
Absolutely deelish… no off tastes and has that nice smooth earthy and leathery flavor that I love in a good Pu-erh. This is a solid Pu-erh Tea, I could drink this one often.

This is my first steep of this tea, so my opinion of it will most likely change as I get to know her better. Off to a great start though :)

Again… the people at PuerhShop.com bringin’ some mighty fine Pu-erhs to the table.
Aside from their wonderful selection of teas, I’m extremely satisfied with their service. Super quick shipping and good prices. I highly recommend them.

My Ratings…
★ = Didn’t Hate It.
★★ = Not Bad.
★★★ = Me Likey.
★★★★ = Impressive!
★★★★★ = AwesomeSauce!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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