English Toffee Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Matcha Powder, Natural English Toffee Flavoring
Bitter, Brown Sugar, Caramel, Cream, Nutty, Sweet, Toffee, Vanilla, Vegetal, Butter, Nuts, Chocolate
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
Iced 8 min or more 2 oz / 46 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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From Matcha Outlet

English Toffee Matcha is perfectly sweetened for being the best addition to many favorite sweets and other baked products like cakes and biscuits. Its sweet toffee essence makes it the perfect flavor for many treats for both special occasions and ordinary days. This sweet flavor is also ideal for adding to the sweet taste of many bland tasting treats and making them more edible and enjoyable. English Toffee Matcha makes the perfect choice for many children snacks.

This excellent flavor is ideal for many social occasions where people want to experience a difference in the making of every day treats and snacks. This is because; it adds its special sugary essence to the overall taste and gives it a heightened sense of tastiness. English Toffee Matcha with its easily recognizable appeal can turn and ordinary social event into an extraordinary adventure full of different essences and heightened flavor. This is the perfect accompaniment to any tasty treat.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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61 Tasting Notes

15618 tasting notes

oh. my. god.

So i made this into a smoothie with coffee matcha (2:1 Ratio) and oh.my.god is it amaaaazing. I may need to do this again!

Autistic Goblin

I can’t seem to make it tasty enough for my Mom… (sigh)


Helena…well i’m a little heavy handed on the matcha lol I’m sure i use twice as much as the rest of the world in every smoothie and latte i make haha


Sil, how much do you use? I use alot more in my smoothies than I do in a cuppa


Uh..let’s just say for 2 cups of milk i’m usually rocking at least 1.5 teaspoons of matcha in whatever combination i’m trying…though i’d say that it’s usually more…heh


Hahaha, I think I outdo you, even. For my mid-sized Starbucks cup (presumably a grande?) I have used like 3-4 tsp of matcha… no wonder my tummy hurt so much that one time…


That makes me feel better. Reading everyone saying like 1/2tsp per 6oz….I was like mmmmm yeah….how about 1 or 2? Lol


I know…. hahahaha. I figured it was because I was making lattes and not having it straight. Can’t imagine making it that strong with water, but to get enough flavour I need multiple tsp!


and I thought I was going nuts all this time!! been adding about 1tsp to my smoothies, maybe 1.5 and it could still use more…
OK so I AM nuts, but not for that reason :P

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516 tasting notes

I’m still working on perfecting this matcha… I can’t seem to coax the flavours out that I’m expecting… must clear palate, take deep breath, and go in with no expectations! More on that later, I’ll be Bach

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Same thing happening to me with this one. Please share if you perfect it. Thanks :)


Let us know if you get a … Handel… on this tea! (sorry.)


I heard it goes well with MOZART-rella cheese… (sorry too, this one is a “stretch”.)


^ we thought of the same thing. Hahahah


Those are some Diabelli-cal puns! ( groan ) We should be Haydn our faces in shame.


not saying this will work for sure but try using a higher water temp on this one – I know that sounds backward but mine had excellent flavor – I got Robust – I know my water temp was “too high” traditionally speaking that is. Try around 208 and see if that helps. I don’t want you wasting matcha though so my disclaimer is that this may not work for you. What level of flavor do you have in yours?


Hahaha! people, I think tea = wit ( or pure silliness? Oh well, maybe a little bit of both!)

Daisy Chubb

Tea=wit= twits! in a good way of course! lol

@Azz – I have delicate flavouring, maybe that’s where I went wrong. Rachel, when level of flavouring do you have?

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1501 tasting notes

Hm. I really wish I’d ordered this, and my other bags in this order, as Robust, or even Distinctive level. While I can taste this as being English Toffee, it’s weak at best. I want more, more, more! :)

1/4 tsp in 1/3 cup of heavy cream.

Flavors: Butter

Iced 0 tsp 3 OZ / 78 ML

I hear you! Even robust started to be not strong enough, so last time, I ordered everything with the highest flavour level.

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1792 tasting notes

Time for another matcha review. Seeing that my Caramel matcha kicked the bucket, I thought it would be appropriate to start this one. As a side note, I’ve never actually tried English toffee before but the smell of this alone makes me want to go out and hunt down the real thing.

I ordered this in basic grade and “There’s Matcha in There?!” level of flavouring. I’ve been going all out on the flavour.

Dry, this reminds me of Caramel matcha but it’s much creamier. Maybe there is a hint of chocolate but I can’t pick up any nuts. But honestly, that doesn’t matter to me since overall, it smells quite tantalizing.

Prepared, this definitely tastes creamier too with a hint of chocolate mixed in. Not as gooey as the Caramel but in a way, it still faintly reminds me of it.

Like the other flavoured matchas, I prefer drinking this as a cold latte. This time around I whisked it with a little hot water, added about a cup of 1& milk, and was extra bad and added a splash of Pinnacle whipped cream vodka.

