Following 50 Tea Drinkers
Grad student in sociocultural anthropology. I drink tea while reading for my ...
I’d like to think I’m an artsy graphic design student. I’m obsessed with tea....
Our mission is to practice peace and drink tea.
I’m 57, used to be I/T project & program manager and live with a pug (Rhu...
Hello, I’m a college graduate, who got into tea during late night studies (la...
Recommended: Tea: Japanese greens Dessert: Creme Brulee Books: Heaven – Rand...
I’m a self employed consultant with no religious or political affiliations. ...
I’m very new to tea, but want to learn as much as possible about it. So far I...
I’ve been drinking tea off and on for a few years, but only in the last year ...
Ratings: 1~10: Could not take any more than a few sips. 11~30: Could finish t...