hibiscus, butterscotch, honeybush

My non-tea related interests are music, camping, poker, softball, snowboarding, biology and animals. I have 2 dogs and they are my whole life.


Prince George, BC

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