This tea really looks cool – it does indeed look like the scaly belly of a dragon. They almost look like they’ve been crimped with a hair crimping tool! The color is much more like the color of a silver needle tea – the leaves are a very pale, silvery green color. Lots of downy fuzz on the leaves.
I played around with this tea until I found just the right way to brew it. I wasn’t very satisfied with how it brewed up in my Breville, so I decided to slow things down a bit and brew it in my gaiwan. This produced a much better cup. The tea is very delicate, and I think it was too delicate when brewed in the Breville vs. brewing in the gaiwan. The gaiwan managed to get more flavor out of the tea and that was what I was after.
Very vegetative – almost like kelp and steamed, buttered vegetables, but, again the flavor is delicate, so it doesn’t taste too vegetative if that makes sense. The flavor is almost all vegetal … but because the overall flavor is delicate, the palate isn’t overwhelmed by the vegetative notes.
I love how smooth this tea is. Very soft, very soothing. Very nice.
I was looking at this one and thinking that it would look good in a tumbler and swirled…good to share with my grandson who loves the drama.
I was looking at this one and thinking that it would look good in a tumbler and swirled…good to share with my grandson who loves the drama.
I’m looking forward to this one, too!
I will try this in my gaiwan as well. Thanks for the tip!
@Bonnie, I think that a tumbler would work well with this tea too, although I admit that I did not watch these leaves brew, so I can’t attest to whether it would put on a good show. I can only imagine that it would.