I can see this one being really good with steel-cut oats and a bit of brown sugar.

Sipping on a class/cup/mug of this is a million times better than downing a sugar-laden cup of English Toffee cappuccino at a café. A by far healthier option and tastes better too.

English Toffee matcha is available here with other tea bases and levels of flavouring:



How many of the Red Leaf matchas do you have? Maybe we can have a matcha meetup sometime?


Right now I have opened packets of this and Macadamia Nut, and packets of Bee Pollen, French Vanilla, and Irish Cream. We certainly should!

Emily M

Bee Pollen? Hmmm…sounds tastey.


Let’s hope! I read that it’s more for the health benefits than the flavour.

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985 tasting notes

Matcha of the day…..

I am hooked. I am currently planning my next order, and I think it will mostly be English Toffee Matcha. I am just waiting to see the February free sample. I have so much French Vanilla in my possession, I don’t need to sample it.

My daughter is finishing up the Caramel Matchachino, and I needed to determine if the additional cost for the matchachino mix is worth it to her. She likes her matcha frothed up in milk with something to sweeten it, and no ice. She did decide that the matcha with me adding splenda was good enough. This makes my decision easy. The math nerd in me figured out that the way we drink the flavored matcha, we get 20 servings out of a small, and 40 servings out of a large. There ends up being a huge cost difference in going from a small to a large per serving, and from a large to 2 larges get a small free. After that, to the next level, it just works out to a few cents a serving. Since it is not super shelf stable (like my black teas!), I think the buy 2 larges get a small free ends up being the best choice for how we drink it. Also, I am not sure the tins make sense for me, either. My only matcha equipment has been a standard measuring spoon and a personal blender. I have just been keeping the matcha in the pouches they came in, in the freezer. The cost per serving for the matchachino is more than how a small match works out.

Anyway, I think I will order robust in this when I do order. We have distinctive and it would be good just a little stronger. I find distinctive plenty strong for the French Vanilla, though.


I’m a fan of this one too but I find it’s too similar to others such as Caramel to have all of them at once. I have tons of French Vanilla too!


I agree they do taste similar. My son does not like the Caramel, but he likes the English Toffee. I can’t explain that one, so we will just go with it!


Ah weird, I guess the English Toffee has more going on, with the chocolate and nuts. Just that I can barely taste those notes? And I had it in robust, I think.

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807 tasting notes

English Toffee Matcha

You can get your own here:


So what can I say … I thought this would be just like a chocolate caramel even though english toffee in the candy form is not – its nutty, chocolately, buttery, crunchy and AMAZING. I love english toffee can you tell? I think the only thing better is salted caramel – OMG I wonder if Red Leaf Teas can get a salted caramel flavor!?!?
Sorry I got sidetracked obviously but when I opened the pouch I was excited because the smell was so amazingly good. I was preparing myself to be let down just in case because I figured this would be a difficult one to get right. I mean I really don’t know when I can stop doubting Red Leaf Tea lol they have never let me down to date, so why would they now right? But still, I had to be cautious as I prepared my bowl of yumminess not to get my heart broken for the first time.

As I am typing this I look sadly at my glass, as it is not half full or even half empty but it is totally empty and I am beginning to eat the remaining ice because there is still a little remnants of matcha hanging onto the cubes. If I could get my tongue down into the tall glass I would lick the inside of it!

Having made my typical matcha latte, cold, with ice, creamer, milk, and the matcha mix I think I gulped it down in a matter of minutes, and I am being generous, it was probably more like a manner of seconds! Its a wonder I even can recall what it tasted like as it blasted past my taste buds so quickly!

It was in fact nutty, buttery, caramlish but with the toffee flavor of correctly burnt sugar flavor, and of course just the right amount of chocolate but not so much to mask the other wonderful flavors! And as always the amazing matcha powder base shines through taking away the guilt of the sweetly sinful, ummm sweetness!

My matcha was composed of:

Size : Small
Matcha Quality: Starter (Basic Grade)
Flavor: Robust
Storage : Add Small Metal Tin Container (Holds up to 45g)

As always I suggest the really nice tins from Red Leaf teas which will cost you 4.00 extra but are well worth it with screw top air tight lids! Easier to scoop your powder base out of and no mess, unless your clumsy like me and manage to get some on the table anyway. Yes I did scoop it into my strainer lol.

So again Red Leaf you delight me! Thank you for all your amazing matcha offerings and keep them coming! I have my eyes on your site for the new flavors you had mentioned in the threads here on steepster!

Again to buy this flavor of matcha here is the link:



That latte sounds ridiculously sinful. :)


It is yet it isn’t haha but it is so so good. The matcha stands alone very nicely but I just always like to have mine cold for some reason. Its really yummy with just a splash of vanilla low fat non dairy creamer! SIGH now I want another.


I find cold is a good way to go with matcha. It’s hard to turn down an iced matcha frappé and the like.


