Nonpareil Anxi Qing Xiang TieGuanYin Oolong Tea

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Not available
Butter, Floral, Melon, Orchid, Tart, Vegetal, Vanilla, Spinach, Flowers, Gardenias, Osmanthus, Perfume
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by TeaVivre
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 15 sec 7 g 19 oz / 564 ml

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50 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’m not sure why I purchase another sample of this one with one of my Teavivre orders. I think I thought that I hadn’t tried it before, which is crazy because it is one of my all-time highest rated...” Read full tasting note
  • “I saved the leaves from my first sampling of this sample sent by Teavivre for review. I almost didn’t want to use them because the first steep had been so amazingly good that I didn’t want a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Good golly this is amazing! The floral aspects are perfection but there is a melon-y aspect that is surprising and delicious! This goes on the TO ORDER list! This may just end up being a staple...” Read full tasting note
  • “Quite possibly the finest ti guan yin of my life. The scent of the leaves alone was enough to send me into ecstasy. It’s like being in the best most fragrant flower garden. Absolutely amazing. I...” Read full tasting note

From Teavivre

Origin: Nanqi(南崎), Long Juan, Anxi in Fujian Province

Ingredients: Hand-made

Taste: Tastes fresh and lovely. The fragrance of orchid will be tasted from first sip. It feels clean and mellow in mouth, has sweet aftertastes and long-lasting flavor.

Health Benefits: Tie Guan Yin tea is the premium form of Chinese Oolong teas. Being 60%_70% fermented, these teas are high amino acids, vitamins, polyphenols and antioxidants. These combine into a tea that reduces cholesterol and helps reduce hardening of the arteries, and so can help reduce risks of heart attacks. The antioxidants it contains can also help guard against some forms of cancer, and also help fight the effects of aging and bacterial infections

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50 Tasting Notes

2201 tasting notes

I’m not sure why I purchase another sample of this one with one of my Teavivre orders. I think I thought that I hadn’t tried it before, which is crazy because it is one of my all-time highest rated teas on here. Maybe the long name through me off. I felt silly when I went to add it to my cupboard and saw my own effusive reviews.

Anyway, a discussion on oolongs yesterday got me thinking of really fine tieguanyins and I decided to have this one this morning. Man, this tea is just outstanding. It blew me away again! So sweet, so floral, so buttery. I can’t get over how delicious this tea is. If you love green, floral tieguanyins please do yourself a favor and get some of this. It is truly one of the highest quality ones I have tried.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

Adding to my shopping list :)


This tea is 100% Hand-Made. The unique moderate flavor of this Tie Guan Yin is brisk and full of orchid aroma. Liquid tastes heavy in the mouth and has sweet aftertaste. I’m glad this tea satisfy your taste buds!

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3522 tasting notes

I saved the leaves from my first sampling of this sample sent by Teavivre for review. I almost didn’t want to use them because the first steep had been so amazingly good that I didn’t want a watered down version of that experience. But today I decided to give these leaves a go and see how they held up.

Oh joy! This is every bit as good as the first steep! And keep in mind that I am making this western style. The tea has a naturally floral quality that is just magnificent.

Here is how I pictured it. Imagine being flustered and distracted and busy, and then an elegant, gracious woman takes you by the arm and leads you to a chair. At her first touch, you feel calm. She gives you a cup of tea, and as sip you become like her – elegant, calm, poised, controlled, focused, peaceful, and gracious.

On my shopping list!


Does it taste like Juicy Fruit? :)


That sounds amazing. I really need to get back to them for some samples I have been wanting to try.

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807 tasting notes

Good golly this is amazing! The floral aspects are perfection but there is a melon-y aspect that is surprising and delicious!
This goes on the TO ORDER list!
This may just end up being a staple as well.
We will see how much I continue to crave it after my first order.

Earl Jeff

A 100 rating definitely catches my attention, I’ll have to look into this. I’m not a huge fan of floral teas though, at least not where the floral flavor is real strong or the primary taste.

Would you say this has a pretty heavy floral taste or is it more of a light floral taste? Hope you don’t mind the random question, just curious.


Definitely light on the floral. I get far more of a melon like flavor then in later steeps it becomes sweet. The oolong is very nice for a lighter roast, I usually prefer heftier darker roasted ones. :)


That’s good to hear – I also don’t usually enjoy heavily floral or vegetal teas, but a light floral or vegetal flavour is always welcome. I’ll be sure to check it out.

Earl Jeff

Cool, that sounds good, thanks for the clarification. :)


ooh, sounds delicious. This is on my list to try next from Teavivre, but I need to get through some of my current stock first!


Tigress….seems to be a problem most of us have lol

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525 tasting notes

Quite possibly the finest ti guan yin of my life. The scent of the leaves alone was enough to send me into ecstasy. It’s like being in the best most fragrant flower garden. Absolutely amazing.
I had no idea the leaves would unfurl so quickly and at such volume. My basket was almost overflowing.
The taste of this tea is magical. Floral and fresh. Apple aftertaste. Just a bit vegetal, but unlike any vegetable I know. Slight peachiness. This is gently energizing. Perfect for me as I’m feeling pretty tired.

This is a beautiful tea.


Great review. You make me regret not ordering a sample of this!


Awww! Now I have to fix myself a cup of this, after reading this lovely review :-)


I almost didn’t get a sample of this either. I figured it can’t be so different from other to guan yins, but it is. Great tea inspires great reviews. :)

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761 tasting notes

I’m gonna pull a shmiracles with this post, but first let me thank Angel at Teavivre for letting me try this tea.

First of all, as it has been said in other reviews, this tea comes in a vacuum sealed bag inside another vacuum sealed bag. Upon opening the inner bag, the tea immediately makes way into your senses. The smell is fresh, clean, buttery and floral, and the colour is an amazing vibrant green. Like all TGY teas, the leaves of this one are tightly rolled and they open up once they hit the hot water.

