6 Tasting Notes


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205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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My sample arrived two days ago and WOWEE was this some good tea. Out of the 5 sites i ordered from, this is without a doubt my favorite tea, and cheaper than some of the others i bought

I found the tea after reading this review


He says it better than i can – so read his notes!

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

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“This tea has a savory sweet rasin bread aroma with an herbaceous, slightly citrusy edge”

I did not get that it just seemed like cheap haiwan raw tea to me. Do not see the aging potential

200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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Only had a sample of this but it was enough to drink 5 different times. This is what authentic puer is all about. Still waiting for my sample from this year to arrive!

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec
Charles Thomas Draper 12 years ago

GFZ is what authentic puer is all about you are very correct….

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My journey into puer began with this cake and i love it! When i compared it to some Taetea cakes, it was good for the value, but not as complex

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 45 sec
Garret 12 years ago

HI! Thanks for reviewing the Phatty Cake! Yes… one thing in regard to the complexity with pu’ers is that many are blends of various sizes of leaves. The Phatty Cake is comprised of just one grade of leaf. Most of my other ripe pressings are blends, but I was so excited about this one grade of leaf that I did an entire pressing of it, knowing that over the years, the complexity of this tea would change. And indeed, it already has. With the lighter fermentation this leaf underwent, this pressing will see still more changes in the next few years.

I have a stash of this loose leaf pu’er in China and am doing a pressing very soon that will see me adding in some grade 3 leaf (phatty cake is grade 1 leaf), from the very same year and growing area. Super clean, the cake should be a winner, with a little bit of extra depth from the addition of the grade 3 leaf.

I look forward to sharing it with you. You may enjoy the Noble Mark ripe cake that I had pressed this past year. It is not up on the site yet, except in loose leaf. It is a blend of 4 grades of leaves. Impressive for being so young. The 250 gram cakes will arrive shortly and I’ll get them up on the site!

Wishing you great joy!!!

Garret 12 years ago

Just firmed up the pressing details for Phatty Cake: The Sequel :) Of course, it won’t be here for a few months, but the blend has been determined and the leaf will go to the pressing factory next week. Once the cakes have dried, they will be wrapped with our artwork. I usually let the cakes dry further for a couple of months in China before I ship them over here. I want ZERO chances of mold during shipping. Can’t wait to share it with you! Have a great day, my friend!

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drank Roobios Chai by Teavana
6 tasting notes

I found tea through Teavana like a lot of Americans. But I got so fed up with their pushy sales, I never went back. Some of this tea still sits quietly in my cupboard, I don’t even touch it anymore.

I found a simple lifehack to get this same tea without emptying my wallet:

Buy Roobios, Buy spices like cardammom, cloves, pepper, cinnamon, or however you like your chai tea, and then blend them. It is much cheaper, and you can support local stores instead of a big chain.

The Roobios chai is alright, but i get sick at the price!

180 °F / 82 °C 0 min, 45 sec

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