Indeed! Just noticed on your profile you are a linguist … I have said many times if I could go back and take a different career path I would love to be a linguist. I speak no other languages however than English and I butcher that one lol.
I would love to study ancient languages.
Okay bed time – I’m starting to ramble.


Lol I almost ordered this end instead of pear….now I know it’ll be next


Curious to know how pear is – that for me is a love it or hate it flavor.


Yeah, it’s really fascinating! It’s never too late to learn another language, though. The only problem is you have to dedicate so much time to it, and stick with it, lest you start forgetting. I love ancient languages too. It makes you wonder how people sounded when they spoke them.

Linguistics is actually a completely different field from foreign languages, but I study both. There are plenty of linguists out there who only speak their native language. :)


I didn’t realize there was a difference but it makes sense now that you point it out!

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4843 tasting notes

Thank you to Azzrian for sending me a bit of this Matcha! Yummy!

I prepared this as a latte, using mostly water to prepare it and then adding just a splash of half & half (since that’s all I had in the fridge) to make it a latte. It turned out fantastic.

I believe that Azzrian chose the Robust flavoring level with the classic grade of Matcha for this, and it really is good. The English Toffee flavor is very abundant, and I think that had I ordered it I probably would have gone for the distinctive rather than the robust, because I think I would like a little more of the Matcha to come through, but I’m really loving it just the way it is too.

Sweet, delicious toffee! Like a liquified heath bar in my Matcha bowl. Buttery, nutty with hints of chocolate, and a bit of Matcha in there too. Totally yum!

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470 tasting notes

Second matcha latte of the day, because when I drank it a few hours ago I REALLY needed to wake up. I have some sort of flu/bug and I am just bone-tired for no reason! I woke up at my usual time, was up for an hour, and promptly took a 4 hour nap. But you know I can’t sleep all day! Actually… I probably COULD but I don’t want to haha. So matcha to the rescue!

I loooove english toffee. I make it quite often, since there are 3 ingredients (if you don’t do the chocolate/nut topping) and I always have them on hand. I tend to just use whatever kind of chocolate I have on hand to top it, so I end up with wacky things like white chocolate coconut toffee. It is also AMAZING for making with tea—just steep the butter, and bam! Tea toffee! So of course, I have to try toffee tea. In fact, this has been really high up on my list for a long time but honestly I try not to get too many dessert teas per order. I don’t even know why, it’s not like they have more calories… but I try to balance it with fruity stuff. But finally, toffee matcha’s time has come! I got:

Size: 30 grams (small)
Grade: Basic
Flavor Level: Distinctive

I was super tempted to get this with the black base, since I love chocolate flavors + black matcha but I wanted to try something chocolatey with a regular old green base. Also, one of these days I’ll get a large… but I have to find “the one” first. Caramel and pumpkin pie are currently in the lead! But I think tonight they found a challenger.

This matcha is phenomenal! You taste the sweet, buttery toffee and the rich chocolate, even a hint of nutty goodness. And it really is good with the green base! These flavors are like magic, how did they stuff so many aspects of a tasty treat into matcha? I mean, this isn’t simply caramel + nuts + chocolate. It really does have that buttery smoothness and a toastiness that I associate with toffee. It’s magic I tell you, magic. Delicious, perfect magic. You can get some here… and if you like dessert matcha, you definitely should!



I would be tempted to add 1/4 tsp of this to 8oz of butterbeer tea.

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1015 tasting notes

Matcha-thon! English Toffee latte all the way! I desperately need a kick so hoping the matcha will work fast! Out of the flavors I’ve tried from Red Leaf Tea I think this is my favorite flavor.


YAY! Matcha-Thon!!!!

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6119 tasting notes

I ordered this one with “delicate” flavouring and the standard base, as I figured that since I loved the caramel with delicate flavouring, that was probably enough flavouring for english toffee as well.

The aroma is quite similar to that of the Caramel matcha, which, given my love of that one, is completely ok by me! However, it makes me wonder whether I’m going to be able to notice any differences between the two. I decided to make a cold latte using mostly regular milk (instead of my usual almond), and sweetened it with maple syrup, as that’s still the only liquid sweetener I have available!

Initially, I couldn’t really taste “English Toffee” per se. It definitely was a tasty latte, but I would have been hard-pressed to identify it over a caramel latte, or probably butterscotch. However, I left it sitting in my car for a few hours while at Oktoberfest, and when I had a sip of it while driving home, I tasted the unmistakeable flavour of toffee! Delicious! Perhaps it just needed to sit a while. I didn’t want to finish it that evening as I wanted to be able to sleep, so left it in the fridge overnight, and it’s just as tasty tonight.

I don’t think that this one will bump caramel out of being my favourite RL matcha flavour, but it’s definitely quite tasty, and a winner for me! It can be found at http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/english-toffee-matcha.html

Iced 8 min or more

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