drank Charlotte au Chocolat by Dammann Frères
15257 tasting notes

oh man…this one…ysaurella you are the best! She saved the last little bit of this one so that i could try it and i am loving it! I prefer it to florence from harney and sons, and i think i could even get my other half to drink this instead of hot chocolate. This is a great example of a chocolate tea that is really great!


are you a big fan of Florence?


i’m gonna get this! period. i just am. eeeee!


this is a good chocolatea – and I’m not very chocolate tea but I won’t rebuy it Dammann increased the rate of 50% …14 €/100 g !!!
It was 8 €/100 g seven months ago…I like it but not enough to pay the double without explaination


Wow that’s ridiculous!


Just noticed my other post didn’t save. I enjoy Florence, but it’s not to die for. However when I want that chocolatey, hazelnut goodness it’s a good one

Terri HarpLady

oooh….hazelnut GOODness! That sounds awesome!

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are you a big fan of Florence?


i’m gonna get this! period. i just am. eeeee!


this is a good chocolatea – and I’m not very chocolate tea but I won’t rebuy it Dammann increased the rate of 50% …14 €/100 g !!!
It was 8 €/100 g seven months ago…I like it but not enough to pay the double without explaination


Wow that’s ridiculous!


Just noticed my other post didn’t save. I enjoy Florence, but it’s not to die for. However when I want that chocolatey, hazelnut goodness it’s a good one

Terri HarpLady

oooh….hazelnut GOODness! That sounds awesome!

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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