Is this not gorgeous?? Assuming it is visible outside the realms of Facebook.

Drinking this tea, I thought of a song called “Shimmering, Warm, and Bright” by Bel Canto (a Norwegian band).

I’m drinking this infusion plain, no sugar or anything. I do tend to drink my lighter oolongs plain, or with a very small amount of sweetener. I can pick up a smooth buttery feeling, slightly drying, and a light and somewhat sweet floral note. There is also a slight savoury taste, like roasted nuts or something. Whatever it is, it is all very good! I hope to get more steeps. Next time I think I may start with a shorter steep time, and build up as I re-steep.

Thanks again for letting me try this tea!


bwhahaha “pull a shmiracles”?!?! oddly flattering yet playfully mocking all at once! megaloveit!
BUT seriously!! when i am doing something fun or meaningful or exciting my basic first thought is, i will mention this on steepster. i have to. i just have to.
i can’t be the only one who thinks this. i try to explain to people who don’t love tea how nice it is to have a ramshackle community that will observe my nonsense and occasionally join in the fun. people with a mix of similar and opposing interests that are all kind and thoughtful and curious.

and bel canto.
i can’t tell you how many mixed tapes i put “Paradise” on!!
also “I’ll Strangle You”.
tons and tons of gothed out 90’s mixed tapes. over and over.


(but bummer, i can’t see the picture link)


I’ll see if I can work around the picture and post it another way. And it was flattering because I posted a picture link and video/music link. It was homage.


Magic Box was my least favourite cd from them. There are good songs on there, but their first three releases are my favourites. Shimmering, Warm, and Bright is super sentimental for me.


Try this link for pictures.


wowz amazingly green!


I know, right?! Truly gorgeous oolong!

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4843 tasting notes


I previously reviewed this tea but because I recently revisited it, I wrote a new review about it, and you can check that review out here:

I have said it before, but I’ll say it again. I simply love Teavivre. They have some of the very finest teas that can be found anywhere.

Sweet, floral, creamy with notes of vanilla and orchid. You can read about my adventures with each infusion on the full-length review, just click on the link I’ve provided above.

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1719 tasting notes

I normally don’t read the reviews before I post on a new tea. I did for this one. I did not get the same consistently amazing results others reported. I believe it was my own fault. I insisted on using my standard western big mug approach with half the sample. Do not try this at home! The result was generally an overly weak mug. Go ahead use all the sample and a smaller cup.

Even though I kind of blew this one, the second mug was fabulous. Here are my notes on that one:

For the second mug I steeped about 2 1/2 minutes. This cup fills your mouth with delicious combination of floral and fruit. The first sip was one of those Mmmmm moments, you know when the world goes into momentary freeze frame and you get lost in the cup. Yeah, its that good. It still has that wonderful thick creamy feel and I notice a fair amount of cooling sensation on my breath. The aftertaste hangs around with kind of a melon taste.

Tie Guan Yin normally has a distinctive floral taste, well except this one. I mean it is there, but it is just different. This is so much fresher, lighter, more defined but harder to describe. Normally I think of Tie Guan Yin as tasting like a geranium plant smells. This is closer to something like rose petals with citrus (peach and melon?), and warm spices. It is just Wow!

Not rating until I brew this one correctly. The second cup was easily a 90+.

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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1184 tasting notes

Thank you to Angel at Teavivre for these samples
I didn’t realize that I had sampled this tea already!
I hope I have this in the correct listing
This was a smooth, fresh green oolong. It is buttery and vegetal but not overwhelmingly so. The resteep seems to be creamier and even more delicious

1 min, 0 sec

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541 tasting notes

Thank you Angel! I just got my package in today. Perfect timing by the way, as I’m trying to relax. I have to say that Teavivre’s shipping is amazingly quick. This tea is just something else. The leaves are this amazing, deep green color. The dry leaf has an amazing magnolia/deep floral aspect. I’m so surprised how fragrant this one is. I’m going to steep this in my smallest teapot (~6oz) for 1min/2min/3min.
1st steep (1min): The liquor is very clear and has notes of hay and flowers. The leaves unfurled in this amount of time and are just the most amazing shade of green. This has the most interesting flavor! There is a bite of something I don’t have words for. This has some quiet floral notes and almost a hint of grape there in the background; it is very faint. This is one interesting tea!
2nd steep (2min): Much more floral this time. Very warming and strong flavored.
3rd steep (3min): Still very flavorful, a really solid tea and one that I’d recommend.

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2145 tasting notes

I would like to thank Angel with TeaVivre for providing me with this sample. When I first opened my package I was surprised with the care they took when packaging the sample. Not only was it vacuum sealed in a foil pack, but the tea inside was also wrapped in plastic to preserve the flavor. 

My first steep was a pale golden color with a tinge of green. The aroma and scent from this steep was very floral, almost overwhelmingly so while it was hot. There was a bit of astringency while the tea was still hot, but it disappeared once it cooled. It also had a subtle sweetness that I noticed towards the end of each sip.

My second and third steeps were slightly darker in color and more golden. One thing that I have noticed is that the floral flavors become much more apparent with each additional infusion. There is also a bit of a mineral taste with these steeps that I only noticed while the tea was still hot. Once it cooled to room temperature it, as well as the slight astringency I noticed, completely disappeared.

This tea has such a depth to it that makes it a little hard to describe and I noticed immediately that the flavor isn’t like any other oolong that I’ve had. It very quickly became my new favorite oolong.

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec

i have been hearing good things about teavivre…. hmmm. insert head shake and stern lecture: NOT NOT NOT until august!!!!

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