drank Cream of Earl Grey by Tealated
69 tasting notes

To start with, this was a free sample from Tealated – thank you very much! It came very nicely packaged with free filter bags and a card.
I opened the bag and immediately could smell a very sweet vanilla aroma – it was quite inviting! It got me excited to brew it. I used boiling water for about 3:15 and when I pulled the leaves, the aroma was there again, and stronger. The leaves themselves smelled of citrus, so I will likely try a rebrew. The initial taste, after cooling slightly, is of strong black tea with a very pleasant aftertaste of cream. The bergamot is very light, and natural. It definitely does not overpower the taste of the high quality tea. I do put sugar in my Earl Grey Cream teas (I just wanted to taste this one unadorned first), so when I added it, the taste was fuller. It was very smooth and pleasant. It’s a tea I could drink all day. I would like to try it iced as well.
All in all, a tea I will definitely buy more of. This comes from a seller with a vision I share – spread joy through tea. She also supports water.org. Moreover, the samples she sent came with a handwritten note. This made me ant to review her tea quickly and get her message out. Little touches like that mean so much to a potential customer. She definitely made me into a customer for sure.

Flavors: Citrus, Sugar, Vanilla

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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