85 Tasting Notes


This is a nice chai with a mild caramel flavor. I also like that it is a rooibus, so I can drink it late in the afternoon or evening. I did add sugar and coconut milk to make it more traditional. I like the smooth taste, very nice to relax with a big cup.

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WOW, this Chai is spicy, at least to my tastebuds. I was able to tame it down with some coconut milk. I can now at least finish the 10 pack that I have. If you enjoy a spicy chai, then you might really enjoy this tea. It is an instant tea, so most of you on steepster might not like that fact.

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I tasted this in the store and really liked it. I ended up buying 4oz while it was on sale 30% off. It was definitely sweetened with their German rock sugar, so we will see how much I have to sweeten it to taste the same at home.

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I made this tea this morning to take with me to work. I added sugar and creamer to make it like a traditional chai. I liked the tea and will definitely make it again, but I am not sure that it had a distinct coconut flavor. I love coconut in just about anything, so I was hoping it would have a stronger coconut flavor to it.

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145 °F / 62 °C

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I tried this tea hot the first time and it was nice. It has a bold spicy flavor. I chilled the next cup I tried and I liked it even better. I did add German rock sugar to it. I only have a sample of this, so I can probably get a couple more cups out of it. I will make a decision then, if I will restock this tea.

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Went into Teavana today to get some of the Grape Wulong that is 30% off for a little while. I decided to buy a drink and this was the choice. I had it iced with sweetener. It was ok. I don’t know, I think I wanted more of a watermelon kick. It is definitely more mild flavored that I thought it would be, which might be a positive for some tea drinkers.

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drank Wild Sweet Orange by Tazo
85 tasting notes

I had this tea this morning when I had to get up early for a work meeting on a Sunday. I added sweetener, because I wanted a sweet kick to wake me up. I liked the tea. I am surprised that people are so against this tea. I would have to absolutely hate a tea to give it such low marks, but to each their own and everyone’s tastes are different.

Flavors: Orange Zest

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I am a big collector of teas. I enjoy tasting all kinds of different flavors from many different companies. I do tend to prefer my teas iced. I am not really into flowery teas, give me spice, fruit, or dessert teas and I’m a happy girl.

Here is my rating scale:
Under 50 – Did not like this tea
51-60 – Not my cup of tea, but others may like
61-70 – It’s alright, probably won’t drink again
71-80 – Good tea, will drink again
81-90 – Better tea, will restock this tea
91-100 – Best tea, must have this in my


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