Yunnan Gold

Tea type
Black Tea
Yunnan Dian Hong
Not available
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Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by JulieWyant
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 3 g 13 oz / 393 ml

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  • “OK. What is it? The weather? Stress? Why the heck am I so tired tonight? Seriously, I could probably go to bed NOW. Except I’m not gonna. I don’t know what it is with me and this latest batch of...” Read full tasting note
  • “thanks so much for the trade, Starfevre! The leaves here are definitely gold and I did notice a peppery fragrance on the dry leaves before reading about the pepper in the description. After a...” Read full tasting note
  • “1 heaping tsp in 8 oz OK, this is not nearly as good as I remember! Probably because I’ve had much better teas in the meantime. Thanks for spoiling me, Steepster!!! The aroma is what I remember,...” Read full tasting note
  • “So this is the third Yunnan black tea that I’ve had today and the only one that has tasted even remotely right. Smooth and slightly peppery with slight malty notes but not a lot. After...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Teas

Yunnan Gold black tea (also known as Dian Hong) is easily identified by its abundance of soft golden tips, and savory cocoa and black pepper flavors. This artisan tea hails from the Yunnan province of China, the birthplace of tea itself. Our high-grade Yunnan Gold is milk chocolate creamy and sweet, with pleasant pepper notes. The flavor becomes earthier and more layered as it cools. Soft, rounded cup, silky and perfect. It is also a very forgiving tea and will not taste bitter when over-steeped. Allowed to take only one tea to a desert island, this “golden” Yunnan would be our clear choice.

About Adagio Teas View company

Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at and in many gourmet and health food stores.

74 Tasting Notes

336 tasting notes

OK. What is it? The weather? Stress? Why the heck am I so tired tonight? Seriously, I could probably go to bed NOW. Except I’m not gonna.

I don’t know what it is with me and this latest batch of Adagio teas; I’ve been trying to be generous with the leaves, but they’ve all been really mild. I can detect a creamy mouthfeel with this one, and a bit of buttery sweetness, but I really don’t get a whole lot of flavor…

Yeah. I just tasted cup #2, which I’ve left brewing for about forty five minutes. A bit of bitterness, a bit of mushroominess, and a bit of the flavor from the first cup, but it’s all so subtle. Dammit Adagio! What, do you give us these big honkin samples because we have to use three teaspoons per cup in order to taste anything?

No numbers for now. Hey, at least this stuff is waking me up a bit.

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4337 tasting notes

thanks so much for the trade, Starfevre! The leaves here are definitely gold and I did notice a peppery fragrance on the dry leaves before reading about the pepper in the description. After a steep of four minutes, the color looks like a beer (I guess I’ll be saying that a lot now with my new clear mug.) The flavors: pepper, cedar, some kind of stone fruit… maybe plums and something even sweeter than that. I wouldn’t call this one a deep, malty chocolatey Yunnan. It is a very light black tea! Very good… very different! I haven’t really had a tea like this one yet. I really love how different teas can be from each other.

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110 tasting notes

1 heaping tsp in 8 oz

OK, this is not nearly as good as I remember! Probably because I’ve had much better teas in the meantime. Thanks for spoiling me, Steepster!!!

The aroma is what I remember, and I really like that Yunnan aroma, but the flavor is practically non-existent, and it’s a little astringent, even a bit bitter. Will try 190 for 3 minutes next time, but I have a feeling this tea (which used to be a fave) will be a no-go for me.

