A fresh light golden cup. Smells nutty and sweet. Tastes similar, with a hint of caramel. Has a “clean” quality to it (the very beginnings of astringency I’m sure) which is a pleasant change from the heavier Chinese blacks I’ve been having of late. I’m almost tempted to add in a couple drops of fresh squeezed lemon juice instead of trying milk or sugar… I wasn’t planning on splitting this cup, but curiosity has the better of me now.
with a couple drops of lemon juice; ABORT! ABORT! ABORT! WHY DID I THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA??? Quick, add honey! More tolerable…but nope. Worth experimenting I suppose.
with sugar; Enhances the caramel note substantially.
with milk; Yum. Winner.
with milk and sugar; Also yum.
I would be happy having this plain, or with milk (and sugar if I feel like something sweet). Glad to have tried it, onto the shopping list it goes.
Phew! This made for tense reading; so glad you survived okay. :)
Hahaha, it was a close call! ;)