18 Tasting Notes


After testing multiple brewing methods with this tea I have found my favorite:

I average 5-6 steepings in my 8oz yixing teapot using 1 heaping tsp of leaves (aprox. 4g)

The sweet honeysuckle and orchid aroma builds upon each steeping and diminishes around the 5th.

The color of the brew starts off a very pale yellow and turns into a deeper yellow/green at the final infusion.

The taste starts off very floral and strong and smooths out and sweetens with each additional brew.

I generally add 15 seconds to each steeping which is more than enough to get a new and unique aroma and flavor each steeping.

I highly recommend this tea!

190 °F / 87 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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This is my favorite oolong and I am currently testing different brewing methods and thoroughly enjoyed today’s brew.

In a 10oz Teapot:

60 second rinse and discard

2:00 minute steep – lite yellow brew with a very floral aroma. Strong flavor with a slight floral taste and no bitterness.

2:30 minute steep – A darker yellow brew with a floral aroma but not as strong as the previous steeping. A much more robust flavor profile in this brew with a nice rounded flavor with a slight sweetness lingering on the tongue.

3:00 minute steep – same color as the previous brew with little floral aroma. This steeping was extremely smooth and buttery. A nice rounded flavor and a lingering sweetness that left me wanting more.

another 3:00 minute steep – almost identical to the previous brew.

I’m looking forward to trying this in my new yixing and am thinking of buying a gaiwan soon as I have heard it is the best method for brewing a TGY.

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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Being fairly new to loose leaf tea, I am still figuring out which teas I prefer.

I took advantage of Yezi Tea’s sample promotion and received this tea along with their Puchong oolong and their Dragonwell green teas.

I was blown away with the fullness and varying flavor profiles this TGY offers. So much so that I returned to Yezi Tea to make it a staple in my cupboard. Yezi Tea offers a great selection of fine quality teas, has phenomenal prices, offers three free samples with every order, and has very cheap and quick shipping.

I highly recommend Yezi Tea’s to any tea aficionados and newbies alike.

I will provide a more thorough review after I receive my order and have the opportunity to play around with my steeping methods.

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drank Fig Rose by Teavana
18 tasting notes

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drank Fig Rose by Teavana
18 tasting notes

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drank Body + Mind White Tea by Teavana
18 tasting notes

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I am fairly new to loose leaf tea brewing and am already addicted and am quickly coming to find which teas I prefer. My favorite teas thus far are pure green and oolong teas and I tend to stay away from anything flavored or too brisk and astringent.

I am a very active person and have been an athlete all my life which encouraged me to study sports science and wellness. I am very passionate about health and wellness and enjoy weight lifting, running, cooking (and eating :) and of course, brewing tea!


San Diego, CA

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