drank Wen Shan Bao Zhong by Naivetea
2816 tasting notes

I am done with my tin of this, I have had it for about a year and it survived very well in the tin it came in. A delicious, buttery soft and floral oolong, one I would definitely purchase again. Naivetea has some great oolongs!

In other news I think I have mice, they were eating their way through some bags of dried barley and sprouting seeds I had. I wonder if mice like tea? I hope not!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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LiberTEAS 12 years ago

Yes, mice DO like tea. Way, way back when I had a small office space for my tea blending, I had to move out of the first space I had because of the mice problem, they destroyed a couple of kilos of tea. :(

TeaBrat 12 years ago

oh.. thanks for letting me know. I should probably move my puerh tea up high where the mice can’t get into it (right now it’s in a shoebox on the floor)

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

Yes, and having it in a tin wouldn’t hurt either.

TeaBrat 12 years ago

I thought you were supposed to keep puerh in something that can breathe? I know lay would work but I just have so much freaking tea. :-P

TeaBrat 12 years ago

sorry, meant CLAY not lay…

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

Yes… clay would be better, I think. I suggested the tin only because mice can’t bite through it, but, I doubt they could bite through the clay either…… so if you have clay, that’s what I’d recommend.

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LiberTEAS 12 years ago

Yes, mice DO like tea. Way, way back when I had a small office space for my tea blending, I had to move out of the first space I had because of the mice problem, they destroyed a couple of kilos of tea. :(

TeaBrat 12 years ago

oh.. thanks for letting me know. I should probably move my puerh tea up high where the mice can’t get into it (right now it’s in a shoebox on the floor)

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

Yes, and having it in a tin wouldn’t hurt either.

TeaBrat 12 years ago

I thought you were supposed to keep puerh in something that can breathe? I know lay would work but I just have so much freaking tea. :-P

TeaBrat 12 years ago

sorry, meant CLAY not lay…

LiberTEAS 12 years ago

Yes… clay would be better, I think. I suggested the tin only because mice can’t bite through it, but, I doubt they could bite through the clay either…… so if you have clay, that’s what I’d recommend.

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My profile pic is of a pink dahlia at Golden Gate Park.

Hobbies include: tea, making art, animals, vegan things, buddhism, nature, creativity, books, writing, cooking, meditation, yoga.

I am a fan of many different teas but my favorites are blacks and oolongs, chai, also like darjeeling and pu-erh. I’n always learning and expanding my horizons!

Dislikes include: bergamot, jasmine, highly tannic or bitter teas, overly judgmental and bitter people. :)

Live in San Francisco, I’m a SINK (single income, no kids) and love the urban life, but traveling out to the middle of nowhere is always fun too.

I tend to not drink things I know I will hate so a lot of my tea ratings are on the higher side. Here’s my rating system, sorta

95-100 I love this tea and would like to keep it around

94-90 An excellent tea which I may or may not repurchase

89-80 Pretty good, above average

79-70 Acceptable

69-60 Mundane – Will probably drink it if I have it

59-50 Ick

49 and below Nasty


San Frandisco



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