drank English Toffee Matcha by Matcha Outlet
15618 tasting notes

oh. my. god.

So i made this into a smoothie with coffee matcha (2:1 Ratio) and oh.my.god is it amaaaazing. I may need to do this again!

Autistic Goblin

I can’t seem to make it tasty enough for my Mom… (sigh)


Helena…well i’m a little heavy handed on the matcha lol I’m sure i use twice as much as the rest of the world in every smoothie and latte i make haha


Sil, how much do you use? I use alot more in my smoothies than I do in a cuppa


Uh..let’s just say for 2 cups of milk i’m usually rocking at least 1.5 teaspoons of matcha in whatever combination i’m trying…though i’d say that it’s usually more…heh


Hahaha, I think I outdo you, even. For my mid-sized Starbucks cup (presumably a grande?) I have used like 3-4 tsp of matcha… no wonder my tummy hurt so much that one time…


That makes me feel better. Reading everyone saying like 1/2tsp per 6oz….I was like mmmmm yeah….how about 1 or 2? Lol


I know…. hahahaha. I figured it was because I was making lattes and not having it straight. Can’t imagine making it that strong with water, but to get enough flavour I need multiple tsp!


and I thought I was going nuts all this time!! been adding about 1tsp to my smoothies, maybe 1.5 and it could still use more…
OK so I AM nuts, but not for that reason :P

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Autistic Goblin

I can’t seem to make it tasty enough for my Mom… (sigh)


Helena…well i’m a little heavy handed on the matcha lol I’m sure i use twice as much as the rest of the world in every smoothie and latte i make haha


Sil, how much do you use? I use alot more in my smoothies than I do in a cuppa


Uh..let’s just say for 2 cups of milk i’m usually rocking at least 1.5 teaspoons of matcha in whatever combination i’m trying…though i’d say that it’s usually more…heh


Hahaha, I think I outdo you, even. For my mid-sized Starbucks cup (presumably a grande?) I have used like 3-4 tsp of matcha… no wonder my tummy hurt so much that one time…


That makes me feel better. Reading everyone saying like 1/2tsp per 6oz….I was like mmmmm yeah….how about 1 or 2? Lol


I know…. hahahaha. I figured it was because I was making lattes and not having it straight. Can’t imagine making it that strong with water, but to get enough flavour I need multiple tsp!


and I thought I was going nuts all this time!! been adding about 1tsp to my smoothies, maybe 1.5 and it could still use more…
OK so I AM nuts, but not for that reason :P

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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