I kept this from the herbal tea box, because I thought it might be useful someday. I don’t feel sick, I just feel sinus-y from all of the rain and yuck. When I smelled this in the pouch, it was so super strong, like a cough drop in tea form. I thought I would be drinking a “necessary evil” type thing. But I actually really like it. I think it’s the ginger. So if it helps unstuff me, great. I am enjoying it either way.

In other news, I am watching Ken Burns’ Civil War documentary. All of his stuff is disappearing from Netflix after June so I am racing the calendar. It is sort of driving me crazy though, there are a lot of celebrity voice overs, and I swear this guy’s voice is one of them http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001137/?ref_=tt_cl_t6 (his voice is distinctive) but he isn’t on the list.


I just started the Dust Bowl…not going to get through them all. Still angry at Netflix :/


I watched part of the Civil War, too.


I made it through almost two episodes of The Civil War last night.

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I just started the Dust Bowl…not going to get through them all. Still angry at Netflix :/


I watched part of the Civil War, too.


I made it through almost two episodes of The Civil War last night.

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Mom of two practically grown girls, extremely happily married to a man who is amused by my obsession with tea, and company owner who works from home. Life is good.

Likes/dislikes: I love black teas, especially strong/malty ones. I am ok with flavored teas if the base is strong. I like some whites. I really don’t like any tea that tastes “green” – if I wanted to drink something that tastes like green beans, I would cook some green beans. I am not big on green teas or genmaichas. I am learning to like puerhs.

If we are trading, I have a STRONG aversion to coconut, banana and licorice. I love citrus, vanilla and spice. Not a fan of florals.

Check out my blog!


Kentucky, drowning in tea.

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