I didn’t even want to write this note. I will be quick about it in any case. I received this in a swap. I was sorrowed to find that I could detect no apple or caramel taste to the 3-4 cups I had of this one. :( It was a nice toasty and roasted oolong with a vague fruit sweetness. I think maybe it had just been too aged and the flavourings dissipated. It was in a plastic sandwich bag so that, I’m sure, didn’t help. Oh well. Stacy did say that some of the flavoured blends would be diminished in taste at this point, especially if not stored for the long term. Happy to try it though, and I am sure it was lovely 6 months ago! :)
Flavors: Fruity, Roasted, Sweet, Toasty
Plastic sandwich bags are such an injustice to tea.