This is my first sheng from white2tea, and it came in the monthly club. I like the orb idea for convenience sake. My husband thought it was a Ferraro Rocher chocolate! Ha!
When I got it, I thought it weighed 10g, as advertised, and was going to split it in half because my gaiwan isn’t that big. I also normally use about 6g for a sheng session. Thanks to TheTeaFairy’s suggestion, I broke it in half by bending it with my fingers! But then I weighed it and decided that half an orb was too small, so I went with the whole orb anyway! It was actually around 8g.
I did two 5-second rinses and then steeped 10/15/20/25/35/45/60s and beyond! I actually had this over 2 days, which is the first time I’ve done that. I just spread the leaf out on a small plate and let it dry overnight and went back to it the next day and gave it a couple of rinses.
This is the thickest, most buttery mouthfeel sheng I’ve had. Really delicious! The liquor is a beautiful peach color. In the early steepings, it seemed more savory, with a touch of tobacco and vegetal astringency, but the buttery smoothness was dominant. The sweetness emerged early, by the third steep, and got stronger as the steepings progressed. The buttery mouthfeel lingered throughout. This was one of those everlasting gobstopper teas. I lost count of the infusions. The later ones had a juicy fruity sweetness with that buttery mouthfeel.
I must warn you, though, that it was a bit harsh on my stomach, and had an extremely energetic effect. I was pretty tea drunk and giggly on the first day. On the second day, my heart was pumping fast with only a couple steeps! I wasn’t sure whether it was just this tea, or whether it was because of the large amount of leaf. I really enjoyed it though, and would definitely consider picking one up in the future.
im sold. ill be trying mine this wknd
Brian – Awesome! Enjoy!