Another RTD tea I bought here in Germany. When I opened it when came home from Meissen and its porcelain musum, I just almosted gag how sweet it was. But it’s definitely my fault drinking teas without any sugar added and I haven’t got anything sweet that day, so maybe it was just too much.

Side note: I wanted to buy at least a mug from Meissen. The design of cheapest ones weren’t appealing to me. And most importantly, 95 EUR for such a small mug? it was in the size of the cups I have here in the accomodation, so hardly 150 ml. And if I didn’t wanted some kind of small tray or just an saucer, the prices were just even higher than the mug. I realise it is a brand, but huh… They also offered some tea blends, but considering I have quite a lots of tea, I have decided not to buy any.

As I was drinking it further, shaking the box before another filling of my mug, it started to be better. Definitely I noticed the raspberry, and later on, even the rosemary; along with many other herbs, making it a little bitter. Luckily hibiscus nor rosehips were too strong. The last fills were next day morning and it wasn’t so cold, but the herbs were even stronger and I think I mostly noticed rosemary and hyssop, with light trace of lemon balm, covered in raspberry flavour.

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I am drinking almost everything. Tea bag collector who moved to wonderful world of loose leaf.

Trying to rate differently tea bags and loose leaf as tea bags have usually worse quality.

Photographer now and then. Postcrossing and geocaching member. Very curious person. Logistics student (should finish in June 2021).

Buried in tea right now. Is in my cupboard (trying to be updated) which sparkled your interest? Write me, I would gladly share with you. But I don’t want anything in return now :)


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