drank Paris by Harney & Sons
41 tasting notes

This is a pretty good flavored tea. It has an understated mélange of floral and fruity flavors. It is simple and unobtrusive. With or without cream, I mostly taste vanilla, followed by citrus, then a tiny hint of caramel. A little cream and sugar softens the citrus and brings out the vanilla and caramel. I usually do not enjoy flavored teas, but I can tell the added flavors in this tea were carefully balanced so as not to totally obscure the actual tea essence. If you find Earl Gray a bit sour but otherwise enjoy it, I think you will quite like Paris tea. It may also appeal to lovers of Jasmine and other floral tisanes.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I am a writer, musician, and aspiring tea aficionado. I have been enjoying tea and reading about tea for a little over a decade now. I am particularly interested in the role of tea in contemplative spirituality. Currently I am sampling my way through a variety of teas just to keep my palate fresh and knowledgeable. I do prefer certain teas, but I keep my mind open to new possibilities and enjoy finding fresh, new tea flavors to add to my list of favorites. I am hoping my participation here will help me gain new knowledge and new friends who share a passion for tea.



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