Thanks for sharing this one variaTEA i’m going to have to side with cavo on this one. – there’s something weird going on. I can see why they refer to it having caramel notes…but the base is slightly overpowering and distracts me from things. it also doesn’t taste like maple syrup. it’s more caramel syrup than anything…oh well, good to try. :)
I really should try this one out however each new review is making me that much more hesitant to do so.
I really should try this one out however each new review is making me that much more hesitant to do so.
try a lower temp, 2.5 mins and look for the sweetness heh
I have a sample of this to try too…
Well, when my sister returned with 100g bags, I figured I had enough to share with everyone.
Cough Try the Ice Wine one Cough