Vanilla & Cinnamon Black Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
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Cinnamon, Floral, Nutty, Vanilla
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Edit tea info Last updated by kitkatcarr
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 10 oz / 295 ml

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24 Tasting Notes

2970 tasting notes

Its going to be 100 degrees today. Buy my sinuses are still unhappy, and so an unseasonable tea is called for!
Why precicely I thought cinnamon would be good for gunky sinuses, I do not know, but I do like this. Its warm and fun. Not precicely the mood people usually goes for during 100 degree weather, but hey.
Give me tea or give me heatstroke!


Gross, 100 degrees! I don’t know how you can live like that. 80 is bad enough.


Its no fun, let me tell you. Pretty common around here.


I like this one (maybe not in triple digit heat; we had that today, too). It’s very similar to one of my winter favorites, Eggnogg’n by Bigelow.


As I say, I dont know what posessed me to attempt this in triple digits. I am a fool for tea!

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3011 tasting notes

My work tea stash is kind of pathetic…refugee boxes and bags from home that I intend to drink up quickly and never do. This was in the stash, but still has a tiny bit of life left in it. Still smells nice and the cinnamon presence compensates for the decay of the black tea base.

Too bad Trader Joe’s discontinued this variety—was (formerly) a really nice wintertime pantry staple.

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828 tasting notes

I got a box of this for Christmas, and have enjoyed having it for the past few weeks. I’ve mostly added sugar, and others have commented on how nice my office smells when I have a cup. It’s a typical black tea bag with some good spices!


Reminds me a lot of Bigelow’s Eggnogg’n.

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411 tasting notes

Really good for a bagged tea.

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138 tasting notes

i can’t believe it’s not butter!

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10 tasting notes

Smells amazing and tastes almost as good. I need to find a loose-leaf tea that tastes similar!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

same here! would love to find a loose leaf version of this tea!!


also agree that it tastes almost as amazing as it smells…that aroma is inimitable bliss…i always add milk & brown sugar…i feel like i’m drinking chai sans the pungent clove!

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177 tasting notes

Definately not the best vanilla tea out there but I think this one of the best bagged teas. We keep this one around because it’s convenient; perfect brewed double strength with equal parts water and Trader Joe’s vanilla hemp milk. They’re probably literally made for one another.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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20 tasting notes

It’s a good tea, but lacks in vanilla taste. A good alternative is Celestial Seasonings Nutcracker Sweet.


it’s not only a good alternative to Nutcracker Sweet, it’s identical ;)


Duly noted. I think the festive Nutcracker packaging appealed to me more than that creepy lemur.

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2 tasting notes

One of my favorite holiday teas! It’s a very gentle aroma on a nice black tea that is sweet enough on it’s own that it’s one of very few teas I don’t add any honey too.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Vanilla

2 min, 30 sec

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52 tasting notes

This is actual a travel staple for me. The strong vanilla and cinnamon notes tame bad water taste on the road. So for vanilla tea week I broke out a box with the happy lemur looking at me while drinking his tea I just had to cheer up. Its foggy out and I can feel the warm cinnamon opening my eyes and lifting the fog. The black on this tea is a bit harsh something I like in a wake up morning tea. The vanilla is strong in the scent and mixes on the tongue with the cinnamon. Adding some honey enhances the vanilla sweetness. I think its great for a bagged tea and for the price! Also you can’t really over steep, I’ve accidentally left it over 10 minutes with no additional bitterness.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Vanilla

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 295 ML

I love this one. I wish it was available year round.


yes I stock up and store it sealed up in plastic boxes in a cool spot so I have enough to make it through the year. I just went shopping and found a new TJ’s tea coconut lemongrass green. I’m not sure if that’s something I’d like but the price was right so its hopped into the cart


ugh, this is my favorite tea! it’s just so delicious, i can’t get over it. sometimes i get strong butterscotch, other times cinnamon oatmeal raisin cookie. i was devastated to know it was only seasonal so i searched far and wide to find it at other stores.

Rosehips- you’re in luck! this tea is the exact same thing as Celestial Seasonings’ Nutcracker Sweet, which is available year round! if u can’t find it in stores, try the CS website :)

*i’m 99.9% sure it is the same tea, believe me, i have several boxes of each and there’s no difference!

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