525 Tasting Notes
I had the last of this sample pouch this afternoon. I measured out the appropriate amount but then saw that so little was left…so I just dumped it all into my brew basket. Did I mention that I rarely drink black tea after 11am? I just get so wired and it lasts till evening. I hate to lose sleep. Well, this cup of tea was strong! Strong but not tasting like bergamot. Well, just barely. A little citrus and a little creamy. Pretty meh, especially for the price. :(
Anyway, made a big pot of fresh tomato sauce from my garden tomatoes and tons of fresh picked basil. The tomatoes are the size of my face! Thanks to papa for the tomato seeds. :) And thanks to my friend, Jane, for the basil seeds. I’m hoping this huge pasta dinner will lull me to sleep later tonight.
Tomorrow is a new day for tea and harvesting. It’s a bountiful time of year.
It’s been a long time. I’ve forgotten what a quiet evening at home feels like. I haven’t slept well in weeks. It’s nothing scary, just too many social obligations all at once. Not to mention that I just volunteered to be a part of some huge project at work. Why did I do that? I suck. Boy do I miss my me time.
So for the first time in weeks, I’m home by myself with no one to request my attention except my pups. Heaven. What’s even better is that I have a pot of this tea cold brewed. I see that most people are not too fond of it, but it just tastes like syrupy rose candy and green tea to me. Refreshing.
Anyway, time to prepare for bed. I plan to get up early so I can get some stuff done for this project at work AND still fit in my regular day job. So sleepy…
EDIT I forgot to mention that I bought 250 grams of this from DavidsTeas 40% off sale. I threw in a few other things to get the $50 free shipping minimum. So yeah, I have lots of this tea now! I am both excited and disappointed in myself.
Quite possibly the finest ti guan yin of my life. The scent of the leaves alone was enough to send me into ecstasy. It’s like being in the best most fragrant flower garden. Absolutely amazing.
I had no idea the leaves would unfurl so quickly and at such volume. My basket was almost overflowing.
The taste of this tea is magical. Floral and fresh. Apple aftertaste. Just a bit vegetal, but unlike any vegetable I know. Slight peachiness. This is gently energizing. Perfect for me as I’m feeling pretty tired.
This is a beautiful tea.
Dan cong oolong. Yum. I’ve missed tea. I admit I’ve been distracted by a shiny new hobby. I was gifted with water kefir grains so I’ve been making refreshing probiotic sodas instead of tea. Latest batch is a ginger wineberry concoction. From foraged wineberries! But tea! You have been missed.
This particular tea is a fine specimen of a Dan Cong. There’s definitely some citrus rind and honey. And quince. Theres the typical roasted autumnal flavor of a darker oolong. Pleasingly astringent. Tasty and warming on an oddly chilly summer day.
How did I miss this review! I so want to make kefir but haven’t been able to find anyone with grains. I did get a scoby for kombucha, though I haven’t made any yet. I need to get on that!
uh oh… I wish I could offer to send you some grains, but I gave all of mine away. It’s very tasty, but you have to drink it regularly or you’ll get overwhelmed with kefir. Plus my husband didn’t like it so it was just me doing the drinking. Maybe the friend I got them from still has. I’d be happy to ask if you’re interested.
Also, I’m apparently a sucker for punishment because I just bought some milk kefir grains on Etsy. It’s easier to make milk kefir and husband actually likes it so I think we’re good. :) I may have extra grains soon, so if you’re interested I can send you some when I have.
I’ve been very bad about getting to these samples. Now as I’m typing this, I realize that I had already sampled this one. doh! I really did feel like a green tea though. And this is a mighty fine green. sweet and smooth. Vegetal and just barely floral. It’s a bit like green oolong, but lighter with less heavy mouthfeel. Me gusta.
It’s been kind of a crazy summer.
Oh… I miss having fresh herb plants. But I don’t have anywhere to put them anymore that isn’t shady all day long. And I kill things in pots.
I would miss fresh herbs too! I miss them all winter. I’m thinking of getting some plant lights and dedicating a small area of my home to plants. Maybe you can do that too? Potted plants can be a bit fussy though.