sipdown!(179) this was one of the samples that Kallieboo! sent my way in our international christmas card swap. I have had mixed success with darjeelings but this one is wonderful! There’s a fruitiness here along with the muscatel taste. Unlike some darjeelings, there is no astringency or bitterness. I have a little bit left, which i’ll be sending over to terri to try as i think she might like this one as well :) thanks Kallieboo!
This seems to be a darjeeling for people who aren’t enamored with darjeelings or have had bad experiences with them in the past. :)
so agree ! I loved this one so much, unfortunately impossible to find in Europe.
This seems to be a darjeeling for people who aren’t enamored with darjeelings or have had bad experiences with them in the past. :)
nice to begin with yes ! but now I found several Darjeelings I really enjoy :) must try Margaret’s hope now