19 Tasting Notes


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8 min or more 5 g 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Sampled this one for my afternoon tea session.
I was tempted to use two of the toucha but I decided against it as I only bought 2 ounces.

First steeping was reminiscent of what it smells like after a fresh rain, with overtones of mud and fresh earth noted.

I found the body was medium with a soft almost juicy mouthfeel. There was a nice qi present but not very caffeinated in my experience.
The longer I drank this sample the more earth and bold taste developed.
Later into the session there was a sweetness revealed that I didn’t notice at first.
Took it to about 8 steepings.

Flavors: Barnyard, Dark Bittersweet, Earth, Hay, Sweet, Vineyards, Wet Wood

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 5 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

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Dried leaf smells wonderful. Very fragrant.

The leaves smelt like a sweet grass when added to my warmed up gaiwan.
First steeping was sweet with a floral perfume grass flavor very present similar to the smell.

Between the second and third steeping there was a strong sugar cane smell.
With the second and third steeping i noticed a cream buttery aspect to each sip.
Long lasting taste.

After around 5-6 steeping’s I was fairly certain a tea drunk was setting in.
Very floaty, with a warm up feeling also associated with it.
The last couple steeps had a grass, hay, cream taste mixture going on.
Overall great sample.

Flavors: Butter, Cream, Floral, Hot Hay, Vegetal

175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

Great review !

Marcus reed

This was one of my first loves as far as oolong went.
Easy to review when the sample was of fine quality.


Teavivre is a great company. Quality and customer service is awesome. Highly recommended!

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drank Sheng 2012 by TeaSource
19 tasting notes

Tired some 2012 sheng last night. Bought a 200 gram brick for 8.99.
New brick not sure of any of the specifics about it.
All I know is using a puerh knife is mint I am getting way better taste since the leaves are generally more intact.

Used a small amount of leaves 4.5 grams to my 6 oz gaiwian, did a 10 second rinse followed by 30 seconds rest for the leaves.

First flavors noted were a Mellon like vegetal taste with a slight smokey aspect.
Very smooth for the first 5 infusions. Almost like water in a good way. Didn’t want too much buzz before bed sometimes tea gives me the most intense dreams if I over indulge before I fall asleep.
After around 7 infusions I noticed a minerally aspect to it with very little bitterness but some astringency found.

Not too much qi with this small amount of leaves but this morning I ramped it up to 8.5 grams of leaves to my 6 ounce gaiwian.
Same rinse and rest of the leaves but I found this is where I find this tea shines.
the taste was smooth just as last time but more flavor in each steeping.

The Muskmelon taste is back and more predominant.
I found a rather notable vegetal smokey flavor to take over the majority of the infusions.
I find the lingering taste to be more apparent but still no dryness to this puerh.
Took it to 20 steeping’s before I wanted to try something else.

Gonna experience this one a few more times before I age it.

Flavors: Hot Hay, Peppercorn, Smoked, Sweet

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec 4 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

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Sampled this tea after work this afternoon

The dried leaves were beautiful an amber golden color. Looked to be all tea bud.
The tea itself smelt deep and dark (my two favorite ripe aromas)
It infused a deep red color.

I found there was a distinct bread/wheat taste with almost a raisin aftertaste.
The later infusions were very enjoyable failed to take very good notes but lots of complexity to this tea.

Noticed fair amount of qi which was warming me up after the 3rd back to back infusion.

Flavors: Raisins, Rice, Sawdust, Wheat, Wood

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec 5 g 32 OZ / 946 ML

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Sampled this tea with about 5 grams out of my 6 ounce giawan.

First sip was mellow to start but worked up to deep/bold mouthfeel.
Super smooth to go down with no astringent properties. I noticed very little sweet taste to this tea.
Was a complex sample with plenty of qi to keep me going.
Didn’t provide the most robust lingering flavor but lingered for quite a bit.

Flavors: Earth, Musty

Boiling 1 min, 45 sec 5 g 15 OZ / 443 ML

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drank Golden Fleece by Verdant Tea
19 tasting notes

This tea truly is something unique thank you verdant for the opportunity to buy this wonderful tea. It has some very interesting aromas and on top of that tastes phenomenal.
The tea buds are just breathtaking beautiful.

This tea brew multiple cup using western style and boiling water.
I can manage to get around 7 solid steeping’s from 2 grams.
15 seconds for the first and about 5-10 seconds per additional cup.
For the 7th steep I usually let that cold steep overnight or for 12 hours.

The first two steeping’s are very smooth and with almost a silky mouthfeel. Reminds me very similar to raw sugar, and sweet potatoes.
The third and fourth steeping’s are much less sweet like raw sugar the taste is more alike honey and has some unidentifiable spice aspect to it.
Still very smooth for a black tea absolutely no astringency.

This tea really sucks me in and I have made it my morning go to.
it’s hard not to want to drink down a cup faster than one can steep it. Wonderfully energizing, warming, and relaxing; three qualities that suit this tea well for me and my tastes.

Flavors: Cocoa, Grass, Honey, Sweet Potatoes

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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