64 Tasting Notes
I am really loving these summer teas that David’s Tea keeps coming out with….but hot dayum, it’s expensive if you think that it’s just glorified dried fruit. But the tea addict in me just keeps saying MORE MORE MORE. This tastes exactly as described, a perfect refreshing pina colada. The way I’ve found I love this is iced mixed with 7up, I wanted something teapoplike but without paying 4 dollars for 1 cup when I can get about 5 cups for 4 dollars making it at home. I can’t find anything wrong with it and my boyfriend, a flavoured tea hater loves it, so I must add to the list of great teas to keep in my collection. As with any iced tea, I don’t like making 1 cup at a time and would rather make them in volumes and keep in a jug in the fridge, I find that they end up tasting too watery if I don’t give them enough time to properly cool down and just rush the experience. It’s definitely a good tea to have in my collection but I wouldn’t say it’s my favourite just yet, but up there for sure :)
Love this tea iced, it’s just a standard feel good tea that resembles something you can get at starbucks or any other coffee and tea chain that you can think of. However, I love the fact I can make this for summer parties, my own enjoyment and cheaper than paying 4 dollars a drink which is an A+ in my book. Nice tartness, great sweetened with agave or just plain sugar or even unsweetened. It’s refreshing finding something that I can have unsweetended since there are a lot of iced teas I’ve found lately that you have to load up with sugar just to make it taste good.
Ahhhh,my beloved Mango Fruit Punch why must you be so expensive for just a lot of dried fruit? Nevertheless I fell in love with you the moment I first sipped you. Your sweet taste, heavenly citrus taste and perfect with a few additions of oranges in a punch bowl. But damn, why must you be a golddigger?
I had tried other flavoured Pu’erhs before and none tasted as fishy as this when hot. The candied pineapple and white chocolate are just not good combinations hot. For some reason I first thought of this to be a hot tea not an iced tea (should’ve known from the ALOHA but oh well) tried it iced, and it’s not bad, not good either. Wouldn’t buy it again and I iced the rest of my 20g or so batch just so it is manageable to drink and wouldn’t go to waste.
I had this iced this morning with a little sugar and I don’t think I can have this any other way. I woke up to the sun shining and a beautiful blue sky which gave me the hankering for iced tea. I do really like it iced, but I like it, not love it if that makes sense. It’s great to have instead of orange juice because I’m trying to stay away from any drinks besides tea and water, it doesn’t fall flat for me but doesn’t make me shout from the hilltops about how great this tea is either. Light and refreshing. I wish I liked this more, I’m not sure why I don’t. But this is a winning blend.
I really like this tea and so does my mom. Now, that women is freaking picky with everything and I’m surprised she had nothing bad to say about it…she says it reminds her of the Philippines when she used to drink coconut water all the time. I find the tea very creamy and delicate, which I love. I find David’s Tea is very good at oolong blends, I haven’t been disappointed yet and I think I have about 5 of their oolongs. I will definitely be filling up a big tin of this, partially for me, but mostly for my mother because that woman only like 3 out of the 30 teas in my collection so far, ayaya.
I am getting sick and it always starts with the throat and works its way up to a full blown cold, sigh….
I got this as a cup to go today and the taste is well….bleh, I can handle it and I can see it as something I get used to however, I just hate licorice :( However, I can overlook the oh so horrible taste because it helped my throat so much. I usually will have a lozenge and sip on some sort of tea, gurgle some salt water, suck on ginger and it’ll feel better for a good hour or two before I have to do it again. But timing how long it took my throat to hurt again is from 6:30 till 1 am (I know I should be getting rest but I have an exam tomorrow, boo) That’s a record and I think this will be my new sicky tea. My boyfriend describes the taste as “something that you know is supposed to be good for you”. It’s great at what it does.
Yesterday while on the hunt for the last ounces of cookie dough I could get my hands on and as I asked for a latte the salesperson said this was her favourite as a latte, and let me tell you it is amazing as a latte. I normally hate the taste of honey, but this does it for me. I love love love it.
I tend to forget about this tea in my collection, but as soon as I open up that tin and give it a whiff I remember why I fell in love with it. It tastes creamy, nutty, and oh so scrumptious with a little sugar. However, the price is a wee bit much for something that is well, stretched. But nevertheless, this is a great tea which makes me want to buy it. Warning I’m about to go a little bit on a Teavana rant. I’m not happy with the whole minimum amount to purchase at Teavana, in having to drop 10 bucks just for 1 tea when at other local shops I can let’s say get 25 grams of a tea I know and love, then get maybe 10 of something here 10 there. Especially the whole GET A TIN routine they have why the heck would I get a 7.50 tin when I can get another tea for that price in a bag, especially when their competitors have tins for 2.50 and well let’s be serious I keep most of my tea in dollarama tins which look just as cute and keep my tea fresh perfectly.Don’t even get me started when I asked for 50 grams and I got 78 without even asking if that’s okay, ARE YOU SERIOUS. What keeps me going back, very seldomly I add, is basically this favourite which says something about how great this tea is.
I’ve only had this hot so far, but I feel that this would make a great lemon iced tea. Having it hot is a great way to go however, it was just comforting, like the way I feel with a good tea when I’m sick in bed with some chicken soup. It’s simple which is great for me. On those days I don’t want a BAM HERE I AM flavour this will help, and as one can probably already tell, this is great with honey instead of sugar.