drank Strawberry Bloom by DAVIDsTEA
15588 tasting notes

VariaTEA sent me a few of these blooming teas from David’s to try out. Now, my experience to date with blooming teas is that they are largely for the visual senses, with the teas being weaker than i prefer. they’ve also all been green teas, and the ones she sent are black. I opted to treat this as a cold brew for fun and it turns out, that was the right approach for me. this is a nice lighlty flavoured strawberry tea that is pleasant to drink. I cut the water in half and it’s been steeping for longer than the 10 minutes…but it’s gone from being a floating poop of tea, to a nice bloom :) with a decent strawberry brew haha. thanks for sharing variatea!

Cameron B.

FLOATING POOP?! God I laughed so hard. You’re amazing. XD


well if floating poops were really round ;) glad i can amuse…life’s too short not to laugh!


Everyone has those rabbit turd days.

Cameron B.

When my sister and I were little, my dad used to tell us that water towers were full of rabbit turds. Just a random fact.


I have never thought about cold brewing these. Might be something I need to try out. Also, I am glad this was a better experience than some of the other bloom teas you’ve tried.

Roswell Strange

I was actually a big fan of all the DT blooms VariaTEA sent my way as well; I thought they were all very pretty (and identical) and tasted better than nearly every other bloom I’ve ever had – but maybe that’s ‘cause they’re black :P Did she send you Lychee? That one was good.


I did. The only one I didn’t send Sil was Peach Momotaro and that was because I forgot about it.


Blooms qrent bad bad but still really week over all
Cold brew = hot tap water and then left to cool off in ether fridge just to give it a little warmth to kick things off

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Cameron B.

FLOATING POOP?! God I laughed so hard. You’re amazing. XD


well if floating poops were really round ;) glad i can amuse…life’s too short not to laugh!


Everyone has those rabbit turd days.

Cameron B.

When my sister and I were little, my dad used to tell us that water towers were full of rabbit turds. Just a random fact.


I have never thought about cold brewing these. Might be something I need to try out. Also, I am glad this was a better experience than some of the other bloom teas you’ve tried.

Roswell Strange

I was actually a big fan of all the DT blooms VariaTEA sent my way as well; I thought they were all very pretty (and identical) and tasted better than nearly every other bloom I’ve ever had – but maybe that’s ‘cause they’re black :P Did she send you Lychee? That one was good.


I did. The only one I didn’t send Sil was Peach Momotaro and that was because I forgot about it.


Blooms qrent bad bad but still really week over all
Cold brew = hot tap water and then left to cool off in ether fridge just to give it a little warmth to kick things off

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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