Thank you LiberTEAS for this very pleasing sample!

Wow, this is a very interesting black tea!

The leaves are very dark and are tightly twisted along with plenty of loose small stems. The liquid is medium golden brown, which resembles a ground Curry powder in color.

Once you place your lips to the cup, you forget altogether that what you are drinking is a black tea. It is sweet and fruit-like, yet mystical with it’s faint floral flavor and delicious pastry ending notes. My lasting impression makes me imagine a freshly baked blueberry tart.

This tea makes me continue to discover my ignorance with black teas. Previously, all my encounters with black tea was from the Indian tea-producing regions, which are not bad at all…however, this opens up a whole new world! I have to say that I truly appreciate LiberTEAS in helping expose me to the other sides to this more oxidized variety!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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I’m a southern boy that that continues to have an intense love for high quality loose leaf tea! This is no doubt, a passion I intend to enjoy and pursue for the rest of my life! I love the art of tea, and the expression of it’s culture in each cup.

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Typically, I’m a straight tea and loose-leaf type of drinker. Black teas (especially Taiwanese blacks), Greener Oolong and Sheng Pu-erhs are top on my list!

Don’t get me wrong though, I do like me some darker, roasted oolongs, shu puerhs, greens and whites are a must as well!


Middle Tennessee

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