drank Mocha Matcha by Matcha Outlet
15631 tasting notes

1200 tasting notes! woot woot! I thought i’d save it for something special but man every tea is special!

No real sipdowns coming up soon but i’ve resigned myself to that fact, especially in light of the fact that it’s THURSDAY! woot woot! only 2 more days until the fun is here haha. actually it technically starts on friday night but what the hey.

I am once again “helping” my friend drink her matcha down. At this point it’ll be forever until i can drink my own matcha again given that she’s got about 10? flavours that need help. I suspect that she’ll be off of tea for a while but maybe not. I’d forgotten how much i enjoy the mocha matcha, though i do prefer it when i can add a spash of coffee matcha to it to make it just a little less sweet. Of course today i added a splash of caramel matcha….i mean why not!


I need to get me a friend like that!!!


haha she’s knocked up :) so all her tea is living at my place because the smell of it in her cupboard was making her throw up. haha


Man, I probably have a pregnancy in my future this year if things go as planned… i REALLY hope that doesn’t happen to me :/
I was worried enough because you hear things about how you have to avoid certain food/drinks when knocked up and I’m sure I read something about tea, just not sure what kind. I’m hoping only peppermint. But I know doctors say different things. I had a paranoid friend who avoided ALL tea but that won’t be me! I hope I can drink matcha……….


haha I’ll bring my Espresso matcha to compare! then we’ll just be missing Kona :)


I’m going to have to stop ordering tea a year before i think i’m going to try to get pregnant lol. It’ll take me that long to drink my stash down.


I have that SAME FEAR about tea with pregnancy. How will I give it up?


slowly…. lol


I have a friend who is pregnant and gave up coffee + tea + soda and all caffeine all at once. It was UGLY.


Wow! Congratulations!


When that day comes…yowza! It will not be good :)


It’s all about moderation in pregnancy as long as it’s not making you sick. You don’t have to give up ALL you tea. Maybe just not as much a day :-)

Terri HarpLady

During my first pregnancy (30 years ago) I gave up tobacco & a variety of illegal substances. I didn’t give up coffee, but I did cut back (I loved my coffee back then). I drank herbal teas during all my of my pregnancies (4, in total), especially raspberry leaf, which is so good for women. After my lovely daughter Jessica was born, I had to give up coffee because it gave her a rash! I never got into drinking it again, & in fact, was even caffeine free until 20 or so years ago, when the addiction re-surfaced…


I should probably stop ordering now, crap.


There are wonderful natural blends to begin to incorporate into your stash and get used to like mint and ginger and chamomile. Basil is fine also. Always check with the Doctor or labels because even herbs (not these I’ve mentioned) can be bad for pregnancy. I have a stash of things like orange peel, cinnamon nibs, dry ginger, rose petal, tulsi, mints and chamomile that I make blends with or add to what I have like dry fruit (cranberries for instance or lemon).


Good luck whatshesaid! I was a first time mom and I gave up all caffeine because I didn’t know what was safe, and then I gave up tisanes because I was worried about herbs. It was most likely unnecessary but luckily I was just starting exploring loose leaf teas so it wasn’t unbearable.

I wish I’d known about rooibos…

But Tastybrew is right. It’s all about moderation. A few cups a day won’t hurt – just don’t drink strongly caffeinated tea all day.


After the baby was born I rebounded hard and am now… well on Steepster. And my daughter is 10 months and sipping rooibos with me at night. <3

Terri HarpLady

Nice, Cavo!

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I need to get me a friend like that!!!


haha she’s knocked up :) so all her tea is living at my place because the smell of it in her cupboard was making her throw up. haha


Man, I probably have a pregnancy in my future this year if things go as planned… i REALLY hope that doesn’t happen to me :/
I was worried enough because you hear things about how you have to avoid certain food/drinks when knocked up and I’m sure I read something about tea, just not sure what kind. I’m hoping only peppermint. But I know doctors say different things. I had a paranoid friend who avoided ALL tea but that won’t be me! I hope I can drink matcha……….


haha I’ll bring my Espresso matcha to compare! then we’ll just be missing Kona :)


I’m going to have to stop ordering tea a year before i think i’m going to try to get pregnant lol. It’ll take me that long to drink my stash down.


I have that SAME FEAR about tea with pregnancy. How will I give it up?


slowly…. lol


I have a friend who is pregnant and gave up coffee + tea + soda and all caffeine all at once. It was UGLY.


Wow! Congratulations!


When that day comes…yowza! It will not be good :)


It’s all about moderation in pregnancy as long as it’s not making you sick. You don’t have to give up ALL you tea. Maybe just not as much a day :-)

Terri HarpLady

During my first pregnancy (30 years ago) I gave up tobacco & a variety of illegal substances. I didn’t give up coffee, but I did cut back (I loved my coffee back then). I drank herbal teas during all my of my pregnancies (4, in total), especially raspberry leaf, which is so good for women. After my lovely daughter Jessica was born, I had to give up coffee because it gave her a rash! I never got into drinking it again, & in fact, was even caffeine free until 20 or so years ago, when the addiction re-surfaced…


I should probably stop ordering now, crap.


There are wonderful natural blends to begin to incorporate into your stash and get used to like mint and ginger and chamomile. Basil is fine also. Always check with the Doctor or labels because even herbs (not these I’ve mentioned) can be bad for pregnancy. I have a stash of things like orange peel, cinnamon nibs, dry ginger, rose petal, tulsi, mints and chamomile that I make blends with or add to what I have like dry fruit (cranberries for instance or lemon).


Good luck whatshesaid! I was a first time mom and I gave up all caffeine because I didn’t know what was safe, and then I gave up tisanes because I was worried about herbs. It was most likely unnecessary but luckily I was just starting exploring loose leaf teas so it wasn’t unbearable.

I wish I’d known about rooibos…

But Tastybrew is right. It’s all about moderation. A few cups a day won’t hurt – just don’t drink strongly caffeinated tea all day.


After the baby was born I rebounded hard and am now… well on Steepster. And my daughter is 10 months and sipping rooibos with me at night. <3

Terri HarpLady

Nice, Cavo!

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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