So this is the third Yunnan black tea that I’ve had today and the only one that has tasted even remotely right. Smooth and slightly peppery with slight malty notes but not a lot. After experiencing more black teas (this was one of the first from Adagio I had, one of the first plain black loose leaf teas that I’d ever had), I’m finding it lighter than I previously thought it was. There’s still something not quite right with my tastebuds because something is coming across as sour, especially in the aftertaste, of everything I’ve consumed today, including the croissant I had earlier. Something’s wrong with my sense of smell too, the van I rode home in smelled of urine and if that had been at all correct, I think someone else would have mentioned it, so I think it was just me. Hopefully this will reset after I brush my teeth and go to bed tonight because I’ll be very unhappy if it lingers. And yay, my ‘y’ key is working again!
3 min, 0 sec