drank Cold & Flu Remedy by Herbion Naturals
1501 tasting notes

Woke up with a severely sore throat and sinus inflammation, so I’ve been doing all sorts of fun things to help my body purge. Hot water, clay (externally), later on I’m getting a massage and hitting the sauna, salt water gargling, some spicy food, and now this: a herbal tea cold and flu remedy. Woot!

Tastes surprisingly yummy, like a sweetened methol candy. No idea what kind of tea is in here, I’m assuming black, and thus what I stuck in the type of tea category. Yep, I’ll have this again, although frankly? I could just make myself a Hot Toddy with Cold 911 (DAVIDs), and likely will later when it’s a more appropriate time to put some whiskey in said beverage. ;)

1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

We’ve had that sore throat thing too.. Ugh. Sounds like you’ve got an awesome plan to tackle it! A massage, spicy food, sauna, a hot toddy .. I might want to be sick for the day if I could make all that happen.. Hmm.. I wonder if I can set that plan in motion the next time I’m under the weather. :). I do hope you’re feeling better soon!

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We’ve had that sore throat thing too.. Ugh. Sounds like you’ve got an awesome plan to tackle it! A massage, spicy food, sauna, a hot toddy .. I might want to be sick for the day if I could make all that happen.. Hmm.. I wonder if I can set that plan in motion the next time I’m under the weather. :). I do hope you’re feeling better soon!

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A few years ago, the obsession with tea started. The cupboard got bigger and bigger, more swaps occurred, group buys, secret rendezvous with local teapassionistas… and that’s how you end up with 500+ different kinds of tea in your home. At one time.

Almost all of the tea was given away, sold, or otherwise shared. A few relics still remain. I now travel full time with only two carryon bags to my name. One quarter of those bags are tea.

It’s still a challenge to avoid the chipmunk-like hoarding of The Teas, yet, the lightness of being from having so little compels me more.

If I have enough, I’m happy to share. If I’m in your area, I’d love to swap, meet for tea, and explore together.

As for the day-to-day stuff, I’m focused almost entirely on Love, (yes, with a capital L), Spirit/Self, transformation, travel and my writing and speaking work.

What kinds of teas do I normally like?

YES: flavored teas, fruity, dessert, chai, and spicy (REALLY spicy).

A FONDNESS FOR: all white teas, malty black teas, any herbal or medicinal teas, strange/weird teas you can only get in one place.

ALLERGIC TO: strawberries, lavender

DISLIKES: any added sugars, grains, lapsang souchong, and overly floral teas – I might enjoy a Jasmine Green every once in a while, but unless it’s a creamy floral tea (think roses in a chai, or the smoothness of a floral note in a French tea), I’ll likely pass. Earl Greys are a hit or miss with me; heavy on the cream or fruit notes and I might like it, heavy on the blergamot and I definitely won’t.





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