Day 9 – After recent bad experiences with puerh, I was excited to see how this mini puerh cake would compare. The actual quality of the leaf was pretty much dust, while the smell was distinctly earthy and not overly appealing. However… the taste more closely resembled a black tea, with an intricate addition of rich, earthy notes. I think it will take some getting used to, but overall a far better experience when compared to the mouldy, peaty flavour of other puerh.

For more on my tea advent journey: https://www.tastethetea.co.uk/2017/12/02/advent-westholme-tea-farm/

Flavors: Earth, Wet Earth, Wood

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Tea Blogger. Exploring tea. Love to help fellow tea lovers discover new flavours.

Tea in cupboard is all tea I’ve tried, not updated to what I actually have right now!

Love: Nearly all oolong, malty black tea, earl grey, most chai, mint leaves, jasmine pearls.
Meh: Green tea, puerh, matcha.

00-25 – Hated it. Would never buy.
25-50 – Disliked it, probably because I just don’t like that tea.
51-60 – Ok/neutral stance.
61-70 – Tasty. Wouldn’t buy
71-80 – Really enjoyed, could be improved.
81-90 – Really loved it, would consider repeat purchase.
91-100 – Fav. Will repeat purchase.

I’m also on Twitter and instagram @tastetheteablog :)





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