Tea #10 from Another Traveling Tea Box
Yes, I’m missing a few numbers because I’ve tried some other teas from the box before this one, but I haven’t gotten around to putting reviews up here. I have them all written down in my notebook, so I’ll be putting them in after this one. I just wanted to write this review while I’m drinking it.
So this one smelled nice in the bag, and while I have my reservations about anything with green tea in it, I figured what the heck.
The ratios were a bit loose so I tried 1 1/2 tsp @185* for 2 min. I think I should’ve tried 2 tsp because this came out a bit watery tasting for me. But it was still a nice cup. I didn’t get an overpowering green ‘veggie’ type taste from the green tea, though I’m not sure if that’s the oolong tempering it or I’m just starting to get more used to the overall taste. I get a vague fruity tartness that, after I added a bit of truvia, pretty much went away and left just a fruityness behind. I didn’t get any sort of vanilla that apparently should be here after reading the description that’s up for this tea.
It was still nice, just probly not something I’d order myself because currant just isn’t really something I care for taste wise. But this was definitely not one of the ‘pour it out after one sip’ sort of green teas that I’ve had in the past.