525 Tasting Notes
I’m having this cold brewed. It’s nice! I didn’t read what flavor it was before tasting. I would have guess marshmallow. The citrus is not that obvious. I can see vanilla, but it also has a sugary candy taste to it. Not really like a vanilla pod.
It’s nice after a bit of gardening.
Green oolongs are my home tea. From here I go out and explore other teas, but I always come back to green oolongs, my first and true love. :)
I love to floral green aroma. Just like spring! That luscious hydrating liquid. Better than water for thirst. :) This tea makes me happy. It is not remarkable, but it is excellent.
Yesterday was such a nice day that I took an actual lunch break and walked the 25 minutes to Harney’s location in SoHo from work. It was pleasingly empty so I had 3 employees all getting teas for me to smell. :D I didn’t really go in prepared like I usually am when I plan a teashop visit. It was a rather impulsive decision to go there. I just sniffed a couple of teas, tasted Tokyo, and then decided I just wanted something simple and wonderful. Enter Vanilla Comoro. I got 3oz of this and an order of cheddar and chive scones to go.
I had the scones after returning to my desk. but I have to say, I was a bit disappointed. I thought they’d be savory, but they were sweet.
This tea though! I had a lovely first steep with no additions. I forgot that it was a bit finicky about temperature so it was a bit more drying than I would have preferred. Still lovely. For the second steep, I let the leaves sit, nearly forgotten, in the water for a long while. Then I added a bit of cream and it was heaven! I kept thinking I was having vanilla ice cream except that it wasn’t sweet. Yum! Such a lovely tea.
Love the natural vanilla taste and caramelly undertones. I think I’ll bring this tea home to enjoy. Too stressful to appreciate at work really.
I forgot to log this tea from earlier today. Work totally distracts from the tea drinking experience. Rude.
I remember a lot of sweet syrup. Lightly malty. I was hoping for a roasty chocolate taste, but it was light this time. Not really how I remember it. Hm.
I need sleep.
Sipdown! And about time.
This was old when I got it and it hasn’t improved with the 2 years I’ve owned it. It no longer tastes of delicate limes. Okay, it does, but only a hint. Mostly vegetal now. Still pretty smooth and enjoyable. I’ve acquired a bit of a sore throat so this hot cup is exactly what I need to feel better. :)
In other news, I just had to toss a quart sized jar of homemade apple sauce due to improper canning. sadness. The next jar we opened was perfectly fine though. Awesome!
I wrote a note but it ran away. :(
Basically, the cut up leaf bits brewed up quick. It’s a bit astringent but still smooth and sweet enough to be quite the pleasant cup. Love the deep reddish brown.
For the second steep, I let it sit a long time in the water, then added cream. Mmm, this is good with cream. Seemed like it would be as it had the potential to be strong and very astringent. Best British style tea I’ve had in a while.
Now if only someone in this office would stop spraying air freshener, I’d enjoy this tea a lot more. Ugh. It doesn’t even smell in here or anything. What gives?
Oh, also turns out I’ve had this before. Still good!
I love the smell of freshly brewed tea. I love the smell of the dry leaves. The warm heavy mug in your hands on a chilly morning. So lovely.
This particular tea is so comforting. Honey and autumn in the smell. Warm syrupy texture. So smooth! Reminds me of sugar in the raw.
Barely any taste lingers after the swallow, but I feel warm throughout now. If only I were home cuddled up with a pup instead of in this sterile office with all the useless politicking. I hate politics. I do really enjoy this tea though.