Obviously I liked the Teavivre better, but I see I brewed them very differently. Thank goodness for tasting notes. Will have to try these side by side brewed the same way!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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772 tasting notes

So this is the third Yunnan black tea that I’ve had today and the only one that has tasted even remotely right. Smooth and slightly peppery with slight malty notes but not a lot. After experiencing more black teas (this was one of the first from Adagio I had, one of the first plain black loose leaf teas that I’d ever had), I’m finding it lighter than I previously thought it was. There’s still something not quite right with my tastebuds because something is coming across as sour, especially in the aftertaste, of everything I’ve consumed today, including the croissant I had earlier. Something’s wrong with my sense of smell too, the van I rode home in smelled of urine and if that had been at all correct, I think someone else would have mentioned it, so I think it was just me. Hopefully this will reset after I brush my teeth and go to bed tonight because I’ll be very unhappy if it lingers. And yay, my ‘y’ key is working again!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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2037 tasting notes

Another pleasant surprise from the Adagio Black Savant sampler. I really liked the Golden Spring, and Yunnan Gold is really nice as well. It has big, bold, golden leaves that smell slightly chocolatey in the sample tin. It’s a deep, rich, slightly sweet smell. Different from other Yunnans in that I’m not getting a strong malty note, but smells extremely inviting even so.

The aroma does have a tad of maltiness to it, but it’s a very dark, ale-like malt rather than a sweet, chocolate ball malt. Though there is some chocolateness even in the aroma of the steeped tea. It lends an expectation of chewiness to the tea.

The flavor is very much like the smell. Not sweet, really, but smooth and rich. And I get the pepper reference. It’s that pepper flavor without the spicy kick thing that I have tasted in other teas.

Between this and the Golden Spring, I may have to place an Adagio order when all is said and done. I guess I’d throw the Apricot, Blueberry and maybe the Passion Fruit in to this fictitious order, too, if/when I get out of lock down.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

I seem to remember one of the Keemuns being quite good also in a breakfast-tea kind of way, but I can’t recall whether or not it was the Savant sampler or the regular one. I think it was ‘Concerto’, but I could be misremembering.


I think the rhapsody one comes with the sampler. I’ll be giving it a try in the next few days, most likely.

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114 tasting notes

2/5/14 Evening pot. 3g/6oz/200F/5min. Oh Yunnan Gold, how I love thee. Your beautiful tippy golden leaves, your aromatic raisin wineyness. Your ruby /mahagony liquor. How you settle in with a sugar cube. I dialed back the temperature slightly for this brewing, and upped the steeping time. I got a great straightforward black tea, tannic and astringent enough to be a good mouthful without being unpleasant. Excellent with a sugar cube.

caveats: Yunnan Gold was the first tea I loved and my emotions may be a bit involved in this tasting note.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 3 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

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98 tasting notes

Great. Smells like chocolate and pepper. Woke me up earlier and kept me going through my day. Tired now.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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735 tasting notes

I feel like I tried this a few years ago, but didn’t like it. I most likely oversteeped it then, which I was prone to doing. (And still am, occasionally.)

But this time, having a little more basis for what a yunnan should taste like, I like it. The leaves smell bright and sweet, but satisfyingly malty. They aren’t smoky, just smooth and very flavorful. It’s strong enough to be good with breakfast. The description mentions a peppery taste, but I’m not getting it. I guess that comes out if you give it the full 5 minutes.

This would be a good yunnan to have around, but I still prefer Teavivre’s Yun Nan Dian Hong Golden Tips.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

This is the tea that really got me loving Yunnan, I agree with your assessment on Teavivre’s being a bit more…complex? But Adagio’s will always have a warm spot in my heart<3

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104 tasting notes

Great black tea, with a subtle, peppery flavor and a nice aroma. Not too strong (as with most teas, I think the flavor could be a bit stronger) but it isn’t bitter or too acidic, so it’s smooth and pleasant. The flavor also lingers for a while, so you can enjoy it slowly. Color is a nice golden/copper orange, and looks like the flavor will be stronger than it is.

Boiling 6 min, 30 sec

You might be interested in Rishi’s sale of the day;)

Cory O'Brien

Thanks for the recommendation! I picked up a couple ounces, and can’t wait to give it a try!

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911 tasting notes

Yet another sample that is now gone. This one is a perfect example of how I end up with tons of little bits of teas left… when they go away, they make me sad. Flavorful and smooth, it’s not got a heavy mouth feel or much thick feeling to it. I will miss it greatly. Must order.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

Glad you liked it. I’m working on a new Adagio order today.


I really do – thanks so much for sharing it with